Always The Hours
My ladies.
Nicole Kidman Julianne Moore They need their own Black Swan Nina/Lily moment...
"Come to bed Laura Brown"...
(apparently they kissed -see photo - though with that horizontal blur on Kidman's face she looks like...Mare Winningham?)
Reader Comments (15)
Two beautiful talented actress! it would be great to see them together again
Imagine a whatever happened to baby Jane style of film for them! or a film with aging divas I would love to see Nicole play a glamorous diva once again.
Nate! Jeff! Now I won't be able to think straight all day...
Some great tweets from last night....
LoLornaMarie: oh snap. there's nicole kidman. she just came up behind julianne moore to say hi. awww.
vh1: Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore just kissed on the carpet. No, not like THAT, silly. (Mark) #CCMA
MadhouseMuse: Nothing like walking the red carpet behind Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman to make you feel nonexistent. #criticschoiceawards
City... i've added it to post thanks for sharing!
Makes me wish they BOTH could end up in that Best Actress line-up... But there seems to be no room for Julianne. Man she needs this! She needs to get other great roles!
cinephile -- i'm really sad she didnt get to do that boones lick? or whatever that was called. Wasnt there a Margaret Sanger biopic too? or did i imagine that?
A truly actressexual moment, always the years, always the love, always the hours
Can we agree that Julianne Moore is utterly peerless in the aging game? I can't name another woman (besides Sharon Stone, maybe) who looks as good as her over 50.
And to chime in on her career:
I think she's marvelously regained whatever footing she lost following 2002. There was a time when I thought she was truly down-and-out and might never show up in awards conversation again, especially not so soon. It's as if she was exiled for The Cate Blanchett Years.
But it's clear that directors are finding new and creative ways to use her, which is more than can be said about a lot of interesting actresses. She'll inevitably work with Todd Haynes again, I'm sure. It's sort of like how Uma Thurman's film career will never really be dead because she has a re-team with Tarantino in her back pocket at all times.
And, I think Julianne's become more of a fashion icon today than she's ever been.
Yeah, Boone's Lick, I think that would have been a great role for her, but they didn't get the financing together. I am just a bit worried that after the great couple of years she's had there will be rough times for her career again - no ambitious project, no baity role upcoming.
Just a mystery thriller with Jonathan Rhys Meyers that she did years ago (before Blindness, thus still in the terrible career time) and that got distribution just now - it had awful reviews in the UK. And a comedy by the directors of "I Love You Philip Morris", co-starring Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling, Marisa Tomei, Kevin Bacon.... but, you know, a comedy.
Somebody get her a great project / complex role now quickly! (I had never heard of a Margaret Sanger biopic, but that's a great call.) Her momentum now could help her to get another nom finally (it probably won't happen for TKAA).
Just needs some Clarissa Vaughn aka Meryl Streep in it and it would be perfect.
Their Conversation:
Moore: Hey Woolf, thanks to you for taking that Oscar away from me years ago (smile) Now they’re not even considering me for Best Actress
Kidman: (redoing the scene where she fights with Aaron Eckhart) Do you think that I don’t see Portman and Bening every second of every day?! No? Because it feels like it, it feels like maybe I don’t cry enough for you in Rabbit Hole. What do you want from me, Brown?!
Just putting it out there (Nicole Kidman style after interrupting the wall-over couple)
I just saw a Susan Sarandon commercial where she looks as good as she did in 1988. I believe her secret is sucking the youth from the bodies of younger men. Tim Robbins is a great deal younger but now he’s all gray. She’s currently dating an even younger guy. I suspect in no time she’ll be in the best actress lineup again by default for not only a great comeback performance but for actually appealing to the male hound dogs at the Academy.
Mikhael - I LOVE IT. I can even hear it in their voices.
3rtfull -- if this is true, we definitely need a Sarandon biopic IMMEDIATELY
I always cry my eyes out with Moore's film (like yesterday, on tv instead of watching the Globes since they fell on my bedtime here) and after the film, I always cry my eyes out because she lost that Oscar to Kidman, which is just too bitter, regarding her own marvellous role in The Hours. Argh. Can there be any Oscar win for Julianne to make that even???