Box Office Bounty For Thanksgiving

Buoyed by Twilight & 007 fanaticism, an abundance of newish Oscar contenders, and even a dusty remake for the crowd that doesn't care about Twilight or the Oscars or, you know, quality, there was something for everyone this Thanksgiving weekend! Moviegoers came out in droves for the biggest Thanksgiving at the movies ever.
So it's an extra long box office list today.
Box Office Top Twenty - Actuals
01 THE TWILIGHT SAGA FINALLY ENDS $43.6 (cum $227.3)
02 SKYFALL $35.5 (cum. $221.1) Review & Deborah's Review
03 LINCOLN $25.6 (cum. $62.8) Podcast Discussion
04 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS $23.7 *NEW* (cum $32.3) Capsule Review
05 THE LIFE OF PI $22.4 *NEW* (cum. $30.5)
06 WRECK-IT RALPH $16.5 (cum. $149.2)
07 RED DAWN $14.2 *NEW* (cum. $21.6)
08 FLIGHT $8.4 (cum $74.7) Review
09 SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK $4.3 (cum $6.2) Beau's Review
10 ARGO $3.8 (cum $98)
11 TAKEN 2 $.9 (cum. $136.4)
12 ANNA KARENINA $.8 (cum. $1.5) Capsule Review
13 PITCH PERFECT $.7 (cum. $62.5) Capsule Review
14 THE SESSIONS $.7 (cum $3.9) Review
15 JAB TAK HAI JAAN $.5 (cum. $3)
16 HERE COMES THE BOOM $.5 (cum. $42)
17 CLOUD ATLAS $.4 (cum $25.7)
18 THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER $.3 (cum $16.3) Capsule Review
19 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA $.3 (cum $143.5)
20 LOOPER $.3 (cum. $65.5) Review
So many decisions this Thanksgiving. Alexei or Vronsky? Pumpkin or Pecan?
What did you see this weekend? If it's Here Comes The Boom, Red Dawn or Taken 2 eight weeks into its run please spend some time in the corner thinking about your life choices. If it was Hitchcock (just outside this list) my review is here but really I have to confess that I'm so deeply ashamed of it because JA wrote the most brilliant possible review anyone could have ever written about it. For real - read it!

Reader Comments (22)
I saw Life of Pi, and I feel like I'm apparently one of the only people not bowled over by it. I can't deny how visually impressive it is, but it could not have had any more explanatory monologues without just throwing a bunch of dots and numbers on the screen and giving the audiences a crayon.
Also, Silver Linings Playbook, which is further proof that J-Law is probably some kind of deity.
Saw "Lincoln" and loved it much more than I thought I would.... DDL was outstanding! I can see Tommy Lee Jones win for Best Supporting and as much as I really do not like "one-night" Sally Field... i found her performance the most controlled and real she has done.
I saw Silver Linings Playbook and Lincoln. Hopefully we can fit both Anna Karenina and Life of Pi in this weekend!
The missus and I caught "Lincoln" and "The Sessions". Can't see how anyone can put up performances to beat either Daniel Day-Lewis or Tommy Lee Jones (sorry, Denzel).
Which leaves "Life of Pi" and "The Silver Linings Playbook" for next weekend. The embarrassment of riches that is the hyper-condensed last six weeks of Oscar-caliber cinema for 2012 continues (thank you ever so very, Weinstein trolls, for your Oscar strategy gift that, regrettably, does keep on giving).
saw Rust and Bone which I loved. Who is Matthias Schoenaerts and can he please be in every movie from now on?
Unfortunately I also saw Hitchcock which was just terrible. What is this Oscar talk about Mirren - she was very unremarkable. At least Hopkins had the prosthetics.
I saw Lincoln. I could have listened to DDL as Lincoln for 5 or 6 hours. I didn't find it as talky or cerebral as reviews had suggested, but I can see the POV that Kushner and DDL reined Spielberg in. I wondered if DDL had an advantage from his work in films about the Irish civil war, where the fighting is contemporary. As well as being a gifted and committed actor of course. This is a great season for movies.
After two failed attempts I finally saw Holy Motors. I was a bit uninterested at first, but with Eva Mendes things changed and I really enjoyed it. I absolutely love the musical interlude with the accordions and Kylie's song.
I saw Silver Linings, which was very likable. I thought the cast was great, although it's a little hard to buy Tiffany as an Oscar-winning role. (De Niro I could see.) The real star is Russell who gets to show off a lot of the crowded-family/crowded shot skills he works so well. And it's got some earned laughs.
