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Linker by the Dozen

Philadelphia Weekly offers up 6 family films that would draw the ire of the far right in the wake of Fox's ridiculous Muppets bashing.
Coming Soon Another pic of Daniel Day-Lewis from the set of Lincoln, this time with Steven Spielberg
TOH on Matt Damon vs. Tony Gilroy in GQ, hurt feelings around the Bourne franchise.
Guardian David Thomson's ode to Jeremy Renner 

The Cut chooses 11 surprisingly stylish celebrities of 2011
Monkey See 20 Unhappiest People in the Comments Section of Year End Lists. Teehee
Pajiba thinks the teaser poster to Prometheus looks familiar.
Slant Oscar Prospects: Midnight in Paris
Bernardin Could Netflix revive Firefly? It's wishful thinking but thinking wishfully is fun.
Critical Condition "Hush up and watch the Artist" 
Tom Shone why the Globes are better than the Oscars. 

So the HFPA love their stars! What sinful wretches! To survey the history of the Golden Globes is to enter a fragrant Arcadia where all the great Oscar howlers of the last 30 years simply didn't happen. Where E.T. smushes Gandhi, Brokeback Mountain kicks Crash to the curb, and The Social Network roundly thrashes The King's Speech."

@MarkWassmer posted this fine mashup of the latest superhero posters. I haven't posted either previously because their über seriouness drained all joy from my inner child.

I miss superhero pictures that loved color and fun like the original Spider-Man or the original Superman or even X2. Damn you Chris Nolan! ;) I reallydon't want my superheroes looking like they could just meander over to the set of a Clint Eastwood picture and fit right into the I'm A Serious Movie near black and white aesthetics.

Top Ten o' the Day - Dennis Dermody at Paper Mag
Begins by calling The Tree of Life a "psychedelic turd" and moves on to one of the year's most immature and sloppy pictures (Kaboom) so I don't know how seriously to take it but I like the second sentence on Melancholia a lot.

 I feel slightly guilty enjoying the spoils of Von Trier's ongoing depression."

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Reader Comments (6)

^lol. Now, the autobots share niceties with us.

Also, Nathaniel, have you seen this viral video, S**T Girls Say? It features Juliette Lewis. Seems like required Nathaniel viewing.

December 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

That "ode to Jeremy Renner" turned out to be an insult to the Roberts (Ryan and Shaw). I remember an article that compared Jeremy Renner's ha-ha-hard eyes to Elijah Wood's, and although the eyes of Frodo's killer are certainly even more prominent than the ones of our cute little bulldog, that comparison seemed much more appropriate to me. "Hard eyes" tend to be small.
And dear David Thomson, I can answer your question why Tom Cruise let Jeremy Renner into Mission Impossible IV. It's because Jeremy makes even Tom look like a man.

December 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWilly

OT: A few days ago I tried to watch Tom Cruise in a local TV show (the one Jesse Eisenberg didn't like, but that Will Smith seems to love) just the same way you look at accidents. I was curious to see if Cruise would go hyperactive or something like that, but I was afraid it'd be just some ass kissing. Et voila, I put it on and there it was the host praising Tom Cruise's ass, literally. Amazing what having a megastar in front of you will make you say. Maybe it's just that it was the part of Cruise's body closer to his eye line.


Yes, a TV host who's way shorter than Cruise!! His ideal show.

December 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

Evan -- the autobots seem to attack every time a post goes without a comment from a reader for more than a couple of hours. So it's basically your fault (!!!! -- kidding!) for not comenting sooner ;)

December 16, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I'm surprised Fox News hasn't discovered Miyazaki. It must be that he's Japanese. Because otherwise they'd be all over him for his anti-war and environmentalism messages. They'd find Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind especially objectionable.

December 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlandshark

That's how Batman is supposed to be. Spider-man, not so much, though.

December 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertony
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