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Kidman in Cannes. Part 5.

Jose here. As the Cannes Film Festival came to its end two very sad things became obvious: first, who knows how long we'll have to wait to watch all the winners on screen and the second - perhaps most heartbreaking of all - is that there will be no more daily Nicole Kidman-sighting anticipation. Queen Nicole couldn't let us down of course and she showed up one last time looking absolutely regal.

Who She Wore:
 custom made Giorgio Armani.
Which Director She's Trying to Lure: ALL of them, This lavish silk dress is essentially a less controversial redux of her infamous bow-dress from the 2007 Oscars only this time she's using subtlety to remind them all that she is indeed a gift to the movie world.
What would Diane Arbus think of this: "I saw you through my window and right away I wanted to take a portrait of you." 

 two more & the wrap-up

A few nights before, Nicole showed up to the premiere of Roman Polanski's Venus in Fur.

Who She Wore: Chanel.
Which Director She's Trying to Lure: 
Considering this happened right after her appearance in that stunning Valentino, this might be the first time she had no one specific in mind. However the flapper-meets-postmodern nature of the dress reminded me of The Purple Rose of Cairo and Woody is one of the few greats Nicole hasn't worked with yet...but still, this was her most disappointing appearance as a jury member, and considering she only gave us five, she could've done better for this one, no?
What would Lady Sarah Ashley think of this: "Mr. Drover, do not take that tone with me..."thank you, very much!"
Before that, Nicole made an appearance at the amfAR benefit where she was a presenter
Who She Wore: Marchesa.
Which Director She's Trying to Lure: 
The dress' cut and flamenco inspired pattern can mean only one thing: Pedro. 
Her short hair however, suggests she's still not over Grace Kelly, is she trying to attract 
What would Grace Mulligan think of this: " Some things you have to do yourself."
Before we get back to a world with no daily Nicole *sniffle*... a quick review
What was your favorite look of hers during the festival?

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Reader Comments (18)

My favorite look was the first Dior. I like the boldness of the top look here and it is the most revealing for her actual age. You never feel like she is working although all of these looks were extremely choreographed and beautifully styled.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMadonna

"the film experience turned into people magazine so gradually i didn't even notice" - marge simpson

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterpar3182

I'm torn between the Valentino and the Armani. She looked lovely in the Dior but it still was too "fairy godmother" for me. She looked like a bonafide movie star in the Valentino and was classy/sexy in the Armani. A draw for me.

A hell no to that Chanel though.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck.

I love all...
the hair, nobody mentions the hair?

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMonatge

Thanks for posting these Kidman series, Jose.
Thank you for not pretending to be "the most credible film blog" that you would ignore the most interesting about Cannes this year, which is obviously Nicole Kidman.

Someone above this post forgot movie is about movie star and Nicole Kidman is one of the last movie star standing..

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMonatge

I loved this series Jose-please tell me it will be back next Cannes with whichever glamorous actress inevitably makes it onto the jury. And for the record, my vote goes to the Dior, though the Valentino is a close second.

And for the posters who have been complaining about this coverage and comparing it to People Magazine, I doubt quite severely that People would make witty observations about Diane Arbus and Pedro. Quite frankly, Nicole herself would likely be relegated behind the latest Amanda Bynes tweet or Real Housewives divorce. Which is sad, and which is why we should be thankful the Film Experience still recognizes actresses and movie stars, both on and off screen.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

i am just glad she has let her fae settle,the face in rabbit hole which diminished the gr8 performance has gone.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermark

I love film and serious film discussion and thought this series fit right in. The festivals and attendant ceremony (including the red carpet which is so much of what Cannes, the grand daddy of them all) is part and parcel of the film world and thank you Jose for doing this.

My favorite was the Armani although I liked them all (even the Chanel (and Nic is one of the few who could possibly pull it off)). But the Armani.......perfect for one of the world's biggest stars who is both film star and serious actress and made the closing statement by being the most regal of all the looks she wore.

I don't think she will work with Woody. Very different sensibilities but I would love to see what she and Pedro could do together.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

THE Valentino and the Dior are my favorites.

This was fun. Thanks, Jose!

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSad man

My list:
1- Valentino
2- Dior
3- Armani

Thank you Jose!

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterVinceItaly

Here are links to two official jury lunches which Kidman attended during the fest:




May 27, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Wow- that is what a movie star should look like.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon

Monatge: don't even tell me about the hair. I'd prepared a whole thing about that but Photoshop decided to stop working and I couldn't do it. But now that you bring it up, that rosette do she got for the Chanel, made up the whole blah-ness of the dress and her dreadlock-like updo with the Armani was to die for! so thanks for giving me a chance to bring it up after all...

John T: if Nathaniel will have me, I'll be glad to be back, although I'm sure neither of us would be as excited with anyone else in the jury as we were with Nic.

john: I know. I saw all those but none were really post worthy I think. They were efficient but didn't really bring much to the table in terms of what I was going for. There's only so much I could say about the Chloe salt and pepper and the Celine coat...don't you think? Thanks for pointing them out though.

As for everyone else, SUPER glad you enjoyed these. I loved writing them.

May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJose

Jose, thank you!

May 28, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterianthe

Jose, you're quite right the only thing you can say is she looks a lady who does lunch! But OMG how do you know she was wearing that, you are in the know!

May 28, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Look at that grand bitch doing WERK on the Cannes runway! I am in the midsts of some serious awestruckness right now.

May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDorian

Thanks Jose
we wish Cannes can be stretched longer this year because we probably will not see Nicole in this scale in US..

She should seriously import John Nollet to whichever place she is having red carpet..

and do you realize she always look best when she is in europe? Somehow the stylist and the artist know her better and probably have better taste...

May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMonatge

Nicole Kidman http://newswingz.com/nicole-kidman-thanked-her-husband/

January 15, 2015 | Unregistered Commenternews
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