Charlize Lands Her Punches

by Nathaniel R
W Magazine is going all out with Charlize Theron at the moment. She's on the cover with a new interview, a gorgeous (what else) photoshoot, and there's also a retrospective of her other most compelling photos for the magazine in years pas -- who can forget that photoshoot with Michael Fassbender for Prometheus (*melts from the heat*).
Her new action flick Atomic Blonde has the unenviable task of following Mad Max Fury Road into theaters but thus far word is that it is a bonafide thrill machine as action flicks go. It opens on July 28th so expect Charlize to be everywhere for the next month including right here where we'll be sure to celebrate her career... albeit a little closer to the release.
For now let's revel in this catfighty, rather than catty, anecdote about that time she punched Teri Hatcher in the face in a fight scene in her debut 2 Days in the Valley (1996) when she was just 20 years old:
I hit her really bad....
And because it was Teri Hatcher, who was a star, and I was this bleached-blonde-Amazonian, catsuit-wearing nobody who was punching her in the face, I was like a wild animal. Back then I didn’t know how to hone in my energy and I was knocking over lights. I had no concept of a set. I connected right with Teri Hatcher’s face. I felt terrible about it. I had no money and sent her some cheap beer the next day. Sorry, Teri.