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Entries in Blake Lively (22)


Red Carpet Lineup: Golden Globe Gowns 

Jose here. Even though Cate Blanchett was in New York City on Sunday for the opening night of The Present, which marks her Broadway debut, the Golden Globes red carpet still found a way to happen (she was still Best Dressed person in the world that night).

No specific trends dominated the evening - other than strangely enough, long sheer sleeves as seen in Nicole’s harlequinesque McQueen gown, and one or two cases of pale dresses washing out the paler skin of their wearer - and everyone did their best to look as glamorous as possible. In fact it was hard to single out complete disasters other than once again, poor Nicole, who gets points for always being adventurous and who I know will make it up to us by looking astonishing at the Oscars, and SJP who also always tries hard to make a statement through fashion.

Now onto the 10 Best Golden Globe Looks

10. Natalie Portman in Prada 
When you’re playing one of the world’s most beloved fashion icons, why would you bother paying homage to anyone else? Portman’s nod to Jackie O wasn’t surprising or groundbreaking, but it certainly paid off. The color and retro appliqués are bold and unforgettable, and the fit is rather lovely. Instead of looking like what we think of as maternity fashion, it’s truly a regal look.

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Year in Review: Red Carpet 2016

We've been attacking 2016 from multiple angles for a year in review list-frenzy. We never quite finish in time so we'll spill into the new year a bit as we do.

But let's get festive for New Year's Eve with Jose's list of the year's Best Actress at an Event looks...

If ever there was a year where beauty was needed and much welcomed in any form we could get it, it definitely was 2016. Fortunately the world of fashion did not disappoint, and we saw a return to old Hollywood glamour that certainly served as a palate cleanser from the harshness of the modern world. Floral prints, dazzling metallics and princess moments made a splash on the red carpet, while more avant garde couture remained mostly on the runway. 

The 10 best dressers, as always, were able to combine the best of both worlds.  See the full list after the jump...

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DVD Review: "Cafe Society"

by Chris Feil

While never reaching the heights of his other showbiz-adjacent comedies, Woody Allen's Cafe Society has charm and gloss to spare. Allen is marking the same thematic territory and era fascinations as he has frequently visited in the past, here with more hidden snideness than much of his recent works. Under its sparkling surface, Society is a subtly mean-spirited film.

Much of that tone comes from Jesse Eisenberg's central performance as Bobby Dorfman, a transplant to 1930s Hollywood under the not so watchful eye of his talent agent uncle (Steve Carell). Bobby is quick to chase girls, ultimately arriving to (or creepily wearing down) secretary Vonnie (Kristen Stewart), who also is secretly having an affair with his uncle. Vonnie becomes Bobby's girl on an eternal pedestal, always more an idea of a person than the woman before him...

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Links in the Shell

Apartment Therapy Nancy Meyers movie kitchens ranked (somehow The Intern only makes it to 5th. I just saw that and it was surprisingly warm and adorable... and yes still filled with real estate porn)
The New Yorker looks back at the Cassavates classic Faces (1968)
/Film Ghost in the Shell producers are finally responding to whitewashing casting controversies. They promise they've been 'very very careful' with the beloved material even though they cast a white actress (Scarlett Johansson) in the iconic Japanese role. We love Scarlett so so much but this type of thing continues to be a huge problem.


/Film There's going to be an actual Captain America statue in Brooklyn's Prospect Park
Cinematic Corner celebrates Margot Robbie (there will be a lot of that going around soon)
Variety Animation Awards for Europe soon -- their version of the Annies
Screen Crush Thor: Ragnarok officially began production in Australia yesterday
Awards Daily Why not give Roger Deakins the Oscar he has long deserved this year for Hail Caesar! 

Off Cinema
Theater Mania Lin-Manuel Miranda and JLo are collaborating on a song to benefit the victims of the recent Orlando shooting
EW American Horror Story Season 6 has a new logo (which looks like a devilish 6) a premiere date (9/14) and most of the cast from Hotel will be back though Lady Gaga is rumored to have a supporting role this time around which begs the question of who the lead will be? Let's hope it's Sarah Paulson. Why keep searching for new leads when your MVP is right there all the time.
AV Club CW seasons will now be available  just 8 days after their season finale on Netflix
Towleroad new behind the scenes photos from season 2 of Sense8
MNPP on the broken promise of Rick Yune's nude scene in Marco Polo Season 2
Comics Alliance the Harvey Award nominees for comics in 2016.  Valiant Entertainment thoroughly dominated the nominations. Here's one category you can investigate if you're interested

Two Controversial Pieces on Actresses
Variety's Owen Gleiberman is looking forward to Bridget Jones's baby, sort of, in the piece "Renée Zellweger: If She No Longer Looks Like Herself, Has She Become a Different Actress?." It's prompted lots of calls of sexism but it's an interesting article that wonders what we're supposed to do when actors who play characters we love who no longer look like the characters they created (not from aging... though people who are offended by the article keep saying that. Sorry people but Colin Firth still totally looks like D'Arcy. Just an older D'Arcy). I myself always wish actresses wouldn't mess with their faces (if they must, temporary measures are best since the effects wear off if they don't look right!). Their faces are their brand and actors are famous partially because they're so beautiful just as they are. Why mess with perfection? I don't think it's true -- and I keep reading it -- that if actresses don't mess with their faces they don't get work. From what I've seen actresses who mess with their faces in any noticeable permanent way actually STOP getting much work. It distracts audiences too much. Note how Kate Winslet, Annette Bening, Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep, and so on keep aging and keep working. 

Wesley Morris' piece for the New York Times "How I Learned to Tolerate Blake Lively" is ostensibly about her performance in The Shallows and Hollywood's ever rotating it girls. People are offended by this one too - partially due to the interchangeability notion of blonde actresses. But it's also interesting because it gets at something that I think anyone can relate to: the experience of loving an actor that Hollywood has moved on from. 'Wait, I wasn't done with _____! " that Wesley says this about Kate Hudson is bizarre but to each their own.



Just for Sunday fun, Tweets that amused this week. Plus beautiful actresses (duh). But if you'll excuse me let's start with this weirdly flattering twosome. 

Haha.  The Golden Statue > The Scarlet Letter.


Huzzah Jamie! This long time TFE fan is now on the writing staff of Empire. We live for corny awards show jokes about category fraud so I hope at least one survived (I am a few episodes behind on Empire but will catch up this week).

More after the jump including Goldie Hawn, Blake Lively, The Lobster, and X-Men Acopalypse advertisements.

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