Famous Amos Linkies

Movie Stuffs
Because that's what we like best.
Cam Gigandet's Cookies
- A Socialite's Life celebrates Cam Gigandet's Burlesque nude scene with hilariously blurry photos. (seriously, why even bother?).
- Cineuropa on the big Danish weekend in Hollywood. I hadn't even made that Scandinavian connection yet.
- Social Network Daily I mean Awards Daily... oops. Has a nifty chart illustrating the unprecedented dominance of The Social Network this awards season. Only Brokeback Mountain came this close, although we know how that ended.
- Serious Film's Most Anticipated Movies of 2011
- My New Plaid Pants celebrates Jim Carrey's birthday, claims he saw him first in 1985's Once Bitten. Sorry, got you beat JA. I watched Duck Factory (1984) WHILE IT WAS AIRING because as a kid I wanted to be an animator, y'see?
Off Cinema
Because once in a while you should rest your eyes... by, uh, looking at other stuff.
- Design Work Life "Dancers Among Us" really cool photo series.
- Bully's Comics "If I Wrote Aquaman" Maybe you have to be a comics nerd to love this but I do.
- People It's official. Anne Hathaway to play Chris Colfer's lesbian aunt on Glee. Hey, if they won't make movie musicals, at least we have Glee for better and worse. Sometimes worse sure but at least.
Okay enough of that!
Back to the movies. Or at least the Golden Globes.
- Vulture has a funny "Best Celebrity Reaction Shots" slideshow from the show last night including La Pfeiffer's traditionally icy hostility. We love her for it. Actually we think Pfeiffer is probably not at all hostile. That's just her face. It's always been so sharp she will cut you.
Golden Globes,
Jim Carrey,
Oscar Trivia,

Reader Comments (15)
I'm sorry Nathaniel but Michelle looked pissed off all night long...
Shall we expect a fashion piece? I can't wait! I have never seen so many ugly dresses in one night!!!
Oh thanks! The Vulture slideshow is hilarious!!!
Loved the Vulture slideshow but no Emma Stone during RDJ's monologue?
I wish Michelle had been the co-host. She and the return of Jane Fonda to award shows makes watching these tedious programs tolerable.
Happy birthday, Jim. You gave the best performance of the year. Congratulations!
That was a pretty bitchy shot at Sasha, Nate. Sure, she loves The Social Network, but she's also written wonderful things about Inception, Black Swan, True Grit, The King's Speech, etc. And you can't fault her for calling The Social Network's dominance because hey, she was right.
sorry, Nat ... but Michelle never looks happy when on camera in public.... she may always look icy, but it is probably more shy ... I think her performances are usually the same thing....
Kevin -- i love Sasha but even she is aware of this insanity ;) It's like every article!
That's because a bunch of usually very on-target Oscarologists (I'm thinking Karger is the worst in this regard) were uncommonly stubborn about The Social Network versus The King's Speech, and as it turns out, she was right all along! Seen the piece about the 12 Angry Men analogy yet?
hahahahahahahahahahaaa social network daily was a good one.
I loved The Dancers Among Us! thanks for the cool link. It made me laugh.
Do you believe if offered La Pfeiffer would turn down an offer from Quentin Tarantino?
Oh, I suppose she didn't like the Ricky Gervais' comment about her loved Cher. That's all. She was trying to kill Rick with her icy eyes, failing everytime.
And I intend to use that pic everytime I get pissed in a web forum. It rocks.
Michelle Pfeiffer has always reminded me of Isabelle Huppert, in that they are probably the best actresses when it comes to playing The Icy Bitch. And I think you're right, Nathaniel... it has something to do with that bone structure...
About the look. It was amazingly fit the role of Ingrid Magnussen in White Oleander which was ignored by the Academy. I wonder when such a role will ever come to her again. Not that I enjoyed La Pfeiffer playing the villian, but strangely whenever I saw a she-devil poorly portrayed by other actresses, I always thought, if Michelle got the role, she would be brilliant.
The other day I was watching Mamma Mia! and was thinking, hey if Michelle got the lead role, she could easily trump Streep. What a wishful thinking, lol.