Oscar Luncheon Photos

The Oscar luncheon was held today. So most of the nominees assembled to be a part of the big class of 2011 photo. Well done, all. Congratulations.
I love that the naked gold man is just standing right smack in the middle of all of them, the reason for the season.
This one goes out to @AwesomeRob --- What do you think Meryl and Rooney were saying too each other? Or maybe they weren't saying anything. Guess away in the comments.
George Clooney & Jean Dujardin get along famously after the jump.
The Best Actors... What a group eh?
More photos at the Academy's official twitter and over at Zimbio.
Reader Comments (31)
Gary Oldman looks so happy... or should I say, smiley?
Please tell me that shiny golden man is Michael Fassbender... isn't he? ooh yes he is, he appears again with the group of best actors.. right? right? right? :'(
Jean looked adorable today. had me swooning. and that look on Meryl's face is priceless. She looks like she's studying Rooney in case she needs to play her in a bio pic. and Rooney's like aw shucks Meryl you can't handle this.
Jean looked adorable today. had me swooning. and that look on Meryl's face is priceless. She looks like she's studying Rooney in case she needs to play her in a bio pic. and Rooney's like aw shucks Meryl you can't handle this.
Jean looked adorable today. had me swooning. and that look on Meryl's face is priceless. She looks like she's studying Rooney in case she needs to play her in a bio pic. and Rooney's like aw shucks Meryl you can't handle this.
Loving the Brad-Meryl-Rooney sandwich in the class photo. Maybe Fincher sent the two of them in there on a mission to get Meryl to sign on to his crazy antics. Could be a rival to the Aronofksy/Burstyn combo from 2001.
Also, how about a brother comedy with Dujardin and Clooney? Coen Bros? Woody Allen, maybe?!?
Also, was there no group photo of the Best Actress nominees?
meryl is not feeling rooney's... hair? smug face?
I love the look on Thelma Schoonmakers face in the Mara/Streep
Photo. And doesn't Meryl look just a little pissed? You think Mara compared herself to Streep?
Meryl's telling Rooney to stop being such an ungrateful bitch and complaining about old roles she had to play on her way up. Pay your dues and be grateful. That's the Meryl way.
PS did anyone else notice The Schoonmaker in front of Meryl? She was out giving tips on how to win a third Oscar
I love how Jean Dujardin seems to be the only one who has truly enjoyed himself during the entire awards show ride. You can tell he really appreciates just being there.
And I second the Dujardin/Clooney brothers movie. The Cohen Bros should be brainstorming their next movie, starring the two of them.
Is it wrong that I want to polish all of the Best Actor nominees' Oscars ?
Rooney looks like Edith Head without the glasses.
Meryl is probably telling Rooney in her best Ethel Rosenberg voice: "Ya know, if you evah wanna get a second nomination, you have ta act like you're havin' fun."
And it looks like George Clooney has finally met the one man who can out-Clooney him.
You know, even without the Michaels Shannon and Fassbender, I must say that the best actor lineup is my favorite of all the acting lineups this year. I love the actress and supporting actor lineups, but I don't really love the movies. The actor lineup is a bunch of fine actors culled from some pretty incredible movies. (Says a man that loved The Descendants.)
Yeah, is anyone else finding DuJardin a little too forced? You can see Harvey shouting "CHARM HARDER" in the background. Is he gonna be the Begnigni of the oscars?
Meryl to Mara: "You got some explaning to do young lady, you stole the spot of Charlize & Tilda & your not even happy..."
I am surprised Meryl attended this. She usually does not.
Can we get a closeup of the two sound editors from Drive?
Mara: I'm an artiste.
Meryl: Keep telling yourself that, honey.
Rooney is just talking about this and that, while Meryl is thinking in her mind: "Your fringe reminds me my horrible hair in A Cry in The Dark... "
So many Rooney haters here!
Why Mara is nominated over Swinton (or Kirsten Dunst) - I don't know. The most undeserving nomination of the leading races this year.
Meryl was better-dressed at the luncheon than she's been at most awards ceremonies the past few years. Michelle Williams continues to rock the Rosemary's Baby look.
(Also: see third row from bottom, third from left.)
Nic -- here's one of them Lon Bender on YouTube talking about the work.
"I love how Jean Dujardin seems to be the only one who has truly enjoyed himself during the entire awards show ride. You can tell he really appreciates just being there."
This seems a bit unfair. How do you know that, say, Demian Bichir and Melissa McCarthy aren't enjoying themselves?
Dean Peldon is an Oscar nominee, I keep forgetting that. Meryl was all 'you won't beat me this year Rooney'
Meryl's saying "You stole Gilda's place, bitch!"
you guys are acting like a bunch of rooney mara's....
Wardy - it took me a minute to realize what you meant, but LOL! I lol'd