Globe Winner Predictions. A Nail Biting Night?

I normally look forward to Golden Globe night with the feverish pitch I otherwise save for Oscar Nomination Morning and Oscar Night itself. They're the holy trinity of awards season Father (Oscar Noms), Son (Oscar Night) and uh... Holy Ghost (The Globes). Well, there are spirits involved. I expect that the drunkest table will belong to The Help or Bridesmaids. Here's to inebriated ladies!
And here are my predictions. I'm just going for it and predicting a return to... January 2003. Wait, what? Read on!
- The Descendants
- The Help
- Hugo
- The Ides of March
- Moneyball
- War Horse
With most of the attention swinging towards The Artist, Best Picture Drama feels like a free for all this year. Three films (The Descendants, Hugo and The Help) look like feasible winners since they've retained heat after the nominations. Common wisdom points to the inexplicable near-universal love for The Descendants but for whatever reason I'm imagining a repeat of the 2002/2003 Globes season wherein the throbbing heart of a female epic (The Hours) beat out an expensive Scorsese film and the Alexander Payne film about the widower dealing with his angry daughter whilst having spiritual awakenings. (Gangs of New York and About Schmidt)
Prediction: The Help
Spoiler: The Descendants
- 50/50
- The Artist
- Bridesmaids
- Midnight in Paris
- My Week With Marilyn
This one seems all sewn up for The Artist but I think it's worth noting that the Comedy or Musical category tends to be where the Golden Globes house their biggest surprises on average. That said a defeat for the Artist would be the kind of shocker that only happens once a decade.
Prediction: The Artist
Spoiler: Bridesmaids (imagine the uproar!)
- Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
- George Clooney, The Ides of March
- Michel Hazanavicus, The Artist
- Alexander Payne, The Descendants
- Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Hazanavicius may or may not be the frontrunner for the Oscar. It's tough to say with lesser known directors when they're battling cinematic giants who win awards based on their whole filmography rather than the specific film they're up for. But I'm guessing that the presence of Woody Allen pulls enough votes from Martin Scorsese to keep Hazanavicius in the lead.
Prediction: Hazanavicius
Spoiler: Scorsese
- Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs
- Viola Davis, The Help
- Rooney Mara, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
- Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
- Tilda Swinton, We Need To Talk About Kevin
This is probably a super tight race between friends who refuse to be combatants in all things Best Actress this year. It might be foolish to predict a surprise win for The Help in film and not its lead actress but if there's anyone who loves Meryl Streep as much as her super-fans on the web, it's the HFPA. She's their all time nomination leader and she's also won 7 of their acting trophies. Sometimes in television categories the Globe is all about the hot new thing and if they have a freakout about a new plaything we could have the shocker of a Mara victory.
Prediction: Meryl Streep
Spoiler: Viola Davis
- Jodie Foster, Carnage
- Charlize Theron, Young Adult
- Kristen Wiig, Bridesmaids
- Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
- Kate Winslet, Carnage
Common wisdom will tell you that it's impossible for Michelle Williams to lose this since it's a dramatic biopic category in a comedic shortlist. But common wisdom forgets that the Globes sometimes do really love to laugh. I don't think this is locked for Michelle but I do think it'd be a big crazy to predict a loss... particularly with Kristen Wiig seemingly eager to move on from Bridesmaids; she's not interested in doing a sequel and she's busy with new projects so is she really going to be schmoozing the HFPA to win this one?
Prediction: Michelle Williams
Spoiler: Kristen Wiig
- George Clooney, The Descendants
- Leonardo DiCaprio, J Edgar
- Michael Fassbender, Shame
- Ryan Gosling, The Ides of March
- Brad Pitt, Moneyball
GLAMOUR. GLAMOUR. GLAMOUR. When the Globes decide to throw a movie star party, they know how to corral the biggest stars. This year they did it without embarrassing themselves like last year's Depp Double Dip of Depp D'oh! I think this is going to be really close and neither name would surprise me, but let's just assume that the Angelina Jolie factor -- also in the running for her directorial debut -- tips the odds ever so slightly in Pitt's favor.
Prediction: Brad Pitt
Spoiler: George Clooney (... but imagine how much press the Globes would get from a tie?!)
