Announcement: Weekly Trivia!

Hey, everyone. Michael Cusumano here with an exciting announcement. My company Whiskey Cat LLC recently launched a weekly Movie Trivia night on Zoom and The Film Experience has come aboard as a sponsor! It's 5 rounds with 50+ question with a variety of questions and games including audio and visual clues. Rest assured I am taking care to craft questions that The Film Experience audience will enjoy. Oscars and actresses will no doubt abound. Nathaniel will be writing one of the 5 rounds this week!
Here's an example of one ten minute round last week. Within that time limit, how many of these could you answer correctly (no googling allowed obviously)
How do you play? The event is held every Thursday at 7:30 PM EST on Zoom and runs about 2 hours. It’s $5 per person payable through Venmo or PayPal. Send a team name along with the payment and I will reply with the ZOOM information. You can include your information in a comment along with the PayPal or Venmo payment or contact me one of these ways:
Twitter: @TriviaWhiskey
Facebook: Whiskey Cat presents: Zoom Movie Trivia
Hope to see you there this Thursday!
Reader Comments (5)
Hi there - This looks fun! Are there prizes and how big can the teams be?
Sounds so fun! Can we play as individuals? Hopefully I won’t be working every Thursday!
Alex - Teams can be up to 8 people. If you want to bring more we can split you up into separate teams, no problem.
For now the prize, other than bragging rights and having the winning team reposted for all to see, is that the first place team gets to pick a theme for one of next week's round. Our winning team from last Thursday has chosen Cate Blanchett as theme for this Thursday! (I post the special theme in advance so no one gets an unfair advantage) We may introduce other, more tangible prizes in the coming weeks. It's under discussion :)
Jakey - Solo teams are totally cool. We had one last Thursday that did very well.
This might be an ignorant question, but how do people play as a team if they don’t together?
Teppo - It's actually a great question. I've been doing trivia nights with friends for two months now and I've found the best way is to share a Google Sheet. It's free and you can communicate with each other live, like an instant messenger. I find the sheet is better because than text because you have room to take a lot of notes. You simply have to choose one player to be the one to send in the answers since each team will have one answer form per round.
If you don't want to use that you can always text or call outside of zoom. I have people do that every trivia night, and it works fine.
Let me know if that clears it up for you, and if you have any other questions.