And the Link Goes To...

General Entertainment
Big Shiny Robot is AMC going to bring all three of their big shows (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead) back at once? That'd be a switch.
Movie|Line hot trend at Sundance: Actors directing movies. I'm hearing good things about Vera Farmiga's efforts.
Focus Features ooooh pretty Jane Eyre photos.
Go Fug Yourself Well Played Kirsten Dunst
Telegraph Tim Robey gives a rasberry to the lazy Golden Rasberries.
Mr Hipp X-Women. Yay.
Kenneth in the (212) Hugh Jackman taken a cab. Just cuz.
Zombie Toenails [NSFW] the only reason to see Love and other Drugs right here on loop. I never talked about that movie once I saw it but my goodness it was a mess.
Oscar Stuff
LAMB looks at the Oscar Foreign Film race.
New York Magazine a fine profile on Darren Aronofsky
The Hollywood Reporter Mark Zuckerberg on The Social Network's Oscar nods
Movie|Line The Social Network backlash is officially in full swing. Even James Franco is taking shots at it! Although if you want to bitch about "conventional" films, why choose that one when The King's Speech has more nominations? This is what sometimes happens to films when they're out front for too long. People get uppity about their "status".
Reddit Coen Bros ensemble infographic... fun! It's kinda like my "familiar faces" series only more visually enticing.
Alt Film Guide discusses the preferential balloting system and what it means for Oscar.
Antagony & Ecstacy offers up "The Antagonists", Tim's own awards.
Finally, have you seen this clip from Newsweek about pregnancy at the Oscars? I love The Bening's humor and Natalie's wonder about her own experience as well as Nicole Kidman's minor interjections "golly!" haha. Cuteness.

Reader Comments (33)
Awww, that video was TOO cute. That makes me so happy because they seem like such good friends, all getting along so well. Aww. Yay. :)
I love how Annette completely COMMANDS when she speaks.
And the 'golly' was precious
Oh, and are the Film Bitch actress categories coming soon? ;D
How awkward is that NY Mag Aronofsky profile? The bulk of the quotes come from Rachel Weisz are are obviously taken from when they were still together. The piece tries to broach the split at one point, but the wounds are obviously too fresh.
All of the Newsweek roundtable clips are worth watching, if only for James Franco going on an extended tangent about making his own sex tapes as a teenager. Completely hilarious. And I love how themes start to emerge from these-- as in the THR roundtable, Nicole Kidman repeatedly refers to the importance of her relationship to the director. I really hope she directs her own feature one day, it is obvious she reveres directors.
Sally Hawkins looks amazing in "Jane Eyre." Does anyone know why it has such a horror feel to it in the trailer? Are they going for that? Or is it that I read the book way too long ago and that's how it always was?
As for the BP race, I'm not liking the way things are going for The Social Network. People are getting ruthless, which is just sad. And you're right on point (as usual)- complaining about 'Social' as a "conventional" film just to support "The King's Speech" is lol-worthy.
Michelle Williams is too cute in the video! Speaking of her, I'd like to see her in Marc Jacobs on Oscar night. The gowns from his last fall collection suit her hippie style perfectly.
Should've worn this to the Globes:
Oscars, baby:
"We found one thing James can't do!"
This is the most candid of the interviews. Love the group dynamic. Have these actors worked together before? I know Portman's worked with James and Michelle (in that Roman Polanski fake perfume ad).
Michelle and Natalie in "Greed"
@Evan It seems like they are playing up the "English Gothic" feel of the novel for the audience's sake, but people do tend to forget the darker aspects of the novel (child abuse and malnutrition, suicide, a stabbing, etc., ghosts and specters are constantly referenced to, and Jane frequently experiences foreboding dreams) because the love affair is so transcendent. But yeah, it's definitely a key aspect to the novel's tone and themes.
Nicole and Natalie in Cold Mountain but I don't think they had any scenes together...I can't remember.Nicole and James may do Broadway together. Colin Firth and Anette did Valmont together.
I have so much love for Nicole.
Why does Natalie look SO uncomfortable hearing about Annette's bebe?
All the clips are worth watching. I specially like the one in which James Franco talks about sex tapes, one in which he and Michelle talk about "high school tv", and another where Michelle talks about playing M. Monroe.
James Franco has such warm, sweet, intense, captivating eyes.....I wouldn't say he is exacly handsome, but hew is so charming.....
Aparently Javier and Penelope's baby was born. So Natalie wont have to worry about pregnant competition at the Oscars.