- Jean Dujardin, The Artist
- Brendan Gleeson, The Guard
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 50/50
- Ryan Gosling, Crazy Stupid Love
- Owen Wilson, Midnight in Paris
You never know with the Globes -- especially in the comedy categories -- but there doesn't seem to be enough support gelling anywhere else to derail The Artist party! If Ryan Gosling wanted to win awards. If he really cared about doing so, he might have put up a fight here or in drama (since The Globes are more likely to reward the young male beauties than Oscar is) but he doesn't. And plus: Jean Dujardin is charming in person and just fantastic onscreen.
Prediction: Jean Dujardin
Spoiler: none.
- Bérénice Bejo, The Artist
- Jessica Chastain, The Help
- Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs
- Octavia Spencer, The Help
- Shailene Woodley, The Descendants
In such a tight field heading into Oscar nominations (it's only these five and Melissa mcCarthy still standing) anything could theoretically happen in terms of a "win". But I'm not going out on a limb since I haven't a strong hunch to do so.
Prediction: Octavia Spencer
Spoiler: Bérénice Bejo
- Kenneth Branagh, My Week With Marilyn
- Albert Brooks, Drive
- Jonah Hill, Moneyball
- Viggo Mortensen, A Dangerous Method
- Christopher Plummer, Beginners
Prediction: Christopher Plummer
Spoiler: Albert Brooks if they want a moment.
- The Adventures of Tintin
- Arthur Christmas
- Cars 2
- Puss in Boots
- Rango
Prediction: Rango ... unless they really have to have a Spielberg moment. In which case
Spoiler: Tintin
- The Flowers of War
- In the Land of Blood and Honey
- The Kid With a Bike
- A Separation
- The Skin I Live In
I know people feel that A Separation is unstoppable on its march towards Oscar. And though I wish that were true since I'm totes in love with it, I don't believe true locks are ever possible in foreign film categories unless the foreign film is also up for Best Picture. And besides... being a masterpiece is kind of giving yourself your own golden statue. Masterpieces have lost many prizes over the centuries. And how are they going to turn down an Angelina Jolie moment?
Prediction: In the Land of Blood and Honey
Spoiler: A Separation
- Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
- George Clooney and Grant Henslov, The Ides of March
- Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist
- Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash, The Descendants
- Steve Zaillain and Aaron Sorkin, Moneyball
I'm actually biting my nails on this one. I truly believe any of these five contenders could win (for entirely different reasons).
Prediction: Midnight in Paris
Spoiler: The Descendants
- Ludovic Bource, The Artist
- Abel Korzeniowski, W.E.
- Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
- Howard Shore, Hugo
- John Williams, War Horse
Same goes for this category. Any of these people could win. So let's just go with the Best Picture
Prediction: The Artist
Spoiler: War Horse
- "Hello Hello" Gnomeo & Juliet
- "The Keeper" Machine Gun Preacher
- "Lay Your Head Down" Albert Nobbs
- "The Living Proof" The Help
- "Masterpiece" W.E.
With those adorable Muppet songs by Bret McKenzie nowhere to be heard, they're free to have a big celebrity onstage to accept this. Will it be Madonna, Glenn Close, Mary J Blige, Elton John... I truly haven't even a hunch. But let's say that this night will be kind to The Help somewhere -- even if my daring Best Picture guess is all wrong.
Prediction: Mary J Blige "The Living Proof"
Spoiler: Glenn Close & Sinead O Connor "Lay Your Head"
- Morgan Freeman
I predict that Morgan Freeman wins this!
*please do not take the following AS seriously. I have never claimed to know what I'm talking about when it comes to the buzz surrounding television shows.
- American Horror Story (FX)
- Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
- Boss (Starz)
- Game of Thrones (HBO)
- Homeland (Showtime)
They have so many "new toy" choices. Let's say they're all up in what the internet has been talking about the past month or two instead of what the internet was talking about three months ago.
Prediction: Homeland
Spoiler: Game of Thrones
- Enlightened (HBO)
- Episodes (Showtime)
- Glee (Fox)
- Modern Family (ABC)
- The New Girl (Fox)
In the interest of keeping things lively, let's say that the Globes lean towards the newbie. Shiny new toys are something they're known to lunge for.
