Disney Princesses as Fashionistas

Remember those Disney Princes in their underwear a few years back? Online illustration trends never don't involve the Disney stable of instantly recognizable characters. Now artist Danté Tyler has envisioned eight of the Princesses as Vogue cover models.
Here is Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
Love that one eye is pink and the other blue, and it doesn't hurt that her shoulders are as sharp as the spindle on a spinning wheel.
Belle and Ariel after the jump...
Honestly, I'd love to read the article on Belle's "top 10 novels she simply can't go without". What would they be?
Pocahontas, Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmine and Tiana over at Bossip where I find these.
If you somehow missed the very viral Disney Princes as underwear models series by the artist David Kawena the most recent addition was Flynn Rider from Tangled.
Here's Kawena's Deviant Art page.
Reader Comments (12)
Nice. Hope they do Mulan and Rapunzel as well.
I don't really like that they're SO unrecognizable (except the clothes, kinda) but it's interesting and the titles on the cover are hilarious!
"Her top 10 novels she simply can't go without"
That's our Belle (OCD, I HAD to add that) :p
Reminds me of watching a documentary in a film class in college about basically how bad Disney films are - pretty sexist and racist.
Ariel has her voice stripped and is basically expected to use her looks/body to get a man. Belle is expected to look past a literal beast's anger/temper to see a better person deep inside - "maybe it's up to her to fix him." etc.
And let's not get started on how racist Aladdin is.
Fynn looks like Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. Just a lot more gay ;)
I love the "Thingamabobs? She's got 20" on Ariel's
I do love that the artist went all the way with the text on the covers - as insipid as the real things (except this time it's supposed to be funny). I particularly liked the one for Tiana ("Froggy, Fierce & Fabulous") - except for the misspelling of "restaurant".
The comments at the site are pretty funny - perhaps they needed to put a disclaimer that these were mock covers and not the real thing?
Philip - you've just explained why I've not been a huge fan of the Disney "princesses". The horrible thing is that it is so pervasive.
Ugh, not that nonsense Disney criticism again.
The images are interesting, though the art style is so divorced from the films that it's not a particularly strong connection.
Oh no, not those David Kawena/Disney Prince fanarts again! I DON'T NEED TO SEE THAT /Aunt Sassy
Those Disney Princess Vogue covers are pretty impressive. However, the clever attention to details is what MAKES them. Ariel's necklace! The hilarious mock magazine writing! Well played, illustrator.
LOL 'Voodoo Chic'
Mark -- lol. Oh, Aunt Sassy and her catchphrase.
Ariel looks like Jessica Rabbit, agree?
They look evil! The disney men however, look very good haha.