20:11 Take The Warriors To Shelter

Year in Review Fun! It's the final installment of our peculiar time stamp fetish. The 20th minute and 11th second of the movies of 2011 in chronological order of US release date. It's like flipping channels for snapshots of the film year! For those who like a challenge, I've written the film titles in invisible ink (you can highlight to see them) below the screencap. We'd keep going but it will take too long for the rest of the movies to make it to DVD.
How many have you seen? Do these images make you want to stop surfing and watch?
Jan | Feb | March | April| May | June | July
Part 8: Samplings from August through October
Great. Write my obituary 'Charlotte Phelan: dead; Her daughter: still single.' "
THE HELP ... lots more on this movie.
-Good fun. We'll have good fun from now on.
-Fight. Maybe we fight outside the car.
-[Laughs] I think it's gonna get more and more excite [sic] the championship."
-Don't you think we'd feel more comfortable with our clothes off?
-Unbelievable, just unbelievable
-Why not?
-The rules! Not to mention your girlfriend
-What, Ingrid? She's very uninhibited. She'd have had her top off at the check-in desk."
...a few more moments frozen in time after the jump. Have you seen any of these movies?