True Oscar Stories: Ann Reinking

Today is Ann Reinking's 64th birthday so do some impossibly precise Fosse moves tonight whereever you are in her honor #andallthatjazz
When I tweeted that this morning the internet saw fit to remind me of her big Oscar moment performing Phil Collins' Against All Odds (1984) and though it was legendarily awful I personally have nothing but fond memories of Reinking from Annie (1982) and Micki & Maude (1984) and her foxy Roxie Hart (pre-movie version). Plus, of course, All That Jazz (1979) which would have been a better Oscar moment had they saw fit to nominate her for Best Supporting Actress that year.
I have only very vague memories of the 1984 Oscars (only my second ? time watching as a kid) and YouTube doesn't help since her Oscar night performance has never been online to my knowledge though I did discover some time-capsule LA Times items about that moment and this oddity from the Golden Globe nominated Movie Movie (1978) while searching for it.
Harry Hamlin's half aroused/half terrified Golden Globe nominated pretty mouth-face is so adorbs, don'cha think? I mean that's the only sane face to pull while watching Ann Reinking doing spread eagles and scissor kicks in a black tearaway gown and blonde afro.
-She sure can sing."
-With every bone in her body."
I wish I could see her number from the Oscars and am suddenly filled with longing for the days of big awful Original Song production numbers on Hollywood's High Holy Night. Which are your "favorites" - scare quotes intentional?
Reader Comments (7)
leland palmer would've been a better supporting actress candidate from all that jazz
overproduced oscar numbers don't come much bigger (or worse) than sheena easton's bondtastic 'for your eyes only'
and, obviously, the rob lowe/snow white debacle
This one isn't a stinker. if you can find it, check out Mitzi Gaynor dancing to Georgy Girl. One of the best Oscar moments ever. They couldn't get the audience to stop applauding so the show could go on. Wonder if that's what Rob Lowe was hoping for?
And didn't Debbi Allen and Paula Abdawful do a bunch of stuff in the 90's?
It was online! I saw it! There was this guy from Texas who used to post the entire show until his account was suspended. He also posted the Emmys and it was a total blast from the past.
I love Ann and I thought she was as classy as usual although my favorite Best Song production was the one with Bernadette in 1987. I also have very fond memories of Irene Cara's "Here's to the Losers". A very simple montage of nominated films that lost best picture.
I watched this movie again last week and it's always Leland Palmer who sticks out for me.
Remember that weird interpretive dance they did to that awful song from Crash? They also had dancers to "enhance" the original score nominees a few years ago, and the dance they chose for The Hurt Locker was truly bizarre.
I too miss the gawdawful BIG PRODUCTION NUMBER for Oscar's nominated songs. I have a particular affection for the 1971 performance of "Thank You Very Much" by Burt Lancaster, Petula Clark, Sally Kellerman and Ricardo Montalban. Without this immortal paen, would the world every have seen Sally warbling and dancing away in "Lost Horizon"? That is some power trio. Sublimely absurd.
oops, power quartet.