Podcast: Now With Three Dream Layers

Actually it's just a reg'lar ol' podcast. But Nick, Joe and Katey are three and they're dreamy so that counts. My blog pals are back to discuss the Oscar race with me (if you're new I'm Nathaniel). Topics covered include...
- "Best of Sundance"
- Katey's interview with James Marsh
- Melissa Leo's personal FYC ads (see below -via)
- Just how many Oscars can The King's Speech win?
- Banksy for Exit Through The Gift Shop and other Docs
- The Social Network's editing
- David Fincher's frankness
- The Color Purple reunion on Oprah
- Toy Story 3 and the over-arching Pixar narrative
- Chris Nolan and Inception's Oscar hopes
- And more silliness...
Listen to podcast located at the end of this post. Join in the dreamy conversation in the comments.
wake me up. wake me uppppppppp
Melissa Leo's personal FYC ads

Reader Comments (37)
I'll definitely have to find time to listen, because I don't quite understand the brouhaha surrounding the Melissa Leo FYC ads. It's like the Academy wants you to gratefully accept your Oscar in an act of feigned surprise: "I can't believe this is happening to little 'ol me!" Everyone acknowledges that campaigning is integral to winning an Oscar, but we all get uncomfortable if it's not super-hidden and behind the scenes.
So, Melissa Leo wants the Oscar. What's the big deal?
Thank you guys so much for defending David O. Russell. My greatest frustration of this Oscar season has not been The King's Speech's surge toward Oscar glory. Rather it has been the perception of Russell as somehow undeserving of his director slot and that he stole it from Christopher Nolan. As someone who is not a huge fan of sports movies, I found almost everything that worked in The Fighter almost singlehandedly can be attributed to Russell's contributions. I would love to see someone mount a passionate argument in favor of his direction of The Fighter (hint hint, Nathaniel).
Leo's ads just seem so desperate and pretty much tacky. I know Mo'Nique is sitting down shaking her head. Plus, i thought Leo was pretty much a shoe-in anyways. When's the last time Oscar gave us a surprise win in the acting category? I'm just not sure why she felt she had to do this.
It reminds me of one of the Blue Valentine posters which whored itself for Oscar attention with that quote they used.
My vote is with Leo anyways, even if i would crack a smile if Amy Adams got it. I could watch Charlene beat up trashy women and curse people out any day of the week.
I learned so much from The Social Network's DVD features! It made me love the movie so much more. Thanks for mentioning it Nathaniel!
That had better be faux fur, Miss Leo.
you guys are so funny... I was laughing out loud so many times. Please do more of these.
rosengje -- i already gave him my bronze medal. what more do you want ;)
bryan -- i agree that it's not that big of a deal. it just seems like such an odd decision. i don't think it will make or break her either way. I only really wworry about the academy's love of little girls in that category resulting in a win for Hailee. which would SO bum me out. My own vote is with jacki weaver of course but Melissa Leo is exceptional in the The fighter and it'd really be too bad if someone in a lead role on their first movie took it from her.
Will this be made available on iTunes? Either way I'll listen, it's just that iTunes makes my life easier haha.
Nathaniel - The way you pronounced Hailee (ie like Hally) is funny because in greek, "haly" means "mess" which describes her category situation perfectly :p
And I'm glad you're endorsing my "TKS as a musical" idea. Please find me a job as a movie/theater advisor somewhere :p
Good podcast though I do like it more when you talk about what you all think of the movies/movie elements than about Oscars. I am aware of the absurdity of what I just said since it's an Oscar podcast and it's not like you and Nick don't write a lot about movies. I guess with the awards season being so long, the "I think this is going to win" disscussion has gone too far by now for me. Plus, a podcast is a great opportunity for comparing opinions on movies as opposed to stating them individually.
Of course, that's just me and I don't want to sound like I don't appreciate the podcasts as they are, because I totally do.
We're totally sympathetic to that opinion, James T, and in fact we've been saying that when/if we can do more of these (everyone's time is at a premium), we also like to exchange or argue opinions instead of just peering into the crystal ball. But, as you say, it sort of is crystal-ball season.
James - yep. that's why we riffed on our favorite directors this time. maybe we'll do another category next time
Leo's ads don't bother me. If they're tacky, it's not as if Oscar season (see Weinstein's "talking points" which strick me as far more of an affront to decency etc) is known for it's subtlety.
