Golden Horse Awards for 2022 go to "Coo-Coo 043" and "Limbo"

by Nathaniel R
Sylvia Chang wins her fourth Golden Horse. img via Golden Horse instagram
Whoops this year's 59th Golden Horse Awards slipped right by us. They were held on November 19th in Taipei. The annual event covers the best in Chinese-language cinema and are juried awards. Director Ann Hui was Jury President this year and actor Chang Chen was also on the jury. The cinematographer Mark Lee Ping-bing (In the Mood for Love) took over the awards executive committee lead role from Ang Lee. Though the Hong Kong thriller Limbo had led the nominations with 14 and won the most awards, the big winner was a film called Coo-Coo 043. Nominees, photos, winners, and a few comments about the films are after the jump...