Review: Sandra Oh in "The Chair"

by Lynn Lee
In my younger days, I wanted to be an English professor. I was pretty serious about it, too – serious enough to major in English, get a fellowship, and enroll in a Ph.D program. Ultimately, I realized academia wasn’t for me and left with just a master’s. I’ve never regretted that decision. Yet I still wonder occasionally what my life would have been like if I’d stuck with my original dream.
So it’s no wonder I immediately let myself sink into The Chair, a new Netflix (mini?)series starring Sandra Oh as the titular chair of the English department at Pembroke University. That's a fictional Ivy League school in what looks like a permanently snow-covered New England college town, although the show was actually shot in Pennsylvania. Basically, it’s my alternate-universe existence if I were as cool and charismatic as Sandra Oh and as brilliant and committed as her character, Ji-Yoon Kim...