Twins: "Drunk on brandywine... a thimbleful!"

While we're in Gemini, twins! Daily @ 2:22 pm
Don't be angry with me. When I saw them I knew they were for you. Drunk on brandywine... a thimbleful."
Kirsten Dunst is so thoughtful of her co-stars. She gave Vampire Tom Cruise little boy twins* to drink as an apologia for stealing his 1994 would be franchise Interview with the Vampire right out from under his blue veined intensity.
What a gift. Lestat (Tom) tells little Claudia (Kiki) that she's outdone herself but he doesn't know how right he is...
I promise I'll get rid of the bodies."
Poor Tom. It wasn't enough to steal the movie from him, Kiki also generously offers to put him in his coffin. See, sharp toothed sharp tongued little "Claudia" kept the twins warm with laudanum but they're already quite dead. Vampires should never drink from the dead. Best to stay away from twins altogether.
Lestat should have known; twins are two much of a good thing.
*the twins were uncredited, poor things.

Reader Comments (7)
Pssh. Dunst is so behind the times.
Katie's been getting him twin boys for the last seven years.
Ha, on first sight I mistook the twins for Merry and Pippin from LOTR, I blame the appearance of the word "brandywine" because it sounds like a Hobbit name. Only slowly I noticed the presence of a little Kirsten Dunst "vampired" up and realized stupid me didn't recognize one of the movies that have been among my favorites for the longest time immediately. I have to rewatch it some time.
Totally right on Kiki stealing the movie from Tom Cruise. Normally I couldn't care less about him, but here he was really great... but still Kiki is so clearly the best in show here. My favorite moment/quote is actually her saying "I want more" after her first drink of blood as a new-born vampire. It's cute and genuine, but me liking it so much and it being the one scene from the movie that would often come to my mind randomly has probably something to do with this.
When I first saw Interview in circa 1997 it aired on "Premiere" in Germany (a pay tv channel that would always show a bunch of relatively knew movies repeatedly for ca. two months), and while it aired they would always showing an advetising preview montage with short scenes from some of the movies they were currently showing with a voiceover that was all like "you can see all the greatest movies... the newest movies... the biggest stars etc. etc. here on Premiere", and this montage would end with an image of vampire Claudia saying "I want more" . I found this so clever and funny, and of course I liked it because I liked the movie, so it got burned into my mind. And I even feel the urge to tell y'all about it here and now, so kudos to the people who made it.
Long story short: thanks for this post.
@Beau: LOL!
I actually LOVE Tom Cruise in this. He has a lot of fun with the material and that's lacking from most of his work. But Kirsten definitely steals the show.
She really stole the movie from everyone, particulary Pitt who was the weakest link, imo. I liked the movie and I think it has survived time quite decently.
I remember how angry I was back in the day, because sex and sexiness were reduced to a minimum expression compared to the books.
P.S. Sorry, I can't stand Katie Holmes. No need to be "freed", she can stay just there, as far as I'm concerned.
i remember the controversy about Kiki Dunst when the movie is released:some people said her acting was too mature or clever really to be a 12/13 years old teen
I like Tom Cruise in INTERVIEW, even if I know I'm in a minority, as I don't like Pitt in it...but I agree that Kiki steals the show. I was so happy when I read that she was nominated at GG as best supporting actress for this perf and I had hoped an Oscar Nomination would have followed, unfortunately things went differently and Kiki is still waiting for her first nomination...