Streaming Roulette, Early March 2019

by Nathaniel R
As is our practice we've selected a couple handful of titles and frozen the films at utterly random moments without cheating (whatever comes up comes up) for this quick preview. Do any of these screencaps make you wanna watch the movie? At the bottom of the page, check out full listings for Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and HBO for the first half of March. Okay, let's go...
Ohmygosh, he is dreaaammmmy.
The Notebook (2004) on Netflix
Wait James Marsden is the other man in this movie? (You may recall I told you I hadn't seen it when Kim was writing up its famous kiss last month. Somehow I didn't know that Rachel McAdams had to choose between Marsden and Gosling? Tough life, that girl leads.) Oh and did you hear that weird story about how Netflix changed the ending to The Notebook in the UK? I wouldn't have known the difference but bizarre. How is that even legal?
[eery music]
What Lies Beneath (2000) on Hulu
You guys... never look at a pristine empty bathtub while holding a ouija board...