Podcast: The Impossible Life of Pi on the Hudson

Here's part two of my October conversation with Katey, Joe and Nick. In part I, Nathaniel, made the embarrassing confession that I had yet to see The Master due to pneumonia, subway mishaps and so on... The day that I knew Part 1 of the podcast would air (Sunday) I rushed to a matinee of The Master so as to course-correct before my shame went public. I only had a few hours free and when I arrived at the theater the ticket seller informed me that The Master was not showing thus prolonguing my public humiliation:
Me, Wracked With The Master-Related Guilt: But I looked it up just 45 minutes ago... 12:30 PM! I'm here. It's 12:30 PM. I have to see it.
Lady Who Knew Not My Blogging Shame: Where did you look it up?
Me: Moviefone.
Lady: We're not affiliated with them. Next time try Fandango.
Me: Are you telling me that Moviefone just made this up?!
Lady: I'm telling you that it's not showing and we aren't affiliated with them.
Me: Fine... Argo.
ANYWAY... [/tangent]
Podcast Part Two.
Topics in this incredibly rambling 41 minute Oscar podcast include but are not limited to:
- Life of Pi
- Hyde Park on Hudson - why the festival showings?
- How to Survive a Plague, Documentaries & FYC Screeners
- Leonardo DiCaprio in Django Unchained
- Naomi Watts in The Impossible
- Amour, Emmanuelle Riva and Best Actress
- The Matthew McConaughey Narrative
- The Normal Heart and August: Osage County in 2013
You can download the podcast on iTunes or listen right here. Enjoy (and please comment if you do).
Reader Comments (18)
glad you all love Emmanuelle Riva. She gave the best performance I've seen in along time. And like you the film has stayed with me so much. I even had a dream about it, from which I woke up strangely calm considering the movie subject matter.
always love listening to you guys! favorite moment 'Think about a movie like Chocolat....' ;)
I LOVE the joke about giving your phone to the ticket person when you see The Master. Thanks for that, and for this.
Nick brought me up. Of course I was a nameless, faceless, woman of color, no, I can't believe my Matt Matt doubt post struck a nerve—if only I could use my powers for good!
Nathan, when do you plan to see The Master? Jo-a-quin is cute.
Big hugs to all four of you! You're the Modern Family AND Parks and Recreation of movie podcasts.
"Nothing that was happening meant anything to me" and Nick's comment LOL
"Katey said she met Nick because she was planning to.."
And by the way, Nathaniel, do you mean that you have seen Argo or should we not make assumptions? ;)
Love this.
As much as I also love Nicole Kidman, I don't know if we can totally give her a pass on the Righteous Kill/Analyze That front when Bewitched and The Stepford Wives exist. Of course, I think she's moved past that phase.
I listened to this because I actually wanted to hear what you had to say about DiCaprio in Django Unchained. He is one of my favourite actors and I´m really looking forward to seeing him as Calvin Candie. And all I got was tired old clichés and contempt.
All these posts about Les Miz here and at other film blogs made me nostalgic and so I googled old Les Miz songs on youtube. While watching Lea Salonga videos singing Les Miz songs, I discovered a link to an old American Theatre Wing six part series on performance. The actors featured were Lea Salonga, Anna Manahan, Iain Glenn, and Nicole Kidman!
This was filmed in December 1998, when Iain and Nicole were in the play 'The Blueroom' together.
So due to all the recent talk about Nicole here, I figured other fans would like to see this too.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRv_UQINQCQ.
BTW, it's strange to see Iain Glenn so young! I'm use to seeing his older grizzled self on Game of Thrones, running around screaming, "Kahhaleeesi!"
As for the podcast and your comments therein on the best actress race, I'm actually thinking that if Zero Dark Thirty does well, and Chastain's has a large meaty role (which looks like the case from the trailer), then it is not a foregone conclusion that Jlaw has the oscar in the bag.
Will, I was kicking myself afterwards that I let that Kidman conversation go by without a "Bewitched"/"Stepford" comment. By the time I'd thought to say it, we'd moved on.
I think McConaughey's comeback is for real. His role in the dallas buyers club is real
@Will: I was kicking myself, too, for spinning right past Those Of Which You Speak. Thought at least those two meant working with Nora Ephron and re-making a fantastic movie from the 70s. Trespass and Just Go With It are a little harder to understand, but...
@Sofie: By all means, be excited about Leo in Django! Not our intent to tell anyone else how to feel. But if you're listening to hear how we feel about Leo or the movie, those were my/our honest feelings.
I don't usually feel anything with Watts and The Impossible is no exception. Don't you think Ewan's cell phone scene might get him his very first shot (Oh, Christian!) with the Academy as supporting actor?
I'm fine with Julia in A:OC. I would have chosen Linney, but I can live with that. Anyway, Martindale is going to get all the raves.
I just want Murphy, Roberts and Bomer out of The Normal Heart. Let's start a campaign or something.
Somehow I felt you all are pretty unenthusiastic about this season. Am I wrong?
Windows Media Player doesn't play these m4a files. I don't have a zip file unlocker or I-Tunes. Grrrr.
Nathaniel: so did you like Naomi Watts in "The Impossible"
Meryl Streep can only elevate August: Osage County. Let's see the movie before bashing Meryl and the director and the supporting cast and so on and so on...
I love how every movie Meryl Streep makes you always say you dread.
I always enjoy The Film Experience podcasts - they're fun. I'm glad Katey Rich was able to join you again. I'm impressed that although there are four of you (4!) you manage to have a lively shared conversation where everyone says something interesting.
Thinking of Best Actress, if there is a sole American nominee, she wins. So any studio with a semi-viable American actress should be pushing her in here. Jessica Chastain would have 50/50 odds with Jennifer Lawrence, who would be no sure thing with Halle Berry (Cloud Atlas) in the race. I don't know if Helen Hunt's chances would be better in Lead than in Supporting, but if the other nominees are French, Australian, English, or a child, hustle your way in.
You understand I'm not talking about who actually gave the best performance. Although Jennifer Lawrence may be very good (I haven't seen the movie yet) I truly doubt that in the world of fabulous actresses, she gives the best performance of the year. But if she is the only American nominee, she could win.
I think that the second story is true because Pi's eyes filled with tears as he finished the story.