Rome Diary #1: 'Robbing Mussolini' and digging graves

by Elisa Giudici
It’s not a Festival, it is a party! So please be my guest on a short journey to Festa del Cinema di Roma (Rome Cinema’s Party). This is my first year in Rome for this strange festival which is now in its 17th year. Rome Film Festival wants to be something different from its older sisters in Europe (Berlin, Cannes, and Venice), yet it seems unable to let go of the old dream of becoming as big and relevant as them.
A Rome Film Festival in 2022 will be a strange combination of leftovers from festival season, Hollywood latecomers hoping for Oscar traction, and a place for smaller films to shine alongside the more popular, acclaimed ones that have already premiered elsewhere. And Apple Originals likes this Festival a lot. Let’s discover some titles, shall we?