Link to the Future

The New Yorker a memoir about growing up with B Movies
Aint It Cool News looks back at Alien Ressurection. The Alien franchise is on everyone's brain now that Prometheus is (nearly) upon us.
IndieWire the cooking channel's Baron Ambrosia names his five favorite food movies. Not the usual comfort food answers. The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover? Well done, Baron.
Coming Soon The Avengers will come to home video as part of a 10 disc set of Marvel Universe movies. (Hey they gotta move those Incredible Hulk discs somehow.) Details forthcoming. One billion dollars at the box office clearly wasn't enough booty!
World of Wonder Charlize Theron teaches us to walk like queens. "Just think MURDER..."
My New Plaid Pants today is my friend JA's seventh anniversary online. His blog is still great.
In Contention Michael Mann will chair the Venice Film Festival this year
Emerging Artist Contest Quentin Tarantino is hosting a contest for upcoming filmmakers although finding your own voice here means remixing and mashing film clips from Django Unchained and others... makes sense that Tarantino would want a new voice adept at mixing old voices (sound familiar?) but if you're a filmmaker this contest is definitely worth checking out.
TMZ Lindsay Lohan on "preproduction" set testing out her Liz Taylor biopic look.
Awards Daily has the first promotional photos for Only God Forgives the Refn/Gosling follow up to the great Drive. Including this one...
Rope of Silicon seems that the Andy and Lana Wachowski have finally shaken off the Speed Racer blues with Cloud Atlas arriving soon and Jupiter Ascending which will "reinvent action" in preproduction. Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis will star.
The Mary Sue realizes that Charlize Theron is the coolest girl in the movies while she talks Mad Max and, uh, Game of Thrones. It's weird to me that people are still unaware that Charlize Theron is most awesome when playing herself... but welcome to Charlize fandom one and all.
24 Frames Kristen Stewart wants to make a new East of Eden picture, the James Dean movie being one of those pesky adaptations that sacrifices huge swaths of a book in order to make itself into a great movie. How rude of it!
Reader Comments (3)
The very thought of Kristen Stewart anywhere near an new adaptation of East of Eden is enough to turn my stomach. While I certainly admire her taste in literature and to see her in interviews she seems to have a rather nice personality at times but turn a movie camera on her and all charisma or any sort of acting talent vanishes. She doesn't have nearly the range required for Cathy/Kate, an incredibly complex character, just watch Jane Seymour's brilliant work in the 80's miniseries that covered the entire book to see how difficult the part is. She isn't even right for Abra, a far less taxing role, the girl who comes between the two brothers in the second part of the book. The James Dean version while truncated is an amazing piece of cinema. The mini came close to getting it right the problem with it was as great as Jane was the male leads were weak. A new version would be welcome just not with Kristen Stewart involved.
OT: Nathan Darling,
Have you seen the clips or stills from the new Madonna tour?
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