November. It's a wrap.

Just one month left of 2021. Here's what you might have missed in November...
A dozen highlights
• Stephen Sondheim (1930-2021) Nathaniel has thoughts on his legacy
• Ranking Jane Campion Cláudio shares his list from, uh, best to most best
• tick...tick...BOOM! Nathaniel is surprised but ecstatic
• Did Judi Dench deserve the Oscar for Notes on a Scandal? Matt thinks so
• The Humans isn't for everyone, but Jason writes about its strange resonance
• The Worst Person in the World Chris declares it a best of the year. Yup
• Halle Berry in Bruised Eurocheese things she's just fine but the movie is lacking
• Through Her Lens Juan Carlos introduces his new series on female directors and the Oscar race from year to year. third episode coming soon
• Benedict Cumberbatch Cláudio is slowly becoming a fan
• Best Supporting Actor Unusually confusing this year!
• Spencer (Con) Spencer (Pro) Nathaniel doesn't like it but Cláudio loves it a lot (especially the costumes)
• Ask Nathaniel stopping Category Fraud and other topics
• Gratitude November is the time to focus on it
Previous wrap-ups if you're just rejoining us...
Oscar 2020 Wrap | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct
A team experience tribute to Honorary Oscar winner Liv Ullman, the beginning of awards season, new movies like Power of the Dog, West Side Story, Don't Look Up, Nightmare Alley, Encanto and others. Plus more on the International Feature Film race and interviews with Lin-Manuel Miranda and Kathy Bates and others

Reader Comments (4)
Coming in November?
Ah, so nice to see two of my screen BFs in one shot...I'd be over the moon if they both got Oscar nods. (Now just need to find a way to add Oscar Isaac to the lineup...although I know that's probably not happening.)
I'd like to pat myself on the back for being in both BC and AG's corners for going on at least a decade - here's historical evidence I knew someday everyone else would catch up!
Kathy Bates?!?! :) <3
"and interviews with Lin-Manuel Miranda and Kathy Bates"
NBD! ;) cannot wait