Yes, No, Maybe So: Haywire

Jose here with a new edition of Yes, No, Maybe So. Just a few days ago we brought you the trailer for Steven Soderbergh's Contagion and now here's the trailer for Haywire, a movie he will release a mere four months later. Apparently the whole retirement thing just helped to crank the creative juices inside him...
YES. Once again, that cast!
How did he handle two casts with these people? Can you imagine working with Fassy, Ewan, Gwynnie, Kate, Marion and Channing in the same year? Maybe they are the ones who are more like "can you imagine working with Soderbergh?".
Keep on reading for more awesome Soderbergh-ness...
Also, this movie has got to have one of the hottest male ensembles this side of The Hurt Locker, not that this matters much in terms of movie quality, but still, can you resist "The Hunky Bunch"?
...and Matthieu Kassovitz is in this one too! YUM.
NO. Again with killing your stars Soderbergh! You will never believe who is at the receiving end of this kick-ass, well, kick (go see the trailer at the end of the post if you want to find out).
This isn't a real "NO" per se but really this movie looks so amazing that it's difficult to find any flaws other than its release date. Why can't we have it today?
MAYBE SO. Jury's still out on how porn star Sasha Grey performed in The Girlfriend Experience and this time around Soderbergh is putting the entire movie on Gina Carano's shoulders.
The martial arts expert sure pulls off the physical part of this character but can she live up to the thespians surrounding her?
Why her and not someone with actual action expertise like Jolie, Garner or heck, even Matt Damon in drag would've been less surprising.
Carano doesn't look particularly Streep-ian on the trailer but who knows, maybe she's going for a Noomi Rapace vibe? Fooling us with her stern kick-assery only to floor us with her amazing face later?
I for one can't wait to see what she brings to the table!
Now, here's the trailer:
Were you still recovering from the awesomeness of Contagion? Do you know more about Carano than we do? Will she rock this part? You know the drill. YES, NO, MAYBE SO?
Reader Comments (15)
I know nothing about Carano, but it's easy to see that she's got a Noomi Rapace vibe going on. I'm sure that she'll be OK.
However, as an actorsexual, I find that the male cast is much more interesting, and they make this look like a film to definitely not miss.
No. Soderbergh should retire now.
I don't know. It doesn't even look like POTENTIAL masterpiece territory (thank you Drive), but it's likely to be a few steps above Michael Bay. I'd doubt Soderbergh is going to end on a BAD movie. (However, I have to say this: Traffic hurt to look at.)
Eh. No.
Yes. Every step of the way. Contagi...what now?
I have this really random rule that I won't spend any time/money in theaters to see a film with Channing Tatum in it. I'll usually catch it on Netflix though, so I'll probably do the same with this film even with McGregory and Fassbender making me totally break my rule. But why mess with a rule that's done me right so far?
Any movie with Mcgregor and Fassbender together in the same cast list is a big Yes for me, even if it's about the nth kick ass reinterpretation of the Nikita/Alias type.
This one and Contagion should play on a double show, as some sort of Soderbergh's Grindhouse.
This looks exciting and intriguing and I don't know how Soderbergh managed two ensembles of this caliber, but I have one minor repair: the lead girl looks too powerful. Undefeatable. Yes, she's in a bad situation but, at least from the trailer, I was never concerned for her.
Anyways I hope both movies are good and this ends up being another year 2000 for Soderbergh. YES
I was fine with Carano until you mentioned Garner. Why can't she get gigs like this? Boo.
And yeah, I could eat that cast on a cracker. Delicious. Bring it on.
eurocheese: I think that Garner would not do that because she is afraid of type casting. This one looks cool and entertaining not Oscarish
Seemingly good cast but I think I'll wait for the reviews on this one. That basic plot of trained assassin kicking endless ass is SO done by now.
Uhh, I can't really judge this movie by its trailer even though I usually love doing that. I'm definitely dazzled by the star power but then that voice over work and editing on the trailer was sooooo cheesy. But, you can't blame the film for that can you? Plus one too many a trailer has misled me before.....
I love McGregor (glad to see him getting hired again!) but he is NOT the person I would send after a kick-ass assassin. Or maybe his relative "softness" will balance out Gina's hardness?
Yes - to the male cast in general, except...
No - Channing Tatum. And Michael Douglas never really did anything for me; hopefully his part is small.
Yes - to a kick-ass female (is she the protagonist, or is McGregor?) But...
No - only one female character in the entire film?
Yes - Soderburgh
No -Soderburgh
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Er..did you not see her kick Fasshbender across the room. That brute strength only comes from a real fighter. I can see why Soderbergh wanted her to the role. Jolie with her skinny ass limbs and cheesy and/or camp deliveries can barely hold a candle.