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Podcast: One Last Golden Globe Gala!

You thought the Golden Globe festivities were over didn't you? Nope. There's one more left. It's time for the Film Experience Golden Globe Podcast. Katey, Nick, Joe and Nathaniel all met up for one last pre-Oscar nomination chat. We still don't agree on the movies but we all love the Globes unironically. It's always such a party for people who love celebrities and movies. We're sad it's over!

You can download the podcast on iTunes or listen right here at the bottom of the post.

Topics include...

  • Crowd shots and nominee closeups.
  • Introducing... Katharine McPhee!
  • The unintentional eroticism of the DeMille Award
  • Leonardo DiCaprio's tipping point.
  • Johnny Depp, Original Song and other Unnecessaries
  • Seating charts, surprise marriages
  • Calista and Harrison... and Harrison's earrings. 
  • No sloppy Globe seconds for Oscar.
  • Uggie up to his old tricks
  • What will happen with The Help at SAG?
  • Viola Davis vs. Meryl Streep, the problematic narrative
  • Octavia Spencer and David Fincher
  • Brad vs. George and Mr CrankyPants Joe Reid
  • Goodbyes

We'd love to hear your takes on any of the issues discussed in the comments.
We do a lot of theorizing and questioning!

Giddy for the Globes

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Reader Comments (20)

Well done - this got the most laughs out loud from me out of all you guys' podcasts.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMike in Canada

Haha, I love you guys! You made me laugh quite a bit.

In terms of Meryl and Viola, I agree with pretty much everything. I feel like there would be backlash if Meryl won for the reasons you said, but also because the Academy would be passing on a black actress (another if you count Whoopi, Angela, and Gabby) who gave a performance worthy of a win, has the right ingredients in the mix for a win, and that was the point of the movie - equality. I'm pretty sure Viola will win. People really love the help and I pretty much guarantee anyone that saw her critics choice speech would vote for her.

Wouldn't that be hilarious if at the last minute Michelle won the Oscar. LOL.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I'm pretty sure Meryl will win. She is everywhere and the media attention has been incredible. I don't see her losing in a year with Kennedy Center Honors, Golden Bear Lifetime Achievement, 6j0 Minutes rate interview, Vogue and Newsweek covers.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermed

I hate to repeat myself but.. I love you guys!

Re: Viola and Meryl. I hadn't thought about what Nick said (People assuming Viola's win (if she wins) will be owed to Meryl) and I think he has a point, but I assume many people have either seen Viola on stage or worked with her or loved her in Doubt and/or The Help so I think only few people would see a win like something Meryl made happen.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Bring on the backlash! I could care less about viola. If she truly is this talented then she will be nominated again like everyone else. Meryl for the win!!!and this time I do not really care how or why she gets it!!! My narrative with Meryl and viola is that simple.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

off-topic but....... "Sh*t Dowager Countesses Say" - http://youtu.be/1IzpM1qBLio :D

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Viola, Viola, Viola!

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT

//3 - Give it a rest!

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermed

Cannot stop laughing. Seriously, a better podcast does not exist.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLev Lewis

Couldn't stop laughing at the Leo and Asa Butterfield line.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteranon

Awesome 'cast as per usual. Glad to have these back this year.

Certain people on the Internet who would call Dragon Tattoo the best film of the year?! Who could you possibly mean?!

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRJ

Loved this podcast, you guys are hilarious! The Viola/Meryl thing is interesting, I hadn't thought about it before but I don't really see it being an issue. All of a sudden I have this "lost puppy" image of Leo DiCaprio because of the things you were saying about him, but I do agree he needs to challenge himself. As for Best Actor, I don't get why Brad isn't winning more. Isn't he just as beloved as Clooney? I haven't seen The Descendants or Moneyball but I just find it odd the way things are going.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

Honestly, how did you guys meet? You're so good at this! You all deserve a talk-show or a best ensemble award.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

I was smiling from beginning to end. You guys are a riot!

The Leo part was too funny. "He's reached his tipping point..." Hahaha, so true. He looked confused and sad the entire show. I agree that it had to do with him finding out so last minute that Marty went on to make a film without him :/ I think his "challenge" will come in the form of Tarantino and HOPEFULLY Baz Luhrmann. Playing Jay Gatsby ought not be a walk in the park.

Re: Rooney Mara and the scowl... can someone PLEASE explain to me what is going on with her? I get that she may be nervous, but she's had that stupid look on her face the entire press tour. Lighten up you friggin' billionaire! Evan Rachel Wood has never reminded me of Mara. I always thought she was really fun and outgoing and I'm so glad she's back in the spotlight. Now that's someone I want to see more and more of!

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterK-D

I absolutely loved Meryl's speech she is just a class act and I'll be really happy if she wins, and I don't think if Viola wins people will think it was because of Meryl or if Meryl wins people will be angry, I mean they are both amazing performances so, no real losers here, although I do agree that at this point the race is open and ANYTHING can happen. If Viola wins the rest of the arwards Meryl could still win the Oscar and the other way around, which is great in my opinion, makes it all the more interesting and entertaining.

But I do hope Meryl wins, she was breath taking in The Iron Lady.

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarlen

I didn't realize people were seeing Meryl as helping to "make" Viola Davis' career. For me, Meryl comes off as genuinely reverential of Viola, much in the way many younger actresses are when they win an award in a field shared with Meryl. And, given what I've seen of Viola's career, I think Meryl's assessment is spot-on.

January 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterColin Low

Colin -- yeah. it's because when Doubt happened Viola was mostly exclusively "known" as a stage actress who did great film cameos. Most of the films were small roles that she was brilliant in. And then Doubt Oscar traction happened than Meryl made that big flustered my god. someone give her a movie!" speech just at the exact time people were learning who she was. so i think that's what made it take.

January 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

That's an interesting take on the Meryl/Viola dilemma. Would that really be the story if Viola won? I remember when Adrien Brody won and the talk was that the real reason he won was b/c the other four nominees had already won and Nicholson was stumping for him (hosting private screenings for "The Pianist" to support his buddy Roman Polanski . . . ugh, I'll leave that one alone). But Brody's performance more than stands on its own, and the same goes for Davis. It's more than anything sour grapes for people to claim otherwise for either. It's a tough one. I'd say that Streep was the better performance, but Davis was in the better film. The category isn't best actress in the best picture, but that's not how things work out sometimes. Tough race.

January 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterOrion

//I'm pretty sure Meryl will win. She is everywhere and the media attention has been incredible. I don't see her losing in a year with Kennedy Center Honors, Golden Bear Lifetime Achievement, 6j0 Minutes rate interview, Vogue and Newsweek covers.//

One thing about that, which I personally not seen anyone else mention, is the fact that, for someone who verbally roots for Viola (particularly easy for Meryl to do when she's the one up at the podium with the statue in hand, as at the Globes) and says she wants Viola to win, she sure as hell is campaigning the hell out it this year. Friendship and admiration aside she WANTS that thing (I can't just blame Weinstein, nobody held a gun to her head to do those magazine covers.) And that makes the whole thing seem just a bit tacky to me - but Meryl gets to preserve her self-image, everybody still loves, and because they love her they give her a pass. That's my take on it, at any rate.

January 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

so SO much fun! thanks guys! :)

January 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRyanSt
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