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Do the Right Link

Cracked 5 true (?) stories of dangerous movie scenes. Reckless endangerment on the sets of Inglourious Basterds, Evil Dead and Carrie, among others.
After Elton "Best Movie Ever? Truth or Dare" well, it's one of them at least! Anyone who ever questions Madonna's magnificence, needs to watch it.
Gothamist The Zeigfeld Theater in Manhattan is losing a million a year and may close. This is terrible terrible news for cinema since it's the only grand theater left in one of the two most important movie markets. It's hallowed ground. The place where I first saw Moulin Rouge! and first saw Michelle Pfeiffer in the pflesh. And so many other great experiences.

BadAss Digest theories on an important deleted scene in The Amazing Spider-Man
Vulture has an excellent interview with Spike Lee on his new film, Hollywood today, and the Obamas.
Salon Who are you, Katie Holmes? 

...and this is my pick for Tweet of the Weekend from Allie Goertz


Coming Soon The Dark Knight Rises and... Charles Dickens?

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Reader Comments (3)

I Am SO WORRIED about the Ziegfeld. I just saw The Amazing Spider-Man there in 3D this past weekend on Saturday and you could have fooled me that the movie was raking in millions of dollars because it was a ghost town at the Ziegfeld. Whenever I have the option of seeing a movie there I make sure to do it because it's so gorgeous and regal and old school and a million adjectives please please please don't let it go away! And to connect this to another link of yours Nat, here's a picture I took of Madonna at the Ziegfeld for the W.E. premiere. Who wants to lose that kind of glamour??? Somebody do something!

July 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJA

If the Ziegfeld is doing that badly there must be something wrong with it. Scratched up projection? Bad sound quality? The place is old afterall, but old can be an asset (especially something with historical relevance) if the renovations are made to keep technology up to par.

July 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthatguy

In addition to creating algorithms, Andrew Garfield always gives them to somewhat difficult masterminds and ends up creating monsters that he has to battle in the end.
He also has it in his contract that he can only act in movies where his character pretends to be a certain webshooter (Boy A), makes sketches (Never Let Me Go), disputes with a concerned and yet supportive character that's played by an Academy Award winner (Lions For Lambs), saves a child from a damaged car (Boy A again), has huge scars on his upper body (Never Let Me Go again), and has some difficulties with a character that's played by an actor born on August the 18th (Lions For Lambs again).
I don't remember a single thing from The Hideousness of Doctor Parnassus, but forgetting that film is probably the best one can do.

July 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWilly
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