'Til Link Do Us Part

The Film Doctor usually finds interesting angles. For Hope Springs he interviewed his signifant other on the depiction of marital turmoil and therapy therein.
Final Girl this one is for you horror fans, a funny mashup of The Human Centipede with slasher icons.
The Playlist 15 new stills from P.T. Anderson's long awaited scientology drama The Master
Coming Soon Life of Pi will open the New York Film Festival and...
Awards Daily Flight will close it. (Will Robert Zemeckis and Denzel Washington and Ang Lee all be returning to Oscar's good graces?)
In Contention You've probably read Guy Lodge's Sight & Sound top ten list by now but in case you haven't it's interesting from top to bottom. Somehow I hadn't completely registered that Guy shared my love of Colorogy. So much green and red happening here!
Guardian so Jennifer Aniston is engaged and there's a whole new round of false romcom press narratives happening
NYT interesting observations on the trainwreck spectacle of online confessional blogging
AV Club Jodie Foster to direct a female-led mob drama on Showtime. Interesting... but I sure wish she'd rediscover her love of bigscreen acting instead. There are a lot of directors who are good at helming TV series. There are very few actors who can be Jodie Foster on the bigscreen.
/Film lately I actually forgot Ron Howard existed but they've reminded me that he is making a movie with Chris Hemsworth and the adorable Daniel Brühl called Rush
Film Junkie has behind the scenes photos from 12 Years a Slave
Pajiba on 8 memorable marital fights on TV

Reader Comments (9)
I have really high hopes for Twelve Years A Slave. I think as a visual stylist and a storyteller in terms of tonal and atmospheric control Steve McQueen isn't far from being an elite director, but the script from Shame might have been a bit below him. This story is really ambitious and affecting and I think it could be his true breakout into the top tier of directors in the world, like Boogie Nights was for PTA or Pulp Fiction was for Tarantino. In an interview Paul Giamatti said McQueen was doing something very different from his previous features with this, that it would be much bigger and involve techniques he hasn't yet been known to use. That's exactly what I want to hear and I can't wait for this movie.
Actually Nathaniel, I read somewhere in an interview that it was Jodie Foster who seeked television projects. She said she's very interested in the medium and that to tell the stories she wants to tell, she actually prefers TV to the movies.
And I get that. There's no way someone would do stuff like Nurse Jackie, United States of Tara and others on the movies. Female-led dramedies who are understated and focus on emotions and the little details of our lives? No way.
I mentioned in my review of The Beaver that the concept would be very good for a TV miniseries or even a TV series because in the movie it felt too rushed and left me cold in the end. Glad to see she thinks that way too.
Nathan, you're delaying the inevitable treat of a Timothy Green review? We know it's the worst movie of 2012. It'd be nice to have your unintentionally humorous write-up now.
Do you like Jodie Foster's performance in "Nell"? It seems to be very divisive, but I personally like it a lot.
Love, love that Guy Lodge's list includes everything I complained about that was missing in the big list: recent movies, Woody Allen movies (love Hannah) and films in Spanish. I absolutely worship The Spirit of the Beehive. It's one of those movies I need to rewatch from time to time to remember what movies should be.
Those are nice gets for NYFF, publicity wise, but... Well, not that exciting to me personally, I guess. I'm really interested to see what Zemeckis' return to live action filmmaking looks like, but I can wait the couple extra weeks for its commercial release to find out. And there's no way I'm shelling out $40 (if that's even the price - it'll probably be more) to see Life of Pi in 3-D.
Speaking of Sight and Sound List's, here's my completely honest one:
1. Eraserhead
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. M (sorry, but Metropolis, though visually outsized and VERY ambitious, is kind of dull.)
4. Pandora's Box
5. Bicycle Thieves
6. It's a Wonderful Life (Not a cool choice, I know, but it made me cry buckets. That has to count for something.)
7. Bride of Frankenstein
8. The Night of the Hunter
9. Far From Heaven
10. Kind Hearts and Coronets
However, if I were actually asked to submit a list to Sight and Sound, I'd likely switch out Bride of Frankenstein for Withnail and I (another A+) just for the social importance points. (It ends on an asexual's coming out speech, for goodness sake!). I don't get all the Hitchcock love (none of his films are aesthetically pleasing enough in my eyes for an A+, let alone a top hundred position), but I acknowledge that his stuff is creepy and unquestionably aurally perfect.
volvagia -- i also prefer M to Metropolis
Tyler -- love it actually. it's only divisive because its so sincere and risks being laughed at. but i think she's great in the movie.
jorge -- my objection is not so much to television as to squandering your gifts. She is a movie star who has behaved for some time like she doesn't care to be one. She's not a bad director at all but it's not a once in a generation gift the way her screen power was.
Since y'all are talking about Jodie Foster, it's intriguing to see her reaction to the whole Kristen Stewart deal since it also possibly sheds a light as to why she doesn't do more in front of the camera nowadays... have you read it, Nathaniel?