BAFTA Penguins (and Grammy Diversion)

A few of the BAFTA tuxes for you. Tuxes are so amusing. Everyone looks good in them but everyone looks related.
Nicholas Hoult Did you know he is 6'2"? He is now 3 inches taller than Hugh Grant, his About a Boy co-star! How weird is that? All growed up. In other news, all of these men ('cept the Ruff) are over 6' feet tall.
Mark Ruffalo and his wife Sunshine Coigney. She's looking fab / diva-esque so I had to include her. Did you know that she was in In The Cut? The one where the Ruff got naked with Meg Ryan. Well, now you do. #freeinformation
Colin Firth. WINNER. [This Just In: Did y'all see that Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes (what a bizarre Grammys lead-in) loved The King's Speech? This is why it will win Best Picture. He told a story about meeting King George VI with a friend of his who was also a stutterer.]
Gerard Butler Do you think he's embarrassed going to these awards shows considering the kind of movies he makes? If not... he should be.
Ricky Martin was... oh, whoops. I've moved over to the Grammys. I'm very distracted tonight. I'm watching The Grammys. How stereotyped is it that Ricky Martin was chosen to introduce Lady Gaga's "Born This Way".? Get it? Because he is gay. G-A-Y.
Every once in awhile I try to watch the Grammys (which I'm sorta tweeting) and then I remember why I don't watch. The problem illustrated: Nicole Kidman just joined a standing ovation... for Justin Beiber.
Reader Comments (10)
Eep. I jumped back into my chair when I saw Ricky Martin there. Yikes.
Gosh, Mark Ruffalo is just dreamy. Gerard Butler actually looks very good there, too, miles away from the trash image he has in most of his movies.
Nicole Kidman just looked so cute rocking out to Teenage Dream!
I remember loving Kidman joining a S.O. for Gwyneth at some awards show (about Country music I think) but it seems like she does it for everyone!
Bieber? Really?
Just don't replace Franco with him. It's illegal!
I'm not watching it (Greece here). Did Gaga perform Born This Way? Did it make anyone like the song a little more? I pray that the next single will be better.
She stood up for Bieber??! Oh god. :(
It was so cute when she was jamming out to Teenage Dream though. :)
Best performance by an actress at an award show goes to...Nicole Kidman. Her singing Teenage Dream was too much.
During the Bridget Jones days I thought Firth wasn’t much to look at than Grant. Time certainly has been kinder to him than his (at the time) bigger Bridget Jones co-stars.
I cannot get over that kid from About A Boy. I know he was on a UK program called Skins, but A Single Man was the first time I'd seen him since About A Boy and his dreaminess bowled me over. I can't believe they've covered that up so he can play Beast in X-Men.
Oh, and a big NO to Ricky Martin's pants.
I love that Ricky Martin is disrupting people visually when they see this ;)
Kat -- aren't pop stars required to wear these pants?
What do people not like about Justin Bieber, a kid discovered doing his own music on his homemade videos on YouTube? I guess it's just a question of taste (not good or bad, just whether it's to yours), but I love his music. My sister and I want to see the movie, but we need to find a high-schooler to go with us so it seems appropriate.
Give the kid a standing ovation, at least he did not flub his song or almost keel over a la Aguilera. Let him enjoy his SO and applause before it all ends in a whimper.