Prediction: The New Girl
Spoiler: Modern Family
- Claire Danes, Homeland
- Mireille Enos, The Killing
- Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
- Madeleine Stowe, Revenge
- Callie Thorne, Necessary Roughness
If Madeleine Stowe does not win this one I will whisper this to every member of the HFPA I meet going forward
"Every time I hug you, the warmth you feel is my hatred burning through."
That said, Stowe willingly took herself out of showbiz for over a decade so she doesn't seem like the willing-to-schmooze-for-it type so I'm guessing a former winner takes it albeit in new character form.
Prediction: Claire Danes
Spoiler: Julianna Marguiles
- Laura Dern, Enlightened
- Zooey Deschanel, The New Girl
- Tina Fey, 30 Rock
- Laura Linney, The Big C
- Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation
Whoever wins, we win, right?
Prediction: Zooey Deschanel
Spoiler: Laura Dern
- Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire
- Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
- Kelsey Grammar, Boss
- Jeremy Irons, the Bourgias
- Damien Lewis, Homeland
Prediction: Uh.... I have no idea.. Jeremy Irons?
Spoiler: Steve Buscemi
- Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
- David Duchovny, Californication
- Johnny Galecki, The Big Bang Theory
- Thomas Jane, Hung
- Matt LeBlanc, Episodes
Prediction: I'M TOTALLY STUMPED. Baldwin?
Spoiler: Leblanc? Seriously I'm at sea here. HELP IN THE COMMENTS.
- Cinema Verite (HBO)
- Downton Abbey (PBS)
- The Hour (BBC America)
- Mildred Pierce (HBO)
- Too Big To Fail (HBO)
Prediction: Downton Abbey (more on this soon)
Spoiler: Mildred Pierce
- Romola Garai, The Hour
- Diane Lane, Cinema Verite
- Elizabeth McGovern, Downton Abbey
- Emily Watson, Appropriate Adult
- Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce
Prediction: Kate Winslet
Spoiler: none.
- Hugh Bonneville, Downton Abbey
- Idris Elba, Luther
- William Hurt, Too Big To Fail
- Bill Nighy, Page Eight
- Domiinic West, The Hour
Prediction: Idris Elba ???? I have literally only seen Downton Abbey and one episode of The Hour. I do not know. If you do please share your wisdom in the comments.
Spoiler: Dominic West
- Jessica Lange, American Horror Story
- Kelly Macdonald, Boardwalk Empire
- Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
- Sofia Vergara, Modern Family
- Evan Rachel Wood, Mildred Pierce
Prediction: Jessica Lange. Awards Magnet.
Spoiler: Maggie Smith. Aso Magnetized.
- Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
- Paul Giamatti,
- Guy Pearce
- Tim Robbins,
- Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family
Prediction: Peter Dinklage
Spoiler: none.
I'd love to hear where you think I've stumbled and where you think I'm prophetic in the comments. HAVE AT IT!
Reader Comments (45)
I will say a little prayer that the HFPA decided to vote for an ACTUAL REALLY GREAT Comedy like 'Bridesmaids' and Kristin Wiig and not whatever 'The Artist' is and Michelle Williams. but Harvey will get his way D';
Lola -- oh come on. That's not fair to The Artist. It actually IS a comedy. But I agree that Williams placement is strange. At least she sings ;)
It would be nice if the actual best "comedic" performance of the year was rewarded... Joseph Gordon Levitt and Charlize Theron in their respective categories. (Add bonus since we know the HFPA are notorious starfackers) Maybe they won't get as much press out of JGL winning but Theron would be all the press they need. I don't see how Williams is more of a frontrunner than Theron anyway... big picture wise.
The TV Comedy nominations (especially series and Actor) infuriate me. I just can't take a category that doesn't include Parks and Recreation and/or Community. I have a terrible feeling Glee may win again. And the Actor nominees are lazy AND random at the same time. I guess Baldwin or Duchovny take that one.
And Bryan Cranston SHOULD win for Breaking Bad...but I think Kelsey Grammar will win for Boss (WHO WATCHES THAT??).
Also, I wish Amy Poehler would win. But I do think Zooey will. The role does scream "Golden Globe!!"...
I agree with almost all your predictions in the movie side. On tv, however, I would advise you to be pretty sure Kelsey Grammer is going to win an Emmy for his dramatic turn on 'Boss' as well as Matt LeBlanc for playing himself in "Episodes".
