Michael Sheen is Such a Freak...

Sheen as computer program
Sheen as lycan
How did he ever end up in that stuffy English man groove in all those political movies?
This random question is brought to you by the recent full moon (were any of you killed by werewolves?) and my new blu-ray of Tron Legacy in which Sheen really gets his freak on... presumably to entertain himself since the movie won't. [Editor's aside: The BFCA is honoring the 5th anniversary of the Blu-Ray soon so I'm reinvestigating several titles for their blu-crispness and such so I can vote on the honors.]
My god is that movie (Tron Legacy) incoherent. And I'm not talking about the plot since one can forgive movies about people getting trapped inside computers and creating malevolent digital versions of themselves for plotholes and diversions; part of the territory! I'm talking about the filmmaking. From scene to scene but more problematically from cut to cut nothing ever makes any sense. Where is this character standing? Which direction are they moving in? Where did that other character come from? Did they leave where they just were? Perhaps they turned around to face another direction? Why are we looking through a window now? Why did we just watch Tron fall into water from underneath the water? Why does that butterfly conveyor built thingie take 21 minutes to take the characters to the climax when every other distance in Tron world seems to be covered in like 4 seconds? We're talking basic spatial incoherency constantly. And you can't blame "the grid"... don't know if you've ever noticed this but cities built on grids are super easy to navigate in comparison to cities that aren't.
This post was brought to you by 2010. Thanks for listening.
SuperFreak and his unsuspecting lady friend Rachel McAdams
As you were.

Reader Comments (7)
He's sexy.
as is his lady friend ;)
Ah,the hotness of Michael Sheen in Underworld! He should be contractually obligated to have a beard, I would guess that in it lies his Samson-like power to attract Rachel McAdams ;)
I have crazy love for Michael Sheen. I will see him in almost anything (sorry, "Underworld" is so not my thing, although I did subject myself to "Twilight: New Moon" just for him). It must suck to be the co-lead in two Best Picture nominees where your other lead gets the nomination, but not you. And yes, it's funny how he seems to bounce back and forth between stiff upper lip and insane scenery chewer. In terms of great modern scenery chewers, I think he doesn't get mentioned nearly enough.
You know what the worst thing about "Tron: Legacy" was? How dour it was. If your movie features Michael Sheen as Ziggy Stardust reborn, that's your first clue that you probably shouldn't take yourself too seriously.
WORD @ the Tron Legacy criticism. Beyond the score by Daft Punk (that could've been even better), the technologically interesting costumes, art direction and lighting and the snazzy non-Jeff Bridges-related FX, it was a rather large bore. Almost like the (newbie) director didn't want you to have fun.
But yeah, Le Sheen was hilarious in it. When is he not? His guest performance on 30 Rock a couple seasons ago was just about my favourite thing he's ever done, beyond any stuffy dramatic part.
People don't get my crush on Sheen. I don't get THEM.
I don't understand why everyone is raggin on Tron Legacy all the time. I am assuming that most people didn't like the first one either. Take it for what it is, ENTERTAINMENT. I saw it IMAX 3D and I wasn't bored and in fact, was amazed by the visuals. I think that they did the original justice.