It's Pride Sunday here in NYC so we're taking the afternoon off for the Queer Liberation march and to get a sunburn. The latter is assumed from past experience no matter how much sunscreen we lather on (thanks Danish ancestry). On a more serious and celebratory note, isn't it positively inspiring how many out celebrities we have now? We grew up in the 80s when we had only a handful (Rupert Everett, Martina Navratilova, Harvey Fierstein, Jimmy Sommerville, Boy George, and maybe a couple of others). In the 1990s 'coming out' became a more regular but still 'controversial' celebrity occurrence. Today the news cycle moves on pretty quickly from a celebrity's admission of queerness and that's healthy! Today's young people have hundreds of LGBTQ celebrities to pick and choose from to enjoy or relate to or be inspired by during their formative years.
As movie fanatics we knew in our hearts all along (despite protests to the contrary, sometimes frustratingly from the queer community) that once enough actors came out the myth that it would ruin acting careers would be exposed as just that: a total myth. Strength in numbers! Happy pride to all the queer artists and entertainers and Happy Pride to all our LGBTQ+ readers and allies!
Reader Comments (16)
Happy pride, TFE!
It's time for our community to adopt the actorly rainbow flag above. Perfect combination of my two identities (LGBT/cinemaniac)
β€οΈπ³οΈβπβ€οΈπ³οΈβπβ€οΈπ³οΈβππ₯ from San Diego!
Happy Gay Pride Day
I will say something for young teens today they have a lot more at their disposal so they don't feel alone,I think RuPauls messages of positivity on his show have also helped those non conforming to step out of the shadows and be themselves,it certainly is a different but better world for Lesbian Gay and others since I was a kid.
Happy Pride to the great queer artists, creatives and all the rest. A special thanks to Claudio and the team here for the endless entertainment and content!
Happy Pride!
Happy Pride !
Happy Pride! Great photos at the top.
Derek Jarman was such a hero of mine in the late 80s and early 90s. Out gay, out as HIV+, in your face politically. I was at the Sundance premiere of EDWARD II and during the Q&A someone asked if it wasn't a form of child abuse to put a little boy (Jody Graber, who played the protagonist's son) in all those scenes involving nudity and sexuality (not him, but adults on the same set, in the same shot). Jarman, in the heart of Mormon country, came right back and said, basically, you're far more likely to see straight people abusing gay children--traumatizing them with all their homophobia, something that often leads to severe childhood depression, even suicide. Boom! That was January, 1992, but he was saying things like that in the mid-80s, too.
Happy Pride, Nathaniel! Don't forget sunscreen xox
Happy pride to all the wonderful LGBTQ+ people of the world! You are all deeply loved.
We rule The World. A lot of Us still don't know that, but We do. They just have to learn.
Have a nice gay.
Dan - Derek Jarman was legendary! Glad we have so many great vocal advocates over the years. Rock Hudson, Billy Porter, Nathaniel Rogers, all were/are artists and inspirations to us all. Happy pride!
Dan -- yeah i love Jarman too though i wasn't aware of him until the 1990s in college. Another artist like that that i learned about after the fact was David Wojnarowicz and i highly recommend the new documentary about him "Wojnarowicz: F--k You F-ggot F--ker:
Happy Pride Day America!
I'm in Australia and we have a homophobic Prime Minister and an even more homophobic Deputy PM.
So please spare a thought for all of us LGBTQI Australians who are gonna have to put up with this crap.