Oscar History
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Cathy & Frank

June Weddings (reprinted from the TFE archives)


Excerpted from a June 1944 edition of the Hartford Courant, "America's oldest continuously published newspaper".

Fourteen years later, the couple divorced. No clipping available but the following photo is believed to have been taken during the couple's 1957 Christmas party.

I've never seen Frank so soused.

This tragedy need never be repeated in Hartford or Iowa or Massachusetts or New Hampshire or Vermont or D.C. or New York now either.


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Reader Comments (4)

cut to July 2011 where Frank and his partner of 12 years celebrate the victory of same sex marriage in NY by having a quiet wedding in the Park. Cathy and her gays watch on in support.

June 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGinger

I find this both humorous, and sort of sad.

June 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew K.

GOD, Ms. Patty Clarkson. What a role and performance! It goes without saying that Julianne was equally good, but sometimes it feels necessary to champion the Oscar-nomination-less (at least for this role).

On a lighter note... yay marriage equality!

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBryan

Confession Time: I wasn't crazy about Far From Heaven with my initial viewing but subsequently, never has a movie grown on me since. I absolutely LOVE it now. Though I've certainly always thought it was a very good film.

Andrew's right, this is a little sad. And I dunno if Cathy could find it in herself to willingly see Frank again, or vice versa. I'd like to think they ran into each other once on the streets of NYC in the mid 70s and had a sweet and touchingly profound moment with each other and that was the end of it. And then they both went their separate ways with some much-needed closure. Cathy, if she's still alive, now lives on a fabulous resort front in Florida no doubt satisfied from afar about NYC's recent progress. She enjoys mojitos on Sundays, I hear.

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark
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