Complete the Sentences. So Far...

My favorite movie of the year so far is _________________ because ________________. The next thing I'm planning to see is __________________ because _____________.
complete the sentence

Reader Comments (26)
My favorite movie of the year so far is Game Change (I know, it's TV, but it was better than anything in the theatres) because Julianne and Woody nail it and they're two of my favourite actors. The next thing I'm planning to see is Damsels in Distress because it's been too long since I last saw a Stilman film.
My favourite movie of the year so far is Game Change because I thought it was really well done and Julianne Moore, Sarah Paulson, and Woody Harrelson were outstanding. HBO always delivers. I'll watch anything they make. Its also the only movie from this year that I've seen, living the life of a student, it is difficult to find time. The next thing I'm planning to see is Titanic 3D, as I never got a chance to see it in theatres (I was 4 years old) and its such a great film. That and The Hunger Games, which apparently everybody in the world has seen but me.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Grey because it is probably the best survival horror movie to come out since The Descent. It's clever, it's beautifully shot and acted, and it's a whole lot deeper than the man vs. wolf marketing campaign would lead you to believe. The next thing I'm planning to see is The Raid: Redemption because it's rare that my brother and I are both excited for a film. Now if they'd only release it wider, faster.
My favorite movie of the year so far is 21 Jump Street because it's the one film so far that made me laugh, made me tear up, had me rooting for the romance, the friendships, Ice Cube's career...it just freekin' works. The next thing I'm planning to see is The Raid: Redemption because I haven't yet.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Hunger Games, because, as a fan of the series, it rightfully kept me at the edge of my seat with such a great adaptation of the source material and a skillful creation of the world of Panem onscreen. My imagination was satisfied. It allowed me to forego my problems with it and just appreciate it for what it is -- the most I've enjoyed in a cinema in a long time. The next thing I'm planning to see is Titanic 3D because I still love it in all its sweeping epicness and great craftsmanship, and I was too young to care when it came out -- so it'll be the first time to see it in the cinema, and 3D or not, I'm there for the experience.
(Note, I stuck to the 2011 North American release calendar with this question. But if I stuck my country's, Moneyball is by far the best I've seen this year so far. The Hunger Games is still up there in my rankings, though.)
My favorite movie of the year so far (like Walter) is also 21 Jump Street because it made me laugh. The next film I plan to see is Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy because it's out on DVD and I can take my time with it, re-watch parts, and watch it more than once.
My favorite movie of the year so far is Friends with Kids. I found it to be a smart, fun, almost Woody Allen-esque portrait of real people I could picture actually knowing or want to know. It unfortunately chose to wallow in some awful rom-com cliches toward the end, but just barely saved itself in the last minute or so, so overall it averaged out to pretty good.
The next movie I plan on seeing is The Upside of Anger with Joan Allen because it will be arriving from Netflix this week. I've been wanting to see that for a LONG time.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Kid with a Bike because its deeply affecting and subtle. The next thing I'm planning to see is Cabin in the Woods because I saw it once and would like to do so again with a crowd.
My favorite movie of the year so far is Cloclo (a biopic on a famous french singer Claude François) because Jerémie Rénier is "formidable" and his character is a prick like the real person. The next thing I'm planning to see is Young Adult because i like Charlize Theron's acting.
My favorite movie of the year so far is "Roadie" because Ron Eldard is outstanding as is Lois Smith as his Mom. The next thing I'm planning to see is "Bully" because it is a film I would like to discuss with my students..
My favorite movie of the year so far is none because I've seen none. The next thing I'm planning to see is something because I really do have to see something!
My favorite movie of the year thus far is The Hunger Games because it appealed to the rabid fanboy in me without offending the film-lover in me too much. The next movie I'm planning to see is Cabin in the Woods, because Joss, obviously.
My favorite movie of the year so far is "Chronicle" because it completely enthralled me from beginning to end and showed how visual effects don' t have to be the story itself. The next thing I'm planning to see is "The Hunger Games" because I fee like I'm obligated to.
