"L. DiCaprio" Will Do Anything...

"It's time the Academy learned the difference between giving me a nom and giving me a nod!"
L. DiCaprio (J. Edgar Parody) - watch more funny videos
So so funny. Wish I'd made it.
Brad Pitt,
J Edgar,
Judi Dench,
Leonardo DiCaprio,
Oscars (11)

Reader Comments (17)
Oh god, that IS too funny.
Completely OT here, your link on the sidebar to Julianne Moore's twitter page (Julianne Moore has a twitter acount?) was a treat: "Took the kids to see the Smurfs movie. They loved it. I have a smurfache." Quick wit and feminist political activism? I finally see the light...she is God.
pretty genius.
Although I DO think Leo deserves an Oscar. Probably not for this movie though :)
I think he is torpedoinng his own chances the way winslet did but won anyway,oscar baiting and then some.
oh my gosh, hahahaha, this is perfect spot on. I was laughing like Annette Bening on your header. Warner Bros should use this for their FYC.
Funny video. Not bad on the voiceover either. I am still surprised that he's playing J.Edgar. He looks and sounds nothing like the man. But the reviews seems to erase some of my doubts, somewhat, which is good.
"We must never be content with winning Golden Globes,"...I feel like Annette Bening sends a Christmas card every year to her agent with that same message.
The only thing funny in that is that Jamie Foxx beat Dicaprio for Ray, what a joke.
"When actors are rejected... when the academy does nothing... humourless biopics flourish."
Ha! I love it.
I know it's not her, but Dame Judi's voice in it totally sounds like Elizabeth McGovern's.
I hadnt laughed this much in a long time.
I love the title cards:
This November (The beginning of Oscar Season)
That video was great. "J. Edgar" looks like such shameless Oscar bait. I'm dreading having to sit through it on Friday. This is going to be Leo's "The Reader" I know it. Just awful.
Hilarious! Oh God, J. Edgar really looks awful!
Oh give him an Oscar already!
Gosh this is so FUNNY!! The sad part is that it's all too true, including the "your accent sounds a little silly"...
Leo's mom -- i love you!
This is so funny! Leo DiCaprio is a great actor that I enjoy. Some of his best movies are Blood Diamond, Titanic, and The Departed. I can go on and on but there are just so many to list. I know that with the Blockbuster Movie Pass you can view any of these movies at any time. There are no late fees and keep them as long as you want. There are TV shows and games avail to rent as well. Sign up like I did at DISH Network where I work. $10.00 per month is a fabulous deal. Get movies a month before Redbox or Netflix.