It always makes me happy to see a blog list Actress nominees before Actor nominees in a given category. It makes me feel like I'm living in the 21st century.
Otherwise, I think all your predictions are very logical - the only bit that made me go 'wait a second' were a couple of the spoiler choices. I doubt the Globes will overlook The Artist (even if they do traditionally very much give the foreign-films-should-feel-happy-to-be-included-in-their-one-token-box vibe). But if they look elsewhere in Comedy, I think they'd look in Woody's direction rather than Wiig's. They did give VCB a prize back in '08.
Also I'm much more confident in Chastain's spoiler potential rather than Bejo's. I just have a hunch Chastain will become their next big starfucking addiction in future years a la Kidman, Portman, Streep, Depp, Jolie, Clooney etc. (I'm not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing.)
And finally, Cranston's nomination implies that they have watched or pretended to watch Breaking Bad. So how did they manage to come up with five other nominees in Best TV Drama? I'm not even the world's most fervent Breaking Bad fan, but this perpetual omission just strikes me as completely nonsensical.
Regarding TV categories:
-Claire Danes should win or she’s going mad like in Homeland
-Will the awesome cast from Game of Thrones be there?
-Imagine Romola Garai with Dominic West together on the red carpet
-Then I just remember since Kate, Leo, and Claire will be there, I just want a pic of the three of them together just for the sake of the 90’s.
As much as I want to see Dujardin on stage, I fear there will be a shock in that category. Joseph Gordon Levitt can pull an upset.
If Oscar’s Best Actor is exactly like that, I can’t wait to see the 5 of them in the official picture from the luncheon.
Nate, If (when) Streep wins Golden Globe for Lead Actress Drama, how, in your opinion, will that impact Lead Actress race for Oscar? Or won't it?
I think a streep win at the globes is difficult to predict. She has won them before and not won the Oscar. If she does not win....who knows? Glenn close could sneak in!
Surprise Best Drama Series winner: Breaking Bad
I wonder if they nominated In the Land of Blood and Honey without having seen it, just assuming that it was good (it did have some nice buzz in early December). I'm going with A Separation.
Otherwise, I wonder if HFPA is as adventurous as you're giving them credit for. With all the uncertainty about their future with the rise of BFCA and the competition with Oscar for hosts this year, I'm assuming that they'll try to predict the Oscars even more than usual to ensure their relevance.
For reals, Mikhael! Romeo +Juliet and Rose + Jack- they even have the same initials!!
Sorry, it's late and I'm sick but not tired.
Is Bridesmaids upsets The Artist, you will hear me scream.....from the the Beverly Hilton....that would be embarrassing!
Evan -- ah, but only due to their own personality are they relevant at all! So predicting the Oscars is a fool's errand for them in many ways. It's a good thing they have two categories so they can partially resist those habits. And at least they're not as shameless about it as the BFCA ;)
JD -- I really love Joseph Gordon-Levitt in general but someone will one day have to explain to me what is so great about his 50/50 performance. I thought he was deserving of honors for (500) Days -- such a nimble expressive funny performance. i myself nominated him -- but this one not as much and I think Dujardin is vastly superior in that category.
Evan -- it's probably smart to go with A Separation but i like to take risks. I just think it's not going to win everything. it's too good to not lose something ;)
Considering how explosive BOARDWALK EMPIRE was this season, especially the last three episodes, I wouldn't be surprised if it won again, in fact I expect it to win - the Globes likes shiny new toys in acting, but they're not against repeat series' nods. And, I keep thinking Kelly MacDonald could upset,although it's incredibly unlikely.
PS.Did you like the one hour of THE HOUR that you saw (the West over Whishaw nomination is still so bizarre all these weeks later).? I'm not so secretly hoping Romola wins, although I'm excited for a happy-Kate speech.
@SBG - Why would Bridesmaids' winning Best Comedy be embarrassing? Bridesmaids is excellent and genuinely funny. The HFPA could do -- and has done -- much worse in this category (hello, Alice in Wonderwhy and The Torturist!).