My favorite film of the year so far is THE HUNGER GAMES because despite all its flaws it is still a very well done piece of entertaining, compelling cinema with superb acting from all involved.
The next thing I'm planning to see is the Portuguese FIPRESCI Berlinale winner, TABU, by Miguel Gomes, which premieres April 5th here in Portugal. Can't wait.
I haven't seen anything new theatrically this year yet.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Deep Blue Sea because, first off, for Weisz's luminous performance but on second viewing for so much more like the use of colour and lighting the performances of Beale and Hiddlestone and just a beautiful sense of tension and control. The next thing I'm planning to see is Wuthering Heights (2011/2012) because I'm curious to see a new interpretation of it, it's such a curious novel one which is so cinematic and yet so difficult to adapt.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Secret World of Arrietty because it is a visually lush and tangible world. It has a sweet, breezy melancholy and even though it's not top tier Ghibli, it's another solid entry in one the world's richest animation studios.
The next thing I'm planning to see is We Need to Talk About Kevin because I love Lynne Ramsay and it's taken so damn long to get to the Northwest, that I'm just now catching up on it.
My favorite movie of the year so far is John Carter because the only other movie that I've seen so far is Salmon fishing in Yemen, which was fine , but John Carter had a mesmerizing stupidity that won me over. Not to sound like I'm the guy who pitched this thing, but it was like Flash Gordon meets Buckaroo Banzai. Yay! Dumbness. The next thing I'm planning to see is Titanic in 3D, because I want to see that guy hit the propeller and hear that ringing "gong" sound, while the ship hits me in the forehead.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Deep Blue Sea because Rachel Weisz and Tom Hiddleston ignite the screen with tumultuous passion. The next thing I'm planning to see is Alps because I love Dogtooth and I'm dying to see Yiorgos Lanthimos' next installment.
My favorite movie of the year so far is The Hunger Games because it's the only legitimately good movie of the three I've seen this year. The next thing I'm planning to see is Mirror Mirror because I still need to write a review for it.
My favorite movie of the year so far is nothing because I haven't seen any movies anywhere yet this year. The next thing I'm planning to see is "Where Do We Go Now" because I'm astounded that it is going to be shown here in Dallas. Now it is only being shown once, but I am making a point to see it. I hope to walk out of it angry that it was denied an oscar nomination.
My favorite movie of the year so far is Hunger Games because, um, I haven't seen anything else besides 21 Jump Street, which was okay. The next thing I'm planning to see is W.E. because it looks pretty and I want to zone out to a fantasy world of beauty for 2 hours.
My favorite movie of the year so far is either The Kid with a Bike or Perfect Sense because the former is another strong entry in the Dardennes' filmography hampered only by a weak ending, while Perfect Sense has some wonderful ideas (despite uneven execution in the first 2/3) and has an absolutely perfect final act. The next thing I'm planning to see is The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel because I picked it as my next assignment for a blog that I write for.
The best thing I've seen this year is 21 Jump Street because not only is it an above-average comedy, but it also proved to me that Channing Tatum knows exactly what he's doing, and we have a lot to look forward to from him (more comedies that can use his strengths so well, please!). The next film I'm going to see is The Avengers because Whedon.
My favorite movie of the year so far is Chronicle, because it was exciting with an an original story, and also because the only other movie I've seen from this year is Wanderlust (which I thought was funny, but not very memorable). The next thing I'm planning to see is Brave because it looks awesome and will defintely be playing at my theatre.
My favorite movie (theatrical) of the year so far is "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen" because I enjoyed the light humor in the beginning and the inspirational touch it had in the second half. The next thing I'm planning to see is "The Fields" because I'm very excited to see Tara Reid (as a brunette) playing a mother in a dramatic-thriller.
My favorite movie (non-theatrical) of the year so far is "Gentlemen Broncos" because Michael Angarano is such a cutie and Sam Rockwell (as the Superhero turned Tranny Superhero) is freaking hilarious. The next thing I'm planning to see is "Longtime Companion" because I saw a little of on TV and I wanted to watch it from the beginning.