Belated César Winners List

Eeek! During Oscar madness we totally forgot about the Gallic Oscars cross the Ocean. How rude of us! For completism's sake here is the list of winners in case you also missed the news.
- Memoir of War, dir: Emmanuel Finkiel
- The Trouble With You, dir: Pierre Salvadori
- The Sisters Brothers, dir: Jacques Audiard
- Sink or Swim, dir: Gilles Lellouche
- Guy, dir: Alex Lutz
- ★ Custody, dir: Xavier Legrand
- In Safe Hands, dir: Jeanne Henry
Custody's four wins reminds us that it's still so weird that France didn't push it as their Oscar prospect last season. The other big winner was Shéhérazade about young lovers on the mean streets of Marseille which was not nominated for best picture but won each of its three nominations. Sink or Swim, the nomination leader and dadbod comedy, which opened too late to be France's Oscar submission last year, only took home one prize. Supporting Actor...