Shira Haas up for another Ophir Award!

by Nathaniel R
Alena Yiv and Shira Haas as mother and daughter in ASIA
Our current actress obsession Shira Haas may have lost the Emmy she deserved to win a week ago for Unorthodox but she has another shot at an acting trophy this year. The 25 year-old actress is once again up for the highest film honor in her home country, the Ophir Award. She's nominated for Best Supporting Actress for a mother/daughter Israeli drama called Asia. The drama won three prizes early this year as NY's Tribeca Film Festival, including Best Actress for Shira (though she's nominated for Supporting at home). This is Haas' fifth Ophir nod, two of which have been for lead actress and three for supporting. She won this same category just two years ago for a film called Pere Atzil.
Due to the COVID pandemic there's no date for the Ophir ceremony yet (which is usually held right about now). As you may recall, the annual winner for their Feature Film category automatically becomes Israel's Oscar submission (unless there's some reason it can't be the submission). UPDATE: You can see all the nominees and some of the winners (details are hard to come by so far) after the jump. IMDb doesn't even have all of them and most articles only list the "top" categories. But we're always trying to keep you informed...
Asia– A mother/daughter relationship drama (11 nominations) ★
The Dead of Jaffa –A drama about an Arab family haunted by their past (10 nominations)
Aspiration for life - An elderly man who gets involved in marijuana in his nursing home (10 nominations)
Here We Are – A father/son relationship drama. The son is autistic. (9 nominations)
Africa – A father/son relationship drama. The father is sick. (6 nominations)
Almost Theres? That would probably be either April 7, 1980, an action drama which received four nominations or the comedy, Paris Boutique which received four nominations, or the music drama God of the Piano with 3 nominations
‘Golda’ by Udi Nir, Sagi Bornstein and Shani Rosens
‘Friend Dov’ by Barak Heiman and Uri Levy
‘Leah Zimmel, Lawyer’ by Rachel Leah Jones and Philip Blaish ★
‘Enlighten Yossi’ by Maurice Ben-Muir and Kobi Farage
‘Meir Ariel, a song of pain’ by Eliav Lilti
Oren Gerner– ‘Africa’
Mata Guggenheim & Assaf Aviri -Aspiration for Life'
Nir Bergman - Here We Are (4 noms / 1 win in this category) ★
Ruthy Pribar - 'Asia'
Ram Levy - 'The Dead of Jaffa'
This is a field of mostly new directors! Asia is Ruthy Pribar's debut feature. She was previously worked on various short films. She's the only female director nominated this year. Nir Bergman is the only previously celebrated director on this list having won 2 Ophirs for Writing and Directing his debut Broken Wings (2002). That film was also submitted by Israel for the Oscars though it wasn't nominated.
Alena Yiv – Asia ★
Joy Rieger – Aspiration for Life
Nelly Tagar – Paris Boutique
Naama Price – The God of the Piano
Roba Balal Asfur – The Dead of Jaffa
Here We Are
Yussuf Abu-Warda -The Dead of Jaffa
Shai Avivi -Here We Are' ★
Shlomo Bar-Aba - Aspiration for Life
Meir Gerner– Africa
Shadi Mar'i - April 7, 1980
Efrat Ben Tzur – Here We Are
Bat El Musari – Paris Boutique
Laura Rivlin – The God of the Piano
Maya Garner – Africa
Shira Haas – Asia ★
Gadi Yagil – ‘Aspiration of Life’
Doval'e Glickman - 'Aspiration of Life'
Moris Cohen – ‘Paris Boutiquee’
Noam Imber – 'Here We Are' ★
Salim Dau – ‘The Dead of Jaffa’
Damien Dupren – ‘Paris Boutique’
Daniela Nowitz – ‘Asia’ ★
Daniela Nowitz – ‘April 7, 1980’
Yoram Milo – ‘The Dead of Jaffa’
Shai Goldman – ‘Here We Are’
Eyal Sibi, Yitzhak Tzahik, Roi Rinat – The Mossad
Ayala against – ‘Here we are’
Gil Wesley – ‘Africa’
Dori Tepper – ‘Aspiration for Life’
Esther Elkayam – ‘Two’
Neta Brown – ‘The Dead of Jaffa’
Neta Dvorkis – ‘Asia’
Orit Azulai – ‘Here We Are’
Eyal Sussman Jordan Strasberg – ‘Aspiration for Life’
These are charity – ‘Africa’
Esther Kling – ‘Asia’
Gupert Coptic, Guy Shoval – ‘The Dead of Jaffa
Limor Shmila – ‘Paris Boutique’
Eitan Levy – ‘The Last Cinema Show in Bucharest’
Neria Ben Ari – The Mossad
Ido Dolev – ‘April 7, 1980’
Aharoni Reef – ‘Aspiration for Life’
Tamar Gadish – ‘Asia’
Danny Bar Shai – The Mossad
Yifat Kanfei – ‘Paris Boutique’
Little Lilo Goldfine – ‘The Electrifiers’
Inbal Shuki – ‘Asia’
Rachel Ben Dahan – ‘The Dead of Jaffa’
Orly Ronen – ‘Aspiration for life’
Hila Elkayam – ‘Asia’
Carmit Buzaglo – ‘April 7, 1980'
Meirav Shachar (Bushusha) – ‘The Dead of Jaffa’
Shelly Saar – The Mossad
Jonathan Riklis – ‘Spider on the Net’
Karni Postel – ‘Asia’
Roi Spiegler, Hillel Teplitzky, Eran Tzuiran – ‘The God of the Piano’
Ran Bagnu – ‘The Dead of Jaffa’
Ran Begnu – ‘Aspiration for Life’
