Please Vote

by Nathaniel R
Image Source: La Pfeiffer's Instagram
Early voting and mail-in voting have commenced in many states. Here in New York early voting starts today. After I vote this weekend, I'll be on the bus for some canvassing. If you are a US citizen and unable to vote early, make sure to be there on Tuesday November 5 at your polling place no matter how long the line. Most important election ever now that T**** and his constituents have long ago dropped pretenses and are saying the quiet part out loud. They want to turn America into a fascist racist Christian-Nationalist hellscape that aligns itself with oligarchs and dictators around the world and aren't even embarrassed about admitting they admire Hitler and Putin. Basically the movement is as anti-American and anti-Democracy as it gets. We were not designed to elect a king with immunity. That's not how it works and the founding fathers of all political persuasions would never stop throwing up if they could see what the GOP is currently backing. No excuses to sit this one out, people. Harris/Walz 2024. Let's go Blue Wave.
Here are some picks of screen stars talking about voting and the election to tie this back into showbiz...