A Haunting in October: "Paranormal Activity"

by Nick Taylor
Disclaimer: This review was originally penned via Oujia board by a nigh-unspeakable entity which used me as the vessel to transcribe its words.
Hello, uglies of The Film Experience! I’m very excited to debut our Halloween series, A Haunting in October. We’ll be devoting extra-special attention to films about ghosts, hauntings, and phenomena from beyond the grave. To kick off the proceedings, I’ll be starting with Paranormal Activity, which premiered in 2009 after two years of festival debuts and studio juggling to become a smash box-office hit, the pandora’s box for the past fifteen years of found footage horror, the origin point of a seven-film franchise (they released one in 2021???), and potentially the most profitable movie ever made. It’s a genuinely astonishing feat for a film shot in seven days with barely a script to its name. The best part? It’s actually scary, even if I have nits to pick.