Would you rather?

We haven't looked at Instagram in ages. Let's play the game. Would you rather...
...go to the movies with Glen Powell?
...hike Topanga with Richard Madden?
...california dream' with Jennifer Tilly?
...get ready for summer with Beanie Feldstein?
...wrangle puppies with Olivia Newton-John?
...kiss a pig with Miles Heizer?
...get a headcast with Harry Shum Jr?
...read a new novel with Natalie Portman?
...or travel incognito with Octavia Spencer?
The photos are after the jump to help you decide...
Vanity Fair March 2020
Tuesday's mountain ✅
California Dreaming.
Hello, Summer? It’s me, Bean!! Where are you?? Oy! Hurry up already!
I love NYC in the winter but now I’m feeling so cute in my bright pink swimsuit I’m beyond ready for the lake! 🌈☀️ Never felt cuter or more #AerieREAL! ——
For every unretouched photo you share with #AerieREAL @aerie, Aerie will donate $1 (now up to $100K!) to @neda. #aeriepartner
Adorable @gaiaretreat puppies @mr_gtravels - I’m in heaven!
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Getting a head cast for a new project. You really have to meditate while stuck in the case for 30 min or you will FTFO. This is gonna be a fun one. This green stuff reminds me of Double Dare.
I adore Jenny Offill. Her last book Dept. of Speculation and her kids book about a sloth, Sparky!—are some of my favorites. Can’t wait to read her new book about leading our lives during a climate crisis. #MarchBookPick #WhatNatReads
Don’t worry, I always wrap up like this!! Sometimes I match, but not today! #planes #trains #automobiles
Reader Comments (19)
I love hiking so it would be even more delightful with a shirtless Richard Madden by my side.
Ride Richard Madden. Oops... I mean, hike with Richard Madden.
Jennifer Tilly looks so fucking HOT here!
Glen Powell will always be my default answer for "Would You Rather"
I'd love to travel with Octavia. It would be so much fun and I'd love to hear her stories about hollywood.
Although I would suggest we travel to Topanga to enjoy the views.
Can I pick Tilly for outdoor activities and Powell for indoor activities?
Scott -- you can do whatever you want in this fantasy game.
Tom -- lol
Since this is a fantasy game, I'm going to assume Harry Shum Jr is completely naked and I'm in charge of cleaning him off.
Use RM's chest as a warm pillow after the hike.
I mean, aren't we just lucky to have Olivia Newton John still with us? So I gotta pick her. (But also, ditto @Ryan T. -- Harry Shum Jr is dreamy.)
I "should" be picking ONJ also,.... but... Richard Madden's chest, and Glen Powell has a chest like that too. 3 way tie?
Can I hang out with both Powell and Madden?
Mess with Madden's chest hair
squirt over Madden's whatever
Read with PO'TMAN MOTHAFUCKA and go swimming with Beanie. She looks good in a swimsuit.
My choice would be Glen Powell (he's so cute, but is cuter with the dorky haircut and outfits in "Set it Up") but for Octavia Spencer, who seems like a great friend to have around (see her with Taraji P. Henson at the Oscars - "you sharing?" , and then looking like BFFs with Sally Hawkins the next year).
onj. every day.
These comments are thirstier than a camel in a sweater.
no doubt, travel incognito with Octavia Spencer.