Favorite Trios! Three Days...

...until Oscar nominations arrive. So let's celebrate with our three favorite threesomes trios this year.
3. The Crown Princes in Brave
I love Hamish, Hubert & Harris primarily because I share their weaknesses for pastries. If I had seen the pastry before them I would have been doomed to a life of furry hibernation. Cast a spell on a pastry and I will be magically defeated. Actually, even without a spell, a pastry will defeat me. Bonus points: we need more ginger characters in the movies. Apparently redheads are going to be gone in 60-75 years time, genetically speaking, so stock up on them now!
2. Royals + 1 in A Royal Affair
King (Mikkel Boe Følsgaard), Queen (Alicia Vikander) and Their Personal Physician (Mads Mikkelsen)
Doctor Streunsee bills himself as the royal's personal physician but he's really more of a political adviser with a pinch of therapist / gynecologist when it comes to this royal marriage. This movie is good. See it.
1. "The B Faces" in Bachelorette Regan (Kirsten Dunst), Gena (Lizzy Caplan), and Katie (Isla Fisher) are
coke-snorting, bed-hopping, mean girls and though they're cruel to each other and especially to their fourth wheel Becky (Rebel Wilson), the one who is no longer a bachelorette, they're actually friends with shared messy history and statis problems. That's an uncomfortable sometime truth of long-term friendships that you don't often see dramatized in movies. Anyway, we can't get enough of them. Or at least we suspect we can't. Doesn't it seem like the type of movie we'll all know by heart in ten years time?
Reader Comments (10)
Introduced my sister to BACHELORETTE and she says it's a big hit with her office. It does feel like the sort of warm (well it's not THAT warm) fun film that could really get rooted in your memory.
I keep trying to work that "Jenna brought COCAINE!" line into regular life. Coming up short, naturally.
Nat -- I actually would love to see a post about your favorite cinema threesomes. There's so many good ones to choose from!
My list would include Charlie, Sam and Patrick from The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
sad man -- ooh, that's a good one, too! I mean, three!
The James Spader bribery trio in Lincoln were the first to come to mind. :)
The Bondurant brothers in Lawless, and this year's other Three Stooges: Ward (McConaughey), Jack (Efron) and Yardley (Oyelowo) in The Paperboy.
Suzy's three little brothers in Moonrise Kingdom, listening to Benjamin Britten on a toy record player.
Continuing the theme of brothers, the three boys in "The Impossible" were truly wonderful and adorable.
Okay, yes, we felt sadder for them than we otherwise would have because they were super cute. We can all admit it. Manipulative movie still stole my heart.
saat ini, jilbab murah online sudah banyak sekali yang berminat. Dengan desain yang unik dan terbaru, jilbab bergo juga masuk kategori Jilbab instan. Ayo donk lakukan pembelian jilbab dan gunakanlah agar dunia semakin indah.