20:11 Bad Trollhunter's First Class on Getting By

I'm a bit under the weather today but Golden Globe Prediction and Red Carpet Convo coming up later today and the Film Bitch Awards will continue Monday in full force (after Globe hoopla). Until then enjoy this bit of Year in Review Fun!
Herewith the 20th minute and 11th second of the movies of 2011 in chronological order of US release date. It's like flipping channels for snapshots of the film year! For those who like a challenge, I've written the film titles in invisible ink (you can highlight to see them) below the screencap. How many have you seen? Do these images make you want to stop surfing and watch a little?
Jan | Feb | March | April| May
Part 6: June
I've always wanted to have a phone call with someone who doesn't talk.
Wanna do something?
BEGINNERS ...gah. I love like every scene in this movie, don't you? top ten list! and director interview.
[V.O. from TV] ...beyond the student's identity. Students from his dorm only say that he was quiet and kept to himself. We go now to...."
BEAUTIFUL BOY (a.k.a. We Need To Talk About Sammy)
You're thinking of running, hiding. We'd find you Henry. There's not a fortress in the world that could keep us out."
HER LIPS AREN'T MOVING! AND YET SHE'S SPEAKING!! HOW CAN THIS BE?!? Silly, it's just telepath Emma Frost from X-MEN FIRST CLASS... She's inside your mind! [Reviewed]
More memorable 2011 moments and even a gif after the jump...
[excited offscreen voices] Why did this happen?
-It's going to be okay.
-No, it's not dude."
No one here believes in God or Jesus?"
[no dialogue. just a whooshing sound.]
Okay maybe I cheated on this one a little. 20:11 is that walk to the car but you have to have the whole 20:11:05 - 20:12:05 for this one to work to get your full GREEN LANTERN fix. And yeesh speaking of fixes and needing them: That movie! (worst of year)]
I gotta tell you one thing. I'm a regular guy and I go to these places and I go -- okay everyone talked to me about cannibalism, right? Everyone talked about cannibalism. Now I'm getting a lot of shit for saying "cannibalism" and stuff. Whatever. Everyone talked to me about cannibalism!"
-Okay now, Mater. Remember: best behavior.
-You got it buddy."
CARS 2 (....... throw away the keys! One of the worst of year)
[no dialogue. sad music]
A BETTER LIFE an article on this one.
I was thinking that I want to get more involved. You know, I don't know, something like maybe supervising the 7th grade car wash."
[no dialogue]
Do these bring back any moviegoing memories with friends?

Reader Comments (7)
And the obvious ones are, well, the obvious ones.
I realize I'm in the minority with Bad Teacher, but I personally loved Cameron Diaz's go-for-broke performance. Granted, it wasn't as nuanced or deliciously devilish as Charlize Theron's in Young Adult; nevertheless, she made that film watchable.
Agree 100%, Mareko
Leap Year! Yay! So, so good.
I've only seen one of these (Beginners) - did I sleep through June?
Which one should I catch up on?
BJT -- well it was kind of a week month as film releases go. Some people love that X-Men First Class though (not i)
Beautiful Boy was pretty good. Michael Sheen shouldve been nominated for something this year. Any award.