Also, I just watched Inception today. I thought Nathaniel was exagerrating with the "Original exposition" thing. He wasn't. I do think Nolan was robbed of a directing nod in 2008 (robbed in oscar terms. He wasn't my top five, but if we ignore foreign language directors and no-hopers - I'm thinking Akin, Reygadas, Desplechin, Cantet and McQueen - he should've made the line-up) but as much as I enjoyed the film (it's very COOL in a video-game kind of way) - he wasn't robbed here.
I love Nathaniel's point about Pixar's narrative. If this race hadn't devolved into TKS, I think TS3 could've played a spoiler there.
The mental image of David Fincher and Mo'Nique bitching about Oscar campaigns over breakfast killed me! Thank you Nick Davis.
Melissa Leo's choice to do these ads, when she's already considered the front runner, can't really help her. Will someone decide vote for her who hadn't already been wowed by the performance or intrigued by her various giddy awards speeches? I think not. Might someone say, "I'm not voting for that vote-mongerer!"? I think so. Makes me sad.
That said, I'm bummed that the buzz is getting very dog-pile-on-the-wabbit. Let's not make it worse for her! The ads don't look "tacky". She made a point about wearing faux fur. She didn't diss Haillee or MoNique on Jimmy Kimmel, as someone claimed recently. She's saying things in her interviews that are about the need for women in Hollywood, especially older actresses, to fight for more. That's a good thing, even if it's not a smart thing for her Oscar chances.
real life needs an inception button.
@John O: You are more than welcome!
@Olivia: It has one! It's right there on the internet. That's "real life" enough for me.
@San FranCinema: From what I'm reading, the ads are intended less to win the Oscar than to prove the viability for magazine covers that she thought she'd be snaring as an established Oscar frontrunner in a hit movie. Which I think being sexy and exuberant at the Globes and funny on Jimmy Kimmel might have reaped more quickly than these adds do. But hey, she's clearly a marches-to-her-own-drum kind of gal. I do think Nina Garcia would say that "Her taste level isn't quite there in these ads," and Heidi would trot out her second most durable slight, "She's a beautiful woman, and yet these ads make her look old!"
CURSE YOU NATHANIEL! New podcast now??? Now i'm going to have to listen to it instead of getting my paper done. And you're to blame. Now i'm off to listen to it, bye.
the ending made me crack up so much...the Inception sound is just like a foghorn.
And just to throw in my own cents about the Leo thing, whyyyyy did she do it? She was already a lock! And supposedly it was about her being upset that she couldn't be on any magazine covers - that just seems kind of trite. Honey, you're just not a very well-known figure outside of film circles. No one I know has seen Frozen River, and not a lot of people would recognize her outside of the Fighter. And the point of magazines is to sell. She's probably getting the Oscar and and her career is exploding at a point when most actresses fade away.
My goodness, there should just be an oscar handbook handed out to the nominees each season, and it would just consist of four words: "What would Meryl Do?"
We need to get over the Hailee Steinfeld catgory snub. It bugs me as much as anyone, but that's the catagory that they voted her in, so they need to follow through, if they like her performance enough to vote her number one (as some people surely will). It annoys me that she has a nomination where Mila Kunis should have been (IMO lol) but now that she has the nomination, I wouldn't mind seeing her win. I hope people don't nhot vote for her just because they think its unfair, if its people's fave, they should vote her. That said, Im team Adams, and I'm hoping for an upset (that I know ain't gonna come).
Leo's not really doing anything wrong with these ads, its just seems annoying cos she's a character actress who would be better off acting gracious. I don't know what she was thinking.
Ack! So funny. So very very funny. Loved it! Goofs and glitches included.
The Leo ads wouldn't be so bad if they, well, they weren't so *bad*. They're really not attractive photos at all.
Its like when Norma Desmond met Marilyn Hack!
John --- oh no! Marilyn Hack... a brilliant association. but not a flattering one given the situation.
I think Melissa is GREAT in The Fighter so I'm still rooting for her (my second choice) given that Idon't think Jacki will win.
Woah Nathaniel, your voice is way deeper than I expected! I'm rather turned on. Overshare, I know...
Ok, about to go back and actually listen to the podcast but before I do I want to know: why are our tastes diverging so much this year, especially when it comes to the women? (Usually we're rather on track - that's why I read you, well not the only reason, but one of...) Hmm... Like Leo, seriously?! Amy Adams completely outclassed her (if you can use that term in reference to Charlene!) - you're spot on with that "flash of Junebug-brilliance" critique of her porch scene. And Weaver, really? The menace was all in the way the role was underwritten, not any particular enigma or skill on Weaver's part. In a way I'm glad Leo has put out those hideous ads (who does that sort of thing?!?!) - because hopefully it means Steinfeld can sneak a win. There I said it. It's my favourite debut since Tang Wei... And don't get me started on Kunis and Moore missing even your semi-finalists! Who was it who said that it takes a lot of effort to look that effortless in an Aronofsky picture? S/he epitomised Kunis' skill right there.
