
Last night I received this text from a friend who is a doctor here in Manhattan working in the hospitals (yeah). I thought I'd share it in camaraderie for all of you struggling out there...
Take care of yourselves out there. Call a friend if you're down.
*on a tangential non-existential mental health note: Hope Gap (reviewed at TIFF) was one of those films that had the misfortune to open in March just as theaters were about to close. Who knew at the time the marketing team was creating this poster that Annette Bening and Bill Nighy were already practicising social distancing. Well, it's not quite six feet apart but they're miles apart emotionally as you'll see in the movie (should you ever see the movie) which revolves around a marriage that's already over... though one of the spouses refuses to admit it.
Reader Comments (10)
Annette Bening, Glenn Close, Michelle Pfeiffer, Kathleen Turner, Sigourney Weaver, Debra Winger.
Oscar is the cruelest animal.
Joan Allen belongs on this list too.
I love Annette but this movie disappearing is no big loss. Everyone let’s rewatch 20th Century Women!!
What I wouldn’t give to go to a theater and watch this right now. 😞
Owen -- it's true but still.
John T -- i would even go to a movie i hated right about now if i could sit in a theater *weeps*
The movie title hopefully does not apply to our collective psyche. Sigh.
I will have a hard time emotionally (with joy) the first time I get to go back to a theatre and see a movie. Same with hearing live music. Playing live music? I will lose it.
And Judy Davis
I thought it was a picture of Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden at first. The title still fits.
^Bahahaha. Thanks for that, Daniella. I can totally see it.
Stay safe, everybody.