Wanted to post this on the DDL vs. Jackman thread, but felt it was more appropriate to comment on a more recent thread.
Keeping in mind that I haven't seen any of this year's Oscar contenders (I'm from Australia, so that's my defence!), I'm starting to think the Oscar trajectory of 'Silver Linings Playbook' will closely resemble that of another well-received dramedy, 'The Kids Are All Right'.
Think about it:
- acclaimed lead performance (Lawrence, Bening)
- well-received supporting performance from a beloved character actor (De Niro, Ruffalo)
- original screenplay that expertly mixes comedic notes and dramatic moments
- best picture nomination
I'm also thinking that Lawrence's buzz has overshadowed her seemingly no-less impressive co-lead (same thing happened with Bening and Moore), with the latter eventually being snubbed. Just like 'Kids', both Cooper and Lawrence will both likely score at the Golden Globes but Cooper will have to sit out the Oscars.
Intriguing comparison.
Saw Silver Linings Playbook and pretty much loved it. I'm surprised it has Oscar traction; it's a lot lighter than what they tend to go for, but I'm happy. It's a wonderfully made little romcom and that genre needs all the help it can get.
I hit Silver Linings Playbook, Flight (I'm a little behind on that one), and Life of PI, and yet still feel like I'm behind: The Sessions, A Royal Affair, Anna Karenina, and Killing Them Softly/Hitchcock start in my market next weekend! Oh Oscar season, you are a generous and relentless storm of cinema.
I saw Lincoln (2nd time, with family, liked it better than the first time) and Central Park Five (the story is undeniably powerful but I wish it was something other than a super conventional "this happened then this happened" talking heads documentary).
But how about that top 20? I know the box office chart starts to load up with good movies around this time of year, but that's about as stacked and deep a lineup as I can remember in years. Just goes to reinforce my increasing belief that 2012 is turning out to be a truly outstanding year.
Aww thanks for the niceties, Nat! I was kinda proud of that review myself.
I saw Silver Linings, Hitchcock, and Life of Pi over the weekend, and I was disappointed to varying degrees by all three. I won't dispute that Jennifer Lawrence was absolutely terrific in SL but otherwise the movie didn't work for me, at all. Pi I liked best out of a sad bunch but I expected more.
Holy Motors-My favorite of the film so far.
Lincoln-Terrific film, marred by some slight Spielberg ponderousness and a couple of extraneous endings.
I watched Life of Pi on opening night and in 3D, and was very impressed with the 3D visuals; I could only describe it as stunning. The acting and story were also great; I had reservations about how the story would adapt to film, but it was very well done. My only complaint is that it did drag on a bit right at the end, but that's really just me nitpicking. Expect to see it nominated in the crafts categories come Oscar time.
Saw Life of Pi this weekend over Silver Linings, Lincoln, and The Sessions. The 3-D was GORGEOUS, and since tigers are my favorite animals ever, I was never going to not like it, but it seemed a little... lightweight? It weirdly felt like there was almost zero substance beyond the beautiful cinematography. Which I guess kind of proves the point of everyone who called the novel unfilmable, since you can't call the novel lightweight. I enjoyed it, but was ever-so-slightly disappointed. A solid B+, I guess.
Saw Life of Pi this weekend. A cinematic wonder...Ang Lee in full glory. Pure visual poetry, and a breakout performance by Suraj Sharma. One of the best-directed films of 2012.
I saw Silver Linings on Wednesday, Hitchcock and Cloud Atlas on Friday, and Anna Karenina on Sunday. I can't decide which of Hitchcock and Anna K was the most disappointing. I think I was more disappointed in Anna K but found Hitchcock more laughable. No way is Hopkins getting a nom, I doubt if anything does from that movie. I'm glad I got to see Cloud Atlas but even happier that I read the book a couple of years ago. Silver Linings becomes more delightful the more I think about it.
We are in the marathon portion of Oscar season, aren't we? There's about five more movies that are already out that I need to see. Lincoln's at the top of my list.
Murtada - track down BULLHEAD to satisfy your Matthias Schoenaerts fix next. He's amazing in it. Can't wait for RUST AND BONE to finally open in Australia (where it's been pushed back from December to March! *grumble*)
I paid to see BREAKING DAWN PART 2 on Monday and I still don't have the energy to think about it.
The next installment in the series will be BREAKING WIND with the tagline: This time it's personal.