Gotham Awards: Brigette-Lundy Paine in "I Saw the TV Glow"

by Nick Taylor
In an act of controversial cinema adoration, the awards-giving body that’s spent most of its thirty years structured around gender-neutral acting categories has recognized a gender-neutral performer. Brigette Lundy-Paine is nominated by the Gotham Awards for Outstanding Supporting Performance for their turn in Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow. Lundy-Paine’s Maddy is the only friend of Justice Smith’s Owen, and his guide into the world of The Pink Opaque. It’s a strange, commanding performance, an all-too-real portrait of queer dysphoria and camaraderie tested by alternate realities, shitty dads, and an evil moon. I am unbelievably thankful for this film and for Lundy-Paine's embodiment of this character, so now seems like the best time to celebrate their work. Follow me under the cut if you want to know the truth . . . .