Nat, I think The Help is hurt by its lack of nominations for Screenplay and Director. Usually the winner for Best Picture-Drama has at least one of these two nominations. Also, in Picture-Comedy/Musical, if a film has one or both of these nominations, it's usually favored (not always, but it tends to be). This is why I think The Descendants is the most likely winner and I think that if The Artist doesn't win, the most likely alternate is Midnight in Paris. Just a few things to think about (even The Hours got nominations for Screenplay and Director, even if it didn't win either).
Mikhail, one month ago, I would believe this fear could be realistic; but right now, I believe there woulde be a more realistic shock would be between the actresses (Between Theron or Wiig) instead male category. Dujardin has the big film + Harvey -HFPA loves Harvey- + Excellent press around him. Actually, I think Gosling is the distant second candidate and not JGL (Yes, his film is nominated, but it failed of gained traction in others groups by critics and associations and is not having a huge impact right now as Streep, Davis, Wiig, Pitt or again Dujardin). Also, if we think about it, Dujardin's performance is nail-perfect by Globes recognition. Maybe I'm wrong, but I trust in my instints and choose Dujardin as one of the three obvious Globes alongside Christopher Plummer and Kate Winslet.
P.D.: I fully agree with you Nath. I love JGL, but I still don't understand why the praise for his performance in 50/50, especially when Dujardin is miles better in "The Artist" and fully comedic performance
My predix:
Drama Picture: The Descendants (Nath, you got a good argument for "The Help")
Drama Actor: George Clooney
Drama Actress: Meryl Streep
C/M Picture: The Artist
C/M Actor: Jean Dujardin
C/M Actress: Michelle Williams
Director: Michel Hazanavicius
S. Actor: Christopher Plummer
S. Actress. Octavia Spencer
Drama Serie: American Horror Story -They love campy shows and Ryan Murphy-
Drama Actor: Damian Lewis
Drama Actress: Claire Danes / Madeleine Stowe -I don´t know which one to choose?
Comedy Serie: Modern Family
Comedy Actor: Thomas Jane -Last Chance of Recognition?-
Comedy Actress: Zooey Deschanel
Miniserie: Downtown Abbey
Miniserie Actor: Idris Elba
Miniserie Actress: Kate Winslet
S. Actor: Pete Dirklage
S. Actress: Maggie Smith
Christopher Plummer's speech was so genuine and heartfelt at the BFCA I do want to see him up at the stage again. It's amazing how charming he is at his age. I would imagine he's going to be one of the few that is will give a different speech if he repeats. At the same time, I would love to see Albert Brooks win. I would really love to see his speech!
And you mentioned Gosling wanting it. I am starting to believe Drive is his best yet. If he had come out and campaigned for Drive from the very beginning, he may not be fighting for a spot right now. Given that he had, strangely enough, rose to such incredible prominence in 2011. But then again, he's probably not even going to show at the GG.
Don't you think they'll go with Jessica Chastain? Except for the last couple of years, they're totally into young hot actresses in that category.
Anyway, my favourite line-up this year is best TV supporting actress. They're all amazing.
I hope they'll vote for "Enlightened" in the comedy categories. I'm in love with that show. Also would be nice to see Thomas Jane winning since "Hung" has been cancelled. Sad.
"Too Big to Fail " is "Margin Call" with even better actors. William Hurt is great but I think they'll vote for Idris Elba.
PS I know she bores you but it's Margulies not Marguiles ;)
I know this is kind of random, but I do not like Mary J. Blige's song for The Help. The lyrics are so basic and typical, and the music is stock "inspirational" music. I loved her song from Precious a lot, I wish she had gotten that recognition for that beautiful song that didn't try hard.
This show should be really interesting! I'm excited. Hope to not be disappointed.
Well, for TV: Claire is BRILLIANT on Homeland and MUST win. Just saying.
The film awards are very hard to predict. I hope that will be the same case with the Oscars so I hope the Globes, SAG and Bafta will spread the wealth (to keep the suspense alive).
The Clooney/Pitt tie thing-that is so delicious, I'm surprised the HFPA didn't try and coordinate something (how many voting members are there really-couldn't they be more strategic like that, ethics be damned?).
