Reader of the Day: Keir

Hope you're enjoying getting to know The Film Experience community with me. Some times I pick up bits from comments but this has been a much fuller picture, and so fun. I hope you've enjoyed. We wrap up tomorrow.
Today's featured reader is Keir.
Nathaniel: Do you remember your first moviegoing experience?
KEIR: Yes I do. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't a glorious experience. My Grandmother took me to see E.T., and I suppose I was a little wimp because every time E.T. would appear on the screen I would cry. I guess I thought he was scary. I think I remember her laughing a bit, then asking me if I want to see something else.
OMG. I went with my grandmother to E.T., too. Scout's honor. I remember she didn't like it and the rest of the year when everyone was like 'the whole world loves E.T.' I was like 'Um... Grandma 'Bel didn't!'
So... when did you start reading The Film Experience?
After the Brokeback Mountain mess. I wanted to vent my anger. (I knew that you were a big supporter, and couldn't wait to see what you had to say about it.) I especially love and appreciate your tribute to actresses.
You work or worked for Disney as a performer, right?
Yes, I'm a dancer first and foremost. I also worked for Royal Caribbean, and did the national tour of "Contact". I also sing, but dancing is really my love and passion.
Keir (left) in a number based around Dr. Facilier (right) from "The Princess and the Frog"
What's your favorite musical number?
I was a soloist for the number "Mr. Bojangles" from "Fosse". It remains my favorite piece that I ever did. It took everything out of me each time I performed it. There was always a sense of accomplishment whether or not I executed the number technically perfect. Bob Fosse is by far my favorite choreographer and my favorite style.
What film genres besides musicals do you love?
Well, actually I would say that Dramas are my favorite film genre, I suppose because I'm such a drama queen myself. I'm always affected the most by a film that stirs my emotions and makes me think.
A guilty pleasure for me are horror films. I know that 9 times out 10 it's going to be a bad film, but I love the thrill of it. It's always good to see a horror film with a date as well. I once went on a date to see The Notebook, and it was so awkward after.
Three favorite actresses. Go!
Hmmm...well, it will be hard to pick just three, but I would have to say: Meryl Streep is by far my favorite actress. I know it's such a typical answer, but that's for a reason. She is so versatile and natural in everything she does. I also look forward to her speeches, because she always makes me laugh. She is my acting God, for sure.
I've always had a thing for Gwyneth Paltrow. I'm in the minority that thinks she was absolutely the right choice back in '98. She is sophisticated and charming. I really had no idea that she could sing as well, which makes me like her even more. Sally Field is amazing as well.
He likes her. He really likes her. (So does Nathaniel!)
She has the right mix of humor and drama in her scenes. I've loved every single performance of hers.
On a side note, I LOVE Natalie Portman now. I'm biased in my belief that she was the rightful winner this year for obvious reasons. I love when an actor/actress can surprise you and knock your socks off.
Reader Comments (26)
I love his name for a guy and the guy spelling of it.
Ugh, Nathaniel, stop posting hotties everyday. D:
Pick a vagina once in a while hahhah.
On a serious note, you have such attractive readers!
I posted some girls .Speak up ladies!
Well done, Keir - I like two of your three Best Actresses - lol and I agree with everything else. And btw, I also didn't love ET but thought it was okay. Such asophisticated thought for a child :-)
Someone mentioned a film experience dating website for cinephiles to meet w/other cinephiles. After all of these reader post w/smart and hot cinephiles (including Manuel who's looking for a husband), that needs to happen. Like now. haha
Sally Field is so under-appreciated. While certainly not the best actress, she understands her niche and can really give truly great performances that help to elevate whatever she's in. I was really hoping that Spielberg Lincoln project, with her as Mary Todd, would come to fruition.
Nathaniel, now you're just screwing with us. Keir's adorable.
Come to think of it, you really should end this RotD thread now. What will happen if you post someone and nobody says "wow- (s)he's hot!"?
And Keir is right. Sally Field is amazing. I'm pretty sure that she and the Kevin-Scotty storyline are the only thing holding Brothers & Sisters afloat right now.
My best friend is terrified of ET to this day! We went to Universal Studios Orlando one Summer and I forced her to ride the ET ride and she always ripped off her seatbelt and jumped off the moving car in the middle of it. I'm such a good friend. But know you are not alone, Keir. She calls him a talking tumor.
And let's hear it for the Gwyneth defenders. We few, we embattled.
I love the name Keir. Surprised you didn't ask about Keir Dullea.
I'm totally coming around to Gwyneth. I think the feeling was she was too perfect not to be annoying in '98 or so, but I love that she does "Glee," stars in that trashy country movie, names her kid whatever she wants, etc. And she really is a very natural actress, even if I think she used to give people a snobby vibe.
Um...I personally like the fact that there are some hot boys out there that can talk about movies. A parade of hot cinephiles is fine by me!!!
I'm all in for The Film Dating Experience, LET'S DO IT!
As I've already stated on the Vinci post, we should all submit our pictures. Let's go balls a manner of speaking...
I don't think Gwyneth would be in my top 3, but I'm still a huge fan so it's good to see I'm not alone.
OMG, I finally found somebody who also thinks that Gwyneth Paltrow was the right choise for 98! I gotta marry this guy!
I've been on my own defending Gwyneth's win for over ten years!!! Where have you been Louis?!?!
I also thought Gwyneth deserved it in 1998. She was so fantastic and magical. She is one of the two reasons that make "Shakespeare in Love" one of my all time favourites, the other being the script.
+1 for Gwyneth's Oscar fan club. This is turning into quite a group.
Please keep up the Reader posts! Whether Reader of the day, of the week or of the month!
(and I'm not just saying that because Keir's hot)
I think Gwyneths win is quite respectable given that she's imo the second best of her field of nominees (the first being Montenegro)... But when I remember that the 3 standout performances by actresses that year were not even nominated (Ally Sheedy, Christina Ricci and Renée Zellweger) I really feel its a weak "strong" win in a weak field...
Fernnando... that was a sad year for snubs especially given ALLY SHEEDY and CHRISTINA RICCI doing their best work ever. but it was still so eciting that Montenegro managed a nod for such great work. But Oscar going foreign language and for an old lady. what a pleasant surprise.
Funny trivia about Sally Field:
As every Oscar obsessive knows (?), she did NOT say "You really, really like me", but "You like me! Right now, you like me!" Somehow the more exaggerated statement became part of pop culture - so much, in fact, that when Field presented Best Actor the next year, she said "Let's see who you like, you really, really like", misparaphrasing her own Oscar speech!
I am LOVING the Gwyn love. Sure, Cate was my favourite but Gwyneth is a dangerously close second for me. "Shakespeare in Love" is pure joy and she's a big part of that.
(Though I shall forever resent the fact that the true star, Fiennes, couldn't get some love. Not even a freakin' Golden Globe win.)
Not even a Globe nom.
+1 to all the Gwyneth love.
I found Philip's comment incredibly stupid. It was meant as a joke, I think, but substitute (the misogynistic) 'vagina' for 'gay' and listen to the sound of it.
I was more thinking Keir Gielcriest from United States of Tara, I want to be interviewed!
Haha - Thanks everyone!
So surprised for the Gwyneth love! Also, I was named after Keir Dullea!