Maybe it's a British vs. American culture-clash thing? Only because I seem to have aligned more with Bafta than you/Oscar in these instances...
Right, I'm going back to listen now, promise...
Disagree about Weaver. Watch how she interacts with her family in the beginning - the slightly forceful, icky tenderness. Watch how she eventually reveals her hand - with the lawyer, the cop.... it's just remarkable. Watch the scene where she visits her sons. And then watch that final scene, with it's mixture of grief, shock and resignation.
Weaver's performance is truly remarkable and I'm so happy she garnered traction in this race. I hope she wins.
Please record more podcasts. They are so funny and I really enjoy them!
Thanks, Nate et al., for doing another one of these. Two thoughts: despite whether Weaver is deserving of the win, I think that Steinfeld (or maaaaaybe Adams since she deserves an Oscar for that body of work) would be the one to swoop in and snag the Supporting Actress award. Even if everyone watches their screeners, I wonder if they'd give it to a Hollywood outsider from a really small film.
Also, I saw Waste Land on Saturday and the TKS-esque crowd-pleaser description is exactly right. It was so fun (I mean, it's about Brazilians... how can it not be lively and exciting?) and it really treated its subjects with a deep, deep respect. it's also a thoughtful exercise in community service/charity. The production values can't compete with something like Inside Job (it's more along the lines of Restrepo), but it has the heart so like Nick or Joe said, it's a definite possibility for the win. I've seen four of the five nominated films (all minus Gasland) and it's my favorite so far.
Evan -- i must get on one.
Michael -- the current plan is to do them weekly now and keep them shorter like this (30-40 minutes) but i can't guarantee that the cast will remain the same. we may have a rotating spot. depends on availability and such.
Amir -- haha. i hate my voice on these things but when i'm calmer / less excited by topic, my voice is even lower. ;)
I'm going to laugh so hard when Randy Newman wins for writing the same song again. If you take it out of context of "Randy Newman has written the same song 4 times in a row for an animated film," it's a solid pop song that sets the right thematic tone for the entire film. Isn't that what Original Songs should do?
I actually think that "If I Rise" song will win because it's everywhere in the film and impossible to ignore, but I won't be disappointed if it doesn't.
@OtherRobert: That's funny that "If I Rise" is so pervasive, because I literally don't remember the song at all.
@Nick Davis. You had me at "Nina Garcia."
Nick -- i didn't remember the song at all either. i only remembered the uptempo song that kicks the movie off.
Oh Melissa Leo, the tackiness! I can't even go to there. You should be above this kind of foolishnees, especially at your age.
"If I Rise" titters in and out throughout the film at arguably key emotional moments. It's such a nonentity as a song outside of the film, you don't remember it. That is, of course, if you're not locked in a theater forced to evaluate how the song--broken up into tiny fragments of maybe 16 to 32 bars (about 15 to 30 seconds for non-theater people) at a time. Then, the visual of the film matches nicely with the Enya-esque hippie dippy love fest. Even so, Rahman's score is so similar to that song at times that it all kind of blends together except for that first song. I think it works wonderfully, but I've supported film scores that people don't even realize are in a film if I yell at them to listen to the music during key moments in the score.
I just think that if the voters want to spread the love and give 127 Hours something, it's going to win Original Song. That's my gut instinct. The same way I think The King's Speech will only win 1 acting award and--call me crazy--Winter's Bone's best chance is in Supporting Actor (I know, I'm crazy). I'm really thinking The King's Speech and The Social Network are going to divide enough categories to give most of the Best Picture nominees a win or two.
These podcasts are great! I love all of you guys. Can anyone tell me how to download the older podcasts (#12 and older)? The direct link from the older blog and the iTunes Store link don't seem to work.
Leo is batshit crazy. That's the conclusion I've come to. Why would she bother to do this when she's the frontrunner? Kudos to your podcast partner for pointing out the fact that Amy, her co-star, is nominated in the same category. That is beyond tacky and unkind.
But the good thing is is that we now know that Leo in her acceptance speeches isn't putting on an act. That's who she is...the kooky actress lady. I would love nothing more than for Amy to take the Oscar away from her.
Russ -- i'm working on a solution to this. the itunes store doesn't work.
lol at the Inception button, but when it died it started to sound like a law and order button.
The other day I set Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, and my morning alarm, just for lols, I didnt get any slow motion brrrrmmm brrrrrmmmm in my dreams though