Will Monty "Consider" Bridesmaids?

Some people trust Karger, Stone, Tapley, Feinberg, Poland, myself -- the list goes on -- with their office Oscar pools. Who do I trust for sharp objective Oscar punditry? My cat. How could I not?
You must recall that last year "Monty" sifted through Fox Searchlight screeners and got very opinionated claiming 127 Hours for his own, immediately shoving Conviction away and declaring Never Let Me Go an utter snooze. Oscar Prediction Success: 100%
Naturally I'm seeking his services again in 2011. I tried to show him the Harry Potter "Consider" book but he literally refused to look at it. No amount of cajoling could get him near it for a photo which is strange because he loves books (useful as pillows or face scratchers) way more than movies (useful for nothing unless the DVD accidentally reflects light on the wall ).
So I moved on. Would he consider Bridesmaids?
Well, he would and he wouldn't... (continue).
He sauntered right over to that "Consider Us..." mailer and stopped. Pretended not to look at it while totally looking at it. Sniffed and turned away, never to return.
Interpret as you will! His proclamations can be so mysterious.
*yes, it's true they're not FYCing Rose Byrne in Supporting Actress, only Melissa McCarthy. Must have been the Emmy win?

Reader Comments (15)
I'm sure if it said 'Consider: Best Supporting Actress - Rose Byrne' he would have purred with approval.
You're can, and you, would be wrong about Never Let Me Go. I suspect a few more years of life experience would sort that out.
Adam -- christ, if i need yet more life experience to understand 'Never Let Me Go' I am in big trouble. Will i get it before alzheimers kicks in? I got a solid decade on andrew garfield. I assure you that my issues with the movies have nothing to do with life experience and a lot to do with score overkill, narration overkill, and tonal heavy-handedness. but i do love that scene when Andrea Riseborough "gets it". i'm eager to see what else she can do.
Pat --good point. Rose Byrne strikes me as a cat person.
Monty the critic is back, how great! I think he considers Melissa McCarthy as dark horse; in the second pic he looks at her name and then turns away, you know cats...doesn't want to give anything away
I agree with Ivonne. It looks like he seriously considers Melissa McCarthy as a nominee.
Be careful about touting your beloved Monty's clairvoyance - he could gain powerful enemies. I'm not saying there are no depths to which Harvey Weinstein won't stoop, but...
Always remember Paul, the octopus who could uncannily predict the outcomes of soccer world cup matches:
It got to the stage that soccer fans were threatening to eat the poor guy:
"After Argentina lost to Germany in the quarter-final, Argentines threatened to kill the octopus and put him in a paella. The newspaper El Dia even gave a recipe for anyone daring to capture Paul: "All you need is four normal potatoes, olive oil for taste and a little pepper."'
Monty is my absolute favourite internet critic - he should have his own show!
Monty likes 127 Hours, but hates Conviction and Never Let Me Go and is indifferent about Bridesmaids? Nathaniel, dare I say that your cat is no fan of actresses? You need to whip that cat into shape!
I'm glad other people share my preference of Byrne over McCarthty in Bridesmaids.
I too prefer Byrne over McCarthy as well.
7Bis -- nah, Monty would be terrible with his own show. It would mostly involve sleeping!
Evan -- it's true. but he is named after Montgomery Clift so...
Laika -- you are going to give me nightmares but perhaps I should put a bag over his head for these posts to protect the innocent. He does love paper bags.
Maybe his small glance at Melissa McCarthy's name means something. ;)
No major Harry Potter nominations?
Monty never lies. Darn it.
MORE Monty! MORE Monty! This should be a regular column.
I suspect Oscar voters will react to 'Bridesmaids' in an analogous fashion to Monty - pretend to ignore it, watch the screener & enjoy it, then fail to vote for it.
How disappointing that there's no mention of Chris O'Dowd or Rose Byrne to be seen.