Well the Globes did have a three way tie for Best Actress-Drama (Jodie Foster, Shirley MacLaine, and Sigourney Weaver) back in 1988, so maybe a Clooney/Pitt tie could happen? ;)
Does it count if I really want Gosling to get awards love? :-)
While I liked The Artist and loved Dujardin in it, Bejo left me cold. I'm hoping she doesn't win here and build momentum. I hate when non-deserving performances (in my opinion) get nominated due to a popular movie. Just saw Shame yesterday, and would love to see Carey Mulligan get that supporting actress spot in the Oscar nominations instead. Jonah Hilll's nomination falls in this same category for me, he did a good job, but I don't think the role is awards worthy when you have such terrific performaces from Corey Stoll, Patton Oswalt, and Viggo Mortenson.
Even though I've been reading you for awhile this is my first comment, and I wanted to say how much I love your site. I am constanty quoting you to my movie club when we are deciding what movies to see.
i've been a big fan of viola davis since i watched the help BUT i just see meryl streep's performance and i think if she doesent win tonight. it would be a big disspointment to me
I'm kind of dreading Ricky Gervais. He'll probably get a few good one-liners but there's such an air of smug about him. Even so, I'm still looking forward to the show- so many pretty people! I hope there's a few surprises.
As for people I'd like to see winning, I know he's not glamorous enough but I'd love if Brendan Gleeson won comedy actor just so that they would have eventually rewarded both the In Bruges boys (wasn't it the best thing ever when Colin Farrell won?). I haven't seen The Artist yet so maybe Dujardin is more deserving but who cares about deserving- it's the Golden Globes, right?
On the tv side I'd like to see Laura Dern win comedy actress. Enlightened is such an emotional rollercoaster- when I'm watching it I'm half the time on the verge of tears and the other half hiding behind the couch. I love it so much! Though it'd be hard to be unhappy with any of the ladies in that category winning. Whoever wins, we win indeed!
I know Claire Danes is getting most of the spotlight for Homeland but I really hope they reward Damian Lewis in drama actor. He's been so great in lots of things and I feel like if they watched the show (I'm never sure if they actually do for any of these film/tv combi awards shows) they could not ignore the sheer amount of Acting (with a capital "A") he does.
I'd be happy if Idris Elba or Dominic West won tv movie actor and not only because I love them for The Wire. Elba gives such a Star performance in Luther, it really elevates the whole thing. And the main reason I kept watching The Hour was because of the utterly lovely rapport between the three leads. Whishaw, West, and Garai were all great- I didn't care about the plot, I just wanted to watch them hanging around.
Wow, that was a bit of an essay and none of these people will even win- oh well, there'll be some nice dresses!
Daisy5 -- thank you and welcome to commenting. Agreed that it's Dujardin and not Bejo that makes that movie what it is.
SVG --- yeah, how would they have the time to know both the tv series and the films inside and out?
dinazstie -- i'm always hoping for suspense too. a whole different set of winners from the BFCA would go such a long way ;)
I think Claire Danes will take the prize and it will be very, very deserved. She was brilliant in Homeland. Might have been my favorite, and I don't think I've loved any leading lady on TV more than Margulies since TGW came into my life. But wouldn't it be delicious if Madeleine Stowe won? Perhaps a bit unfair, but so so delicious.
It's be amazing to see Michael Fassbender and Rooney Mara be the spoilers. I think at least she has a decent shot since momentum for Dragon is building.
To all the Bridesmaids haters,
Get off your pretentious pedestals. It's one of the best films of the year. It is so much bigger and better than your run of the mill "vulgar" comedies. It transcended the limitations that those inferior films trapped themselves in. And it proved to the often chauvinistic Hollywood hot heads that women are funny. A win for Bridesmaids and hopefully Wiig won't just be a win for them, it'll be a step in the direction of equality of gender and genre. People think comedy is easy. Doing comedy well is hard shit. Don't assume making people laugh is easy. #teambridesmaids
I am totally pulling for a Charlize Theron upset. Best Performance by an Actress this year. By FAR. I also don't think it's totally outside the realm of possibility. Yes, she represents the film's only nomination, BUT that was also true of Monster and she won for that in the Drama category. Plus she's the biggest MOVIE STAR in the category and we know the Globes love their movie stars! Plus, it's also just as much a dramatic role as it is comedic. And she sings in the film, too. Take that, Michelle Williams!
I want Kristin Wiig to win so much BUT I think I want Michelle Williams to wint the oscar.