Amir Buberman, Seagull and Geshel – ‘Asia’
Gil Toren – ‘Spider on the Net’
Gil Toren, Dror Mansura – ‘Forgiveness’
Gil Toren, Oded Ringel, Yossi Applebaum, Avi Mizrahi – ‘The Electrifiers
Ronen Nagel – ‘Here We Are’
‘Anna’ by Palm Branson
‘Bracha’ by Mickey Trieste and Aharon Geva ★
‘Long Distance’ by Chinese Light
‘Stam’ by Noa Aharoni
‘White eye’ by Tomer Shoshan
‘Underground Ballet’ by Lina Chaplin
‘Rain in the eyes’ by Ron Omar
Hadas Ayalon ‘The Dwakaim’
Karin Keyner ‘The Separate Beach’
‘Victory picture’ of Adi Mishnayot
Reader Comments (12)
Let’s hope Hollywood takes notice so we can get a vehicle for her! I’m obsessed with her performance in Unorthodox. Can’t believe she didn’t win the Emmy!
How do you explain Regina's Emmy win for THAT performance?
I'll never understand how people could see Unorthodox as well-acted (or plausibly written).
But that said, despite my overall (sizeable) reservations about that particular performance, Haas's screen presence and talent are undeniable. So I'm very keen to see her next few films
Why do editing and casting have more than five?
Indira -- well she was pretty great in it. but i think it mostly boils down to "when awards bodies love you THEY LOVE YOU" and she's been Emmys favourite actress for a good steady clip now.
KD -- i do not know but it makes me crazy when awards groups are inconsistent.
The saltiness towards Regina King on this site is getting embarrassing. She was magnificent in Watchmen, carried that show like a queen, and fully deserved that Emmy.
Regina also won The Television Critics Association Individual Achievement in drama, where she had to beat Jeremy Strong, Cate Blanchett, Kaitlyn Dever, Merrit Weaver, Rhea Seahorn and Mark Ruffalo. Regina was regarded as the consensus best TV performance by critics for the year. She wasn't just a namecheck win because the Emmys love her. She beat two of the male lead winning Emmy performances in the main critics awards. One would think that's a feat to be celebrated on a site about "actressing".
Haas lost and Blanchett lost because more peole thought Regina was better. It's not complicated.
liddie -- i just called her "pretty great in it"... which is the furthest thing from a diss that i can think of. But i guess in the A+ / F binary mindset of internet that means I'm salty about her? Whatever. King is a brilliant actress. I'm glad she's won multiple Emmys and an Oscar. Just personally thought Haas was the best this year.
I don't however agree that awards necessarily mean that the most people thought person A is the best that year. As this site (and surely others) have discussed a thousand times, awards races are very complicated thing -- that's why they're fascinating. Sometimes it's about performance alone, sometimes its about campaigning, sometimes it's about the show you're in rather than you personally, sometimes it's about your whole career, sometimes it's about that one performance and that one performance alone, sometimes its about what was most-watched among the nominees. It's all over the place for reasons!
You are a clearly intelligent guy, and you must know that throwing out subliminals about "Haas losing the Emmy she deserved to win" in your piece would encourage negativity towards Regina (like @Indira's comment), which has been common in posts about that particular Emmy actress contest.
There are ways to celebrate Haas getting this nomination without throwing in subliminal comments in the initial article to rile up your readers to hate on Regina. You are a talented writer and journalist and you should know the effect and power of your words. Not saying you can't prefer Haas to Regina, but was that line actually neccesary?
Liddie -- i hear what you're saying and perhaps i could have said it more gently but i also bristle against the notion that we can't express our opinions about who should win prizes anymore. That's the bread and butter of all awards sites. Without the expression of opinions, movie and tv sites are useless. But i promise i wasnt dissing Regina King. Not my intention. I love her and I was rooting for her to become an Emmy favourite before the Emmys ever caught wise to her --> here's proof. King, Blanchett, and Haas were all worthy this year but I just thought Haas was too special to pass up, especially since King and Blanchett have been amply rewarded for their gifts already.
God of the Piano is now playing in Virtual Cinemas - it's an interesting one. The Electrifiers is also entertaining, and Asia is very good. Mossad is an over-the-top spy parody but enjoyable. I wish more of these nominees got to the US than typically do.
Regina has an Oscar and at least two Emmys for just OK performances.