A Cluster of Links

articles elsewhere
The House Next Door Aaron Tveit on the rise
Salon Jennifer Wright relays the joy and weirdness of tweeting The Great Gatsby line by line
In Contention Warner Bros will distribute Ryan Gosling's directorial debut How to Catch a Monster starring Christina Hendricks. I'm so excited for this one. I guess it takes a great actor to finally give Christina her due as a potential film star
Guardian looks back at Carey Mulligan's career thus far
Empire Is Joe Wright directing 50 Shades of Grey. If so my interest in the project went from minimal to lots.
The New Yorker on Upstream Color. I feel terrible that I haven't yet seen this movie and loved Primer
three things that made me lol this week that i keep clicking back to
My New Plaid Pants Myrtle mowed down in The Great Gatsby (1949)
Des Hommes et des Chatons hot guys and cute cats in mirror poses
Gosloving "Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal" -- my favorite one is the Lars and the Real Girl. Yours? (Do you think he recoiled at the "date" scene in Silver Linings Playbook)
Something That Bugs Me That Actors Keep Doing...
Typecasting is one thing. It happens to the best of them. But why do some stars willingly dive into roles that are so much like their other roles that you'd be entirely forgiven for thinking they're making a sequel. Why is Timothy Olyphant, for example, who played a Sheriff/ US Marshall on Deadwood and then a US Marshall on Justified taking up another violent sherrif for The Man on Carrion Road? That's the kind of tiny niche that can just wreck your career for anything else (or did I miss some trend where violent sheriffs are ubiqui-hot like zombies?). Isn't it time he played like, I dont know, a chef or a used car salesman or something? And why is Tom Cruise starring in yet another espionage franchise based on a TV series. How will they differentiate The Man From U.N.C.L.E. from Mission: Impossible now as film franchises? Why not just make Mission: Impossible 5. Oh, wait, he's doing that too!?! STOP IT!!!
TV Cancellations
Southland is done says TNT. I'd mourn its loss after a stellar fifth season but five seasons is a good run for any show and often shows nose dive in quality after five so quitting while you're ahead is kind of beautiful. Meanwhile Smash is officially axed as is The New Normal. Is this a dark day for gays who love television or a relief given the obnoxious self-loathing of the former and the preachy self-love of the latter?
You decide!
Reader Comments (11)
johnny depp is confirmed as the wolf in "into the woods". and a james corden will be the baker.
DO you think wright will go with an actress he has worked with for the lead like vikander or ronan,please not cgm.
GOD, i'm going to miss The Megan Hilty Showcase Hour/Smash. That show is capable of the dumbest shit but also, the most fantastic sequences. Anyways, i dont know what they hell they were going to do with a third season anyways.
Upstream Color is definitely something to seek out. I'm mixed. I loved the first half-hour but grew disinterested and found Carruth's acting too lacking. But I know people who really loved it. Amy Seimetz carries the movie the best she can. I hope she gets some notices for awards.
Nathaniel are you going to write an obituary for Smash?
Happy Endings got canceled :(
I'm happy Smash is gone. I love musical theater and they made such a mess of it that it hurt to watch (which is why I stopped).
T Olyphant can do all the bad-ass sheriffs he wants and I will watch every one of them.
Patrick -- I weep for "Happy Endings" too, but I heard that USA may be picking it up.
It's been confirmed that Angela Bassett will be joining "American Horror Story,“ so I may have to start watching it now. It's not a film, but at least it's steady work.
Sadly I had to give up on Smash, I tried to stick it out til the end but I just stopped caring about the show. At least it introduced the world to how awesome Megan Hilty is , so there is always that!
If Michael Cudlitz doesn't get an Emmy nomination then I'm going to scream.
"Norma Jean's gone...she's moving on.." Beyond disappointed to see "Smash" go, mostly because it was never fully realized and took many detours along the way. That said I still watch because with that much talent, it's difficult for me not to. Hopefully there are Emmy nods in the not too distant future for Hilty, Messing, and Bernadette's amazing guest-performances (I'm verklempt just thinking about "Hang The Moon"). Although another network picking it up is not at all looking promising, I'm hoping that "Smash" will have a life after via an actual Broadway production of "Bombshell".