Awards season is making me insane.
Keegan -- it gets us all in the end ;) !
Michael Fassbender for best actor. But they'll never hav e the balls for vote for him. He really did have the best 2011 out of these nominees. I'm so over the Clooney/Pitt love.
I for one can't wait to see what Ricky says tonight. He's the only reason I'm watching. Plus I'll be praying for a Fassbender upset.
Movie (Drama): "The Descendants"
Movie (Comedy or Musical): "The Artist"
Director: Michael Hazanavicius, "The Artist"
Actor (Drama): George Clooney, "The Descendants"
Actor (Comedy): Jean Dujardin, "The Artist"
Actress (Drama): Meryl Streep, "The Iron Lady"
Actress (Comedy): Kristen Wiig, "Bridesmaids"
Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, "Beginners"
Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, "The Help"
Screenplay: "The Descendants"
Song: "Lay Your Head Down", "Alberto Nobbs"
Score: "War Horse"
Animated: "Tintin"
Foreign: "A Separation" (Iran)
Drama Series: "Bordwalk Empire"
Comedy Series: "Modern Family"
Miniseries: "Mildred Place"
Actor in Drama: Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Actor in Comedy: Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
Actor in Miniseries: William Hurt, "Too Big to Fail"
Actress in Drama: Madeleine Stowe, "Revenge"
Actress in Comedy: Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Actress in Miniseries: Kate Winslet, "Mildred Place"
Suporting Actor: Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Supporting Actress: Evan Rachel Wood, "Mildred Place"
Follow my predictions at,
I totally agree with your comment about Madeleine Stowe. I wish she would win. What a speech she could give. "I never imagined I would be nominated alongside of Jessica Lange. Thank you, Hollywood Foreign Press. Now I don't have to send those poisoned letters to your homes."
And those acting categories for men in TV are hard ones to figure out because the actors are all deserving.
I don't think The Descendants is going to win tonight, except for George Clooney. The movie peaked a while ago.
It's weird how astute you are with your film commentary and how clueless you are when it comes to television. All of your television predictions need work. But anyway, here's to a great Globes show! I can't wait! This is the true beginning of the Oscar season for me.
I think Clooney is going to upset in Best Director. They just can't help themselves.
Ken -- as stated, i don't follow television buzz very well ... and i don't have all the pay stations so i can't really follow it on my own. there's only one blog i read regularly that covers The Emmys religiously and I never trust a thing they say about it because the predictions / commentary lean too fanboy and are you kidding? The equivalent in Oscar blogs might be blogs that couldn't shut up about Harry Potter being nominated when obviously that wasn't going to happen.
I want some savvy press photographer to pose Streep and Lange together with their statues tonight and we can all pretend it's 1982 again.
Mejor Pelicula (Drama): "The Descendants"
Mejor Pelicula (Comedia o Musical): "The Artist"
Mejor Director: Michael Hazanavicius, "The Artist"
Mejor Actor (Drama): George Clooney, "The Descendants"
Mejor Actor (Comedia): Jean Dujardin, "The Artist"
Mejor Actriz (Drama): Meryl Streep, "The Iron Lady"
Mejor Actriz (Comedia): Kristen Wiig, "Bridesmaids"
Mejor Actor de Reparto: Christopher Plummer, "Beginners"
Mejor Actriz de Reparto: Octavia Spencer, "The Help"
Mejor Guion: "The Descendants"
Mejor Cancion: "Lay Your Head Down", de "Alberto Nobbs"
Mejor Banda de Sonido: "War Horse"
Mejor Pelicula Animada: "Las Aventuras de Tintin"
Mejor Pelicula Extranjera: "A Separation" (Iran)
Serie Dramatica: "Bordwalk Empire"
Serie de Comedia: "Modern Family"
Miniserie: "Mildred Place"
Actor en Serie Dramatica: Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Actor de Comedia: Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
Actor en Miniserie: William Hurt, "Too Big to Fail"
Actriz en Serie Dramatica: Madeleine Stowe, "Revenge"
Actriz de Comedia: Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Actriz de Miniserie: Kate Winslet, "Mildred Place"
Actor de Reparto: Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Actriz de Reparto: Evan Rachel Wood, "Mildred Place"
Check my TV predictions....I did better than Nathaniel!