God of Linkage

A Socialite Life This is not Kate Winslet (to your left). This is Kate Winslet's new wax figure at Madame Tussauds. They went so recent what with the choice of that Emmy dress.
Vulture Stephen Dorff always gives great interview. He's mouthing off about chest hair and nipples on the set of Immortals. He said no to man-breasts for his workout regimen.
IMP Awards as predicted Carnage couldn't keep that brilliantly loud and colorful French poster look. Instead it had to go completely generic and dullsville for American audiences. Do NOT let your movie look like a unique experience; no one will buy tickets!
The Wrap Colin Farrell, Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, and Woody Harrelson and Tom Fucking Waits (!) will star in Martin McDonagh's new action comedy Seven Psychopaths. Eeep, love the cast, love McDonagh (Six Shooter, In Bruges). Make it be good! Please make it be good.
Deadline Jake Abel may be the male lead opposite Saoirse Ronan in The Host. They both appeared in The Lovely Bones.
The Playlist Elizabeth Olsen and Glenn Close to team up for Therese Raquin. Wasn't Kate Winslet supposed to do that once onscreen? The first time helmer is Charlie Stratton who will also write the screenplay.
MNPP [NSFW] doubles up on love for Dominic Cooper in The Devil's Double
and Ugh. How cute are these new We Bought a Zoo posters?
They make me want to love the movie muchly even though I pretty much hated the trailer.
small screen
Vulture Glee's Sue Sylvester Problem. Good piece. It's still a wildly inconsistent show three seasons in.
Tyler Shields shoots the cast of the best new drama on television, Revenge.
I'm so addicted to this show. Are you watching? But I'm mostly addicted for the magnificent throwback performance from Madeleine Stowe (not pictured) rather than the hottish men so don't let this shot fool you. That said I ♥ Gabriel Mann, far left, who I've always liked as an actor but never to quite this extent. Speaking of... I did not see his recent plot twist coming at all.
P.S. I can't get over how Ashton Holmes (not pictured) looks nothing like he did as Viggo's son in A History of Violence. I barely recognize him six years later.
Reader Comments (15)
Nat - re Therese Raquin, the Close version has had many Thereses attached since 2005 including Ludivine Sagnier, Jessica Biel and Eva Green. Giovanni Ribisi and Gerard Butler were also attached for a long time as Therese's husband and lover, respectively.
From what I understand the proposed Winslet version was a separate production.
I would only think this has a chance of getting made is if either Close or Olsen actually win Best Actress next year.
I LOVE Revenge too! Tied for favorite new show with Homeland (which you totally should be watching btw, Claire Danes plays maybe the most interesting female character on tv right now). Does Ashton Holmes play Tyler? It's the only other young male character I can think of. If so, you're totally right, he doesn't look anything like the teen from A History of Violence.
I am obsessed with Revenge cause it appeals to my evil/vengeful/I want to live in the hamptons side I try and keep locked away lol everyone plays their parts so well and while they take their roles seriously, you can tell they have a great time chewing the scenery and the campiness of it all
Damn that Winslet wax figure is stunning...I didn't believe you for five minutes xD. Btw, this is entirely inappropiate in this section but I can't hold it in, are you going to review J.Edgar? I'm intrigued by your D+ and man oh man do I love it when you rip into Eastwood >:).
Kate's wax figure is almost as good as Nicole's.
That pic of the wax Winslet would make a better Carnage poster than the new design, God, that's ghastly. Any first year graphic design student could do better.
"Hey, honey. Let's see this movie where the people smile blandly at each other." - Nobody, ever
Revenge is fun, and the production looks so good, sets, costumes, lighting. The women are great, but I'm not so keen on the men, with the exception of Nolan (Gabriel Mann) who I really like. The working class kid brother is okay, but all the older men are really creepy. My theory is that that's so you don't get attached to them, because they're going to get killed. I wish they had cast someone more interesting as the working class hero instead of the weasel-eyes they've got now. See, that would have been the perfect part for Enver from Dollhouse. And I liked the twist with Nolan - I wanted his story to become more complicated.
That Carnage poster is horrible - any 10 year old kid could do a hell of a lot better with Photoshop.
And I hated the Zoo trailer as well, but damn if that tree poster isn't one I'd hang on my wall. Great graphic design. (Is that the way it goes nowadays, instead of "Lousy rehearsal great opening" it's "lousy movie great poster" and vice versa?)
I read the Glee article (not sure why I've never watched it), and it led me to articles about Ratner resigning from the Oscars (and how they were DESPARATE to have him resign, not fire him.) And then Murphy dropped out. I'm not weeping, folks. (Really, you're surprised when your director - who has a history of being a d**k - makes yet another stupid remark? Really?)
Oops. you did do a write up on the Murphy thing, sorry.
I have barely more than zero interest in "We Bought a Zoo"...but those posters are adorable, especially the one with the tree.
I'm also really enjoying "Revenge," minus two things:
1. The younger brother, Declan (can't remember the actor's name). There's something about the actor that I find really annoying, although I can't quite put my finger on it. I probably wouldn't mind Declan so much if he were played by another actor.
2. Nolan's hair. That 70's shag look is never going to be my first choice for anyone, but it looks really terrible on him. It overwhelms his face. Please get a haircut, Gabriel Mann, and I also wouldn't object if you stopped dressing like a clown.
But yes, that recent twist involving Nolan was fantastic.
LOVE Revenge! Basically the only "appointment TV" of the new season, along with Homeland, as someone above mentioned. GOD that show is good (and Claire Danes is indeed the most fascinating female character on TV). But yes, Madeleine Stowe = Awesomeness. I love that she is a character that will be inspiring drag queens for decades but she's also creating an actual person with deep feelings. Top-drawer acting, absolutely. And the men are mostly nice to look at. The twist with Nolan? Did NOT see that one coming, and loved every bit of it!
@Liz N: I agree Nolan's haircut is unflattering, but my vote for worst men's haircut would be Ashton Holme's (Tyler) Jimmy Olsen haircut, colored orange. It's part of what makes him unrecognizable, but suitable for the character so far.
In the flashback where Nolan picks up Emily at the prison, he had a different unflattering haircut and clothes, so I like to think that Nolan's look will change as his character changes.
Kate's wax figure is disturbing... and Carnage poster just awful.
Good movie posters are really one of the things that will make the people watch the movie. XD