It's 2002 all over again with Spain's Oscar submission choice

by Nathaniel R
We hinted that this could happen again and it has. In 2002 the Spanish Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences passed over Pedro Almodóvar's internationally fêted Talk to Her for the country's Oscar submission in favor of Mondays in the Sun, a Fernando León de Aranoa film starring Javier Bardem. Now 19 years later history repeats itself as Spain has passed over Pedro Almodóvar's internationally fêted Parallel Mothers for their Oscar submission in favor of The Good Boss, a Fernando León de Aranoa film starring Javier Bardem.
Now we wait and see if history will be yet more repetitive. In 2002 Oscar voters ignored Mondays in the Sun but honored Talk to Her with nominations for Director and Screenplay. We doubt that history will repeat itself that fully since Parallel Mothers is considerably less flashy a film but you never know. Either way it went today the Javier Bardem/Penélope Cruz household would have a reason to celebrate so congrats to Spain's most famous movie star couple and to Aranoa, too.
Submission charts for more info and current predictions. You can also follow along on Letterboxd.
Reader Comments (19)
An obvious mistake (and I defend the 2002 submission).
When it comes to Spanish voters, I think it's a mix of envy, fatigue and the will to spread the wealth.
Not to detract from Talk to Her, but does anyone remember that the central plot was lifted from a Law & Order episode circa 1995? In that case, a wealthy couple paid an orderly to impregnate their comatose daughter who was brain dead after a car accident. I couldn’t stop thinking of the similarity the entire time I was in the theater in 2002.
I can assure you than Almodóvar has never heard of Law & Order.
There are multiple other cases of a movie being passed over in International/Foreign Film getting a boost in other categories because of the perceived snub, so here’s hoping.
I would say that Penélope has the European-actor-that-we-love slot quite secure.
Spain made the right decision in 2002. I've registered my disgust with Talk to Her (a.k.a. Rape Her) on other threads. Mondays in the Sun is a very good film, despite being virtually unknown in the States. I haven't seen any of the three films in question this year so I offer no opinion. Almodovar is obviously the biggest name, and he's made some pretty lousy movies (Matador, Tie Me Up Tie Me Down, Talk to Her) and some out-and-out masterpieces (Law of Desire, Bad Education, The Skin I Live In, Broken Embraces) so I hope this one belongs in the latter category.
Agustín Almodóvar is so mad that he's RT all the negative comments.
The European-actor-we-love slot didn't pan out for Mads Mikkelsen last year. And if the endearing The Worst Person in the World catches fire as it well might, Renate Reinsv may be a formidable challenge to Cruz for the non English speaking slot on the Best Actress ballot.
I forget - why does the Spanish Academy always snub Almodovar?
Stephen M -- it's all speculation but i think it's what Peggy Sue said ... a mixture of fatigue, envy, and wanting to spread the wealth. They have submitted him more than any other filmmaker (well, in a tie with Jose Luis Garci) but when they do and when they dont is often questionable.
Makes sense and honestly, I'm not mad. Pedro was submitted last two times he was eligible. Even though his relationship with the Spanish Academy is a bit thorny, it's not like they hate him. Parallel Mothers' reception indicates it'd be at best, a nomination only for them (and not even guaranteed), so why not share the wealth and recognition. They could literally send Pedro every single time due to his name recognition alone and all of his films other than I'm So Excited for the past 30 years were well-received enough they could've been realistically in play for a nod.
So I'm actually a bit glad all things considered they don't default to him, and if you're gonna not send Pedro every time this seems as good as any a year for that. Penélope has enough name recognition on her own to be in play for Actress anyways, and I think this might even help her since the film's supporters have to rally behind that nomination for recognizing the film.
(btw the above doesn't apply for all of his films, certainly not Talk to Her, that was a mistake strategically but it paid off for Pedro in the end at least)
Thanks for clarifying! I appreciate it. I thought there was some kind of more political reason, but those explanations make perfect sense. Thanks!
all three finalists were heavily political and all leaning to the left. But Parallel Mothers was the one that the conservative would simply hate. There are things that they don't want the rest of the world to know, so they wouldn't help building interest on the film...
That site always have been so Oscar-centered or I just started to realize that now?
Why do you care so much for what will be eligible for the Oscars instead of just make review films from anywhere no matter awards?
Some comments arguing envy are just ridiculous. Can you just consider the possibility that an association doesn't choose always the most famous same name just because they want to recognize different talents and styles?
Now I can say I know the existence of the film 'The Good Boss' for a complaining post that only names the title because was an Oscar submission over a title that the site expected and nothing else about the film. Thanks The Film Experience.
I thought this site wanted to celebrate diversity but it looks like just want to create an army of zombies that repeat the same title movies like the "best"
"That site always have been so Oscar-centered or I just started to realize that now?"
clearly you just started to follow it, this has been an awards site basically since the moment it was conceived and if that's a problem for you, then stop visiting it, it's that simple
@eduardo. Humm...I don't think that the creator and collaborators of this page would it be exactly flattered that their page was primarly considered as an "awards site" and I do that assumption because I've been following the page for years.
In any case my comment is specifically about Oscars not about awards in general (I love the film bitch awards), I know the Oscar race predictions are starting from now and I understand many readers are still interested about it for which I use to simple pass of publications about it, but this specific post was too much for me.
The post is basically a short note about a movie choosen by an association and a curious trivia fact about it, that's all. Even the length of the text is too short that you don't need to "Click to read more..." and no information about the film selected.
I love the writings of this page but is a little frustrating the preference of publications about Oscar over current posts that slowly disappear like "Soundtracking", "The New Classics" or "Curio" that are about the films by itself and what they inspire.
@Peggy Sue and others... have you actually seen BOTH "The Good Boss" and "Parallel Mothers?" If so, fine, but I suspect there are people angry about this who haven't seen one or both of these films.
cesar -- sorry about that but it's just that time of year. we always have a ton of posts abotu the international film selection because we love the category. last year we reviewed all the finalists so more reviews are coming. we have already reviwed 2 of the submissions thus far
as for soundtracking and curio -- those were by writers who are no longer with the site. I tried to keep Curio going myself but it hasnt popped up in a while. New Classics will eventually return but Michael is on a hiatus.
As for soundtracking and curio -- those were by writers who are no longer with the site. I tried to keep Curio going myself but it hasnt popped up in a while. New Classics will eventually return but Michael is on a hiatus.