Best Part of the Grammys

Apart from the Cee Lo, Gwyneth Paltrow, Muppets performance of "Forget You", the best part of the Grammys was obvs all the Nicole Kidman reaction shots.
The one that got everyone was talking was her lipsynching to "Teenage Dream" as Katy Perry performed. (Here's a better video of that though it starts immediately so if you're not expecting sound, watch out!)
But she was just awesome throughout, singing along, dancing, smiling, applauding vigorously, etcetera. Since the Grammys have 213 categories they should add a 214th: Best Reaction Shots. Nicole Kidman for the win.
I can't prove the theory but it seems to me that whenever Kidman's hair stays red for long periods the world improves immeasureably.
The Big Wins of the Night
Best Album: Arcade Fire "The Suburbs"
Record and Song of the Year: Lady Antebellum "Need You Now"
Best New Artist: Esperanza Spalding
Best Pop Album: Lady Gaga "The Fame Monster"
Best Rap Album: Eminem "Recovery"
Oh and here's the OTHER Actress Oscar winner who made the night.

Reader Comments (31)
Nicole Kidman was absolutely amazing.
When Katy Perry was singing "Teenage Dream" and they cut to Nicole and she was singing and dancing and looking at Keith... She made me smile so much it took me ten minutes for that smirk to disappear. Awesome.
And btw: best wins of the night - Eminem and Arcade Fire. So deserved.
And I kinda get the love for Lady Antebellum. That's one beautiful song.
But what the hell was that peacock costume by CeeLo?
He made Gwyneth Paltrow look crazy.
And she NEVER looks nothing short of put together at all times.
Jorge -- i thought that was so fun. I like it when Gwyneth lets loose. she was SO great on Glee. She woulda been the best guest star already were it not for the unsurpassable general awesomeness of Kristin Chenoweth.
She is awesome. It's so nice to see that it seems she is at a place where she is really happy with everything. She really appreciates and enjoys artists of different kind of music; even Justin Bieber..lmao; bless her. Singing along with Teenage Dream was too cute. Love her even more now.
Yes, Nathaniel, I loved it too. I just didn't understand what the hell was going on with that costume.
And love me some Gwyneth. I think she has the Emmy in the bag for that performance on "Glee". In one episode she managed to be more memorable than, say, 80% of that cast in one season.
And did Rihanna really need to destroy two songs live on stage?
So lifeless. Such lack of power when singing live. Yikes.
The Arcade Fire upset is one of my favorite awards season shockers ever. Totally amazing album. Even a broken clock is right twice a day -- or once ever, as it were.
Least favorite? I'll give you a clue -- Ennis is still crying in Jack's shirt over it. #completetravesty
I lovvve Gwyneth! And I agree, I think she has the guest actress in a comedy series emmy in the bag!
more muppets, less gwyneth!
(that's kind of a general rule with me)
Keith and Nicole were rocking out to Mick Jagger too. Other then a few performances, Nicole's Jean Paul Gaultier dress was the highlight of the night for me. I loves it. It die for! hahaha!
Nicole singing along to Katy Perry is making headlines LOL
I've updated with the GIF thanks to Camille. My eyeballs are finallyl on peace with Nicole's Teenage Dream on loop.
I take my Gwyneth love in any shape I can and I'm glad people are at least cutting her some slack for what a fabulous singer she is.
Can't wait for her to be at the Oscars!
This was glorious. Which unexpected crowd shot would win in a duel: Angelina fixing Brad's tie or Nicole singing along to Teenage Dream?
My face died from too much smiling at that GIF.
rosengje -- can we call it a tie. I mean Nicole would win but then Angeline's moment also has adjacent lip gloss applications!
Nicole's happy singalong is the sweetest awards moment since Angie fluffed Brad's bowtie at the Globes.
As for Gwyneth, I'm all for her rebranding as a singer. But her stylist needs to give us more than that fried blond hair flying in front of her gorgeous face.
Cee Lo's costume is based on one worn by Elton John on the Elton John Muppets Crocodile Rock
Nathanial....actressexual that you are, you must do a new blog on the Nicole Kidman/Cate Blanchett Instyle photospread that just got released, where Kidman chooses Blanchett as one of her Oscar inspirations. It actually made my head explode a little bit.
I can feel the tides shifting back in Nicole's favour, can't you? And it's so strange that this is a part of it. If "The Danish Girl" ever gets made... watch out.
@ City_of_Lights: I've tried cutting and pasting your link, but it says "page not found".
@Glenn - I think there is a tide of public reaction warming up to Nicole because she is "warming up" publicly, and seems much "nicer" and more accessible than perhaps she has in a while (dancing and singing at awards shows, doing a bit part in an Adam Sandler film, etc). Is that going to shift the AMPAS tide in her favor, if that's what you mean? I rather doubt that, (if BAFTA is any indication this weekend).
A+ on her style at that show, however - since RH isn't anywhere near the conversation anymore, I might as well enjoy the hot dress and the flowing locks. The cut and silhouette are almost identical to the pink dress she wore to the Oscars the year she was nomm'ed for Moulin Rouge, but this version does the look much better, I think.
Whenever I see Kidman and Urban together I can't help thinking about the sexual chemistry between them. They are one hot couple.
First of all, I really love "Teenage Dream". That might be one of my favourite pop songs in years. Nicole singing along to it gives her major brownie points for me.
With that performance, Cee-Lo Green just blew every costume Lady Gaga has ever worn out of the water
Jonny -- yeah. Gaga is a natural and I think she needs to remember that. sometimes i think she tries too hard and forgets that she's fun. BORN THIS WAY shoulda been the highlight but CeeLo beat her i'm afraid.
gabrieloak -- she does really seem happy with him. Yay for happy!
@Glenn There's been some reports in the past few days, but nothing from a major industry publication, that Rachel Weisz is joining the cast. Nicole said at her Santa Barbara tribute that they are "this close" to getting it made. Maybe that's what she meant, is they were finalizing Weisz's contract.
@Janice, don't know what to tell you, the link still works for me.
Janice, I mean the tide is changing both critically (with "Rabbit Hole", if she has another BIG performance she won't be seen as such a off-kilter critics-only choice to reward at year end) and publicly (people enjoying her newfound (ugh) warmness with the award show dancing and the babies and the open romanticism between her and Keith.)
If she's as good in "The Danish Girl" as the material warrants and everything culminates in everyone saying "i'm so glad she's back to being amazing" in a year without a Natalie Portman-style jugganaut they could easily give her a second statue. It's all about "the story" and an a-list celebrity "comeback" is probably something the Academy would love for an actress who's still in her prime (as in, she's still young enough to be a hot Oscar winner). I think she'd be getting awfully close this year if it weren't for Natalie Portman since Bening hasn't really taken off and Lawrence/Williams just don't feel big enough.
Glenn -- or if rabbit hole were more succesful. I think you kinda need to have a bigger film. Shame that didn't take off.
I don't think Kidman would ever win for RH since the movie isn't that good (my take, obviously, but I think the Academy agrees since they didn't give it a script nod*) and the actor who played the kid who killed her son did everything he could to lower the quality of their shared scenes. He was bad on purpose! I can't explain it any other way.
*OK, i know the lack of a script nod doesn't nessecarily mean they didn't like it but i just can't imagine a n actress winning for the second time because of her participation in that film. I can't believe that play won the Pulitzer. All of its gravity is based on the subject matter. Decent, but hardly impressive.
But I think the "short scenes" were a negative, so i guess the play is probably better than the script.