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Nominee Luncheon: Who Was Amy Adams Last Time?

According to People magazine...

Amy Adams says she wants to "feel like myself" this year when it comes to her Oscars dress

Which sort of begs the question 'who did you feel like last time, Amy?' for all of those nominee dresses.

Hmmm, I'm thinking she felt like Sarandon, Cate, Uma and Penélope? How about you?


Red Carpet Globe Lineups

I'm frantically trying to prep my final Oscar predictions (so difficult this year. Wheeee) and realizing with great sadness that I don't have anymore time to talk about the Golden Globes. Oh, that they'd space things out a little. So herewith some hastily assembled photos and super brief gawking at Globe looks. 

Starting with a gallery I've dubbed "Trying Too Hard / Barely Trying" -- guess who's doing which? -- and moving on to best & worst after the jump...

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The Golden Rise of Lupita Nyong'o

Sure, she lost the Golden Globe last night to JLaw's razzle dazzle in American Hustle, but is there anyone conscious of social media / the internet / the movies who doesn't think Lupita Nyong'o has emerged as a winner* last night? She'll win numerous Best Dressed lists for the Ralph Lauren cape look even if she doesn't have a statue to go with it.

This is Lupita, overachieving, in the last 9 days alone! We'll leave it to this Best Supporting Actress to figure out how to top these looks come SAG weekend and Oscar night.

 Palm Springs, W, AFI, LAFCA, Golden Globes



The Darling of the Red Carpet is certainly a more flattering title than "Queen of the Fields" as Master Epps horrifically dubs his abused Patsey in 12 Years a Slave

Aren't you dying to know what else Lupita has in her to show us onscreen? Here's to Hollywood and its most powerful directors shaking off their perpetual issue with black actresses (rarely giving them multiple chances to shine) and allowing her the run of the place. Let's give Viola and Lupita their pick of roles for the next couple of years -- we'd all surely reap the rewards. 


*anyone other than Julia Louis-Dreyfus that is, who tweeted this cuteness last night in the Globe aftermath




Top Ten: Red Carpet Cate 

Jose here. There's only a handful of things we can lock up for the upcoming Academy Awards and Cate Blanchett getting a Best Actress nod for Blue Jasmine is one of them.

The Australian goddess has been getting career-best reviews for her work in Woody Allen's latest, and considering she's played Bob Dylan, Kate Hepburn and Queen Elizabeth to perfection, she's been doing the right kind of press by being modest and saying she owes her success to Woody.

Tomorrow she's even getting a tribute at the New York Film Festival (read our festival coverage here)! Tributes are a key strategy in many Oscar campaign; she might finally win her second gold man. But let's not jump ahead of ourselves with that tricky Oscar fella and let's predict the other thing we can pretty much be assured will happen: Cate will be the best dressed woman on Oscar night. Doing the press rounds for Blue Jasmine donning everyone from Alexander McQueen to vintage Balenciaga, she has been on a roll (even when she goes for statements instead of "dresses"). Which forces us to wonder if she'll be out of ideas by spring! 

after the jump 

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Red Carpet Convo: The Great Cannesby

Because we aren't in Cannes, we're gazing at the gowns and only dreaming of the films -- I personally don't like to read too many reviews months before seeing the pictures -- for this edition, which was actually recorded a couple nights ago, I have Jose with me. He's been tracking Nicole Kidman's every move but he's stepping away from the Australian Icon (okay, being dragged away. He really dug his heels in) and joining me to talk other beauties...

NATHANIEL: Hey, Jose. Welcome back to Red Carpet Convos and thanks for taking up the Kidman-Watch. She was absentia today in Cannes (at least to the paparazzi) so it's going to take 11 women to replace her.

JOSE: No one replaces Nic *sobs*

NATHANIEL: Eleven beauties, Jose. Let's start with the ladies who came out for The Great Gatsby but weren't in it.

Bai Ling, Juli, Rooney, Fan Bingbing, and Moneypenny

I'm cheating a little bit to include her as, as far as I can tell, she wasn't at the actual premiere but at some sort of afterparty. [lots more after the jump]

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