I totally agree with what Franco said. TSN never really digs into the deeper themes it claims to approach. Why do we need social networking? Why is it addictive and such a big part of our lives? Why do we need virtual relationships? Why are those, at least partially, taking over real ones? Why do we need to experience things virtually? What does facebook says about our real-world-flesh and bones relationships? Why do people substitute one thing for another? What does it say about our world?
TSN does nothing to those themes. Nothing at all.
That's why I cant agree with those saying the movie defines "our times" or my generation - didn't people also say Up in the Air defined our times last year?- because it doesnt deal with all the themes that could have a say in defining a time or a generation.
Stories about greed, social climbing, success, money, betrayal, broken friendships, friends stabbed in the back, envy have always been around, since greek mythology. A big part of the movie is good old court drama. Nothing about that defines a generation. At the end of the day, any sort of "stealing intelectual property" or "revolutionary whatever" could serve as facebook, which was just a cork, an excuse to the backstory, which is a classic story of classic themes and has nothing revolutionary about it whatsoever. The themes that could really make the movie define a generation of a time in history or whatever are never fully explored.
The guy moderating the Newsweek roundtable, is that the same one who wrote that dim-witted article about gay actors not being able to play straight? If so, ugh! Why does HE get to do stuff like that?
I think Natalie looked very uncomfortable for a moment when Anette mentioned the good timing of Natalie's pregnancy. Of course, Anette meant it in the most innocent way that you have something that distracts your mind during Oscar campaigns. But it could also read as 'everything to draw more attention to you'. Lol. Sorry, but I really, really dislike Natalie's cute-sy campaign so far. It's like she left her brain at the door.
Lara, I'm not really keen on Natalies cutesy campaign as well. Not my thing at all.
Lara -- i did notice the double interpretation of that, too. lol. though i'm sure Annnette is not scheming. If anything these videos seem like she takes hollywood in stride.
Those Jane Eyre photos really are very pretty. I'm still not convinced we really need another adaptation so soon after the 2006 miniseries, but I'm still going to see it.
That video is adorable! :)
On a sad note, German film has lost one of its most important figures. Producer (he also wrote and directed) Bernd Eichinger died of a heart attack on Monday, he was 61.
Eichinger produced about 100 different projects in his career and was behind many successful German language films such as Downfall, The Baader Meinhof Complex, Christiane F. and (Oscar winning) Nowhere in Africa and also (co-)produced many well-known English language films (The Neverending Story, The Name of the Rose, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, to name a few). He might not have been the critics' darling, but he sure will leave a big hole in German cinema.
To add to what I wrote about Eichinger above, here's a link to a Spiegel Online article:
A Farewell to Bernd Eichinger: German Film Loses its Leading Man
Anna, I read about Eichinger's death yesterday. He really was THE producer in German cinema.
James Franco should be lucky he was nominated in the first place. "New media" my ass.
anna -- that link doesn't work :(
Ah, sorry... that back slash at the end shouldn't be there.
This should be the right link.
I would be happy just listening to La Bening recite her grocery list...
Annette lost the Oscar when she was heavily pregnant and heavily tipped to win, now wouldnt it be sweet if she were to win the Oscar from a pregnant frontrunner.
I thought Natalie was grimacing like she was feeling queasy (morning sickness) but trying to hold it down. Smiling helps with that, too.
Amanda: There is a little thing called Catfish to satisfy your wants. Watch TSN and Catfish back to back and you would get something amounting to a WHOLE PICTURE on Facebook. The Social Network shows a view on the personalities and events that created the thing. Catfish shows the fallout of the website. The first is a semi-fictional topical dramedy. The other is a topical thriller that may or may not have actually happened. Trying to show both the creators and users of Facebook in deep detail in one movie would always result in one or both being given the short end of the stick. As is: The Social Network focused on the creation myth of Facebook. I think they succeeded at their half of the portrait. Catfish focused on how users of Facebook interact. If the critics are to be believed, whether the whole thing was staged or not, they did their half of the job handsomely.
I couldn't help noticing that Nicole is a LOT more relaxed, engaged and talkative here (in relative terms) than she was at the HR roundtable, or most other videos of this sort. Or am I imagining things?
Janice -- you are not imagining it at all! i wonder why that is?
I think James Franco never heard about Buried.
I really loved Higher Ground, Vera Farmiga's directorial debut. And her (much) younger sister is in the film too, the resemblance is uncanny. One of my favs @Sundance this year.