April. It's a Wrap

I hope April was a good month for you. On the other hand, if you, like me, weren't having a 'firing on all cylinders' month, you probably missed some goodies. Herewith ten highlights from the month... I mean, besides Reader Spotlight and Best Shot which are always highlights.
Ryan, Tilda, and T-Rex were the stars of the month here at The Film Experience
Jury Duty my stint at the Nashville International Film Festival and the prizes we gave
Can a Bad Sequel Diminish a Classic? Michael asks Burning Questions with flair
Surprise Podcast Joe, Nick and I discussed The Place Beyond the Pines and 1990s flicks
Jude in the Snow I think the highlight of this year's noncommittal April Showers (sorry) was Andrew's piece on Anna Karenina, don't you?
The Oscar That Got Away Judy Garland's immortal star turn in A Star is Born was commemorated with a Best Shot episode
Top Ten Non-Nominated Supporting Actresses (1980s) this was a fun list to make. Perhaps I'll do more
Jurassic Park Featuring Tilda Swinton Yes, Jurassic Park makes me think of Tilda Swinton. Don't judge
Watching You Watching... I asked readers to confess the last three movies they saw, no editing. So fun to read the comments. If only you'd comment this much all the time ;)
Language Barrier? with the release of Kon-Tiki, Tim wonders if we can ever really see a foreign film as it's meant to be seen
Best New Directors of the 21st Century a big discussable Team Experience countdown
Coming in May - Are you ready for summer?
Yes, I'll try to wrap up some loose ends (cough. I know I know) plus we'll look at Iron Man Three, The Great Gatsby (costumes and all), Before Midnight, Benedict Cumberbatch Into Darkness, Cannes films and fashions, Frances Ha and more. We're also trying a little something different this month with two guiding Stars: look out for a handful of Hepburn (Katharine) soon and a tall cool drink of Paul Newman at month's end. If you like those theme weeks maybe we'll try more of them.

Reader Comments (9)
I especially loved the pieces on the Nashville Film Festival and Jude Law in Anna Karenina. I'm SO looking forward to The Great Gatsby. Is it May 10th yet?!
I'm sure everyone's heard that Michael Fassbender and Natalie Portman are set to play the Macbeths, right?
Fassbender as Macbeth is perfect. Portman as Lady Macbeth- absolutely not. Also is British accent is a little tragic.
I seriously read that as, "Can a Bad SEQUIN Diminish a Classic?"
Gah, Drag Race! :D
Loose ends? Charts before Cannes begins?
You're the bees knees!
Chastain for Lady Macbeth!
Speaking of Holy Redheads http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/education-julianne-moore-michael-angarano-450199
I like the idea of a theme week and can't wait for my tall, cool drink of Paul Newman.
Ah, rats. Newman always gets the love. I was hoping for Redford.
My birthday is 30 May so Paul Newman at the end of the month sounds perfect! Particularly as I've seen all the films he was in, and most of what he directed - though I need to track down THE EFFECT OF GAMMA RAYS ON MAN-IN-THE-MOON MARIGOLDS...
Pam -- I love Redford, too. Maybe another time. I had to go with Paul because "Hud" is celebrating it's 50th and it's